Bill McRaven: The Showboating Admiral

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Yesterday, Admiral (Retired) William McRaven, delivered of himself a taunt to POTUS Trump: put me in solidarity with John Brennan, remove my security clearance.

There is a trend among senior military leaders, whose major career opportunities arrived during Democratic Party administrations, of losing their perspective on grand national strategic matters.  They tend to see strategic problems as tactical problems that can be solved with a better targeting network and unlimited authority to do what they want.  Essentially, the military correlate of a social scientist / globalist / control freak’s perspective.

They — and bushels of their fellow civilian government employees — think they ARE the country, they ARE the nation, and they demand for themselves sovereignty to proceed by their own counsel.  Same as DOJ/FBI/CIA/IRS types.  Brennan at least is self-aware that he is doing that.  I doubt McRaven is.

The coward could renounce his own clearance, turn it in himself as protest against POTUS Trump and announce it in public.

But no, he wants to showboat, along with hundreds of editorial boards, and on the same day they do.  Collusion indeed.

Exactly what McCaffrey and then McMaster, really just aping McCaffrey, gigged Vietnam-era GOs/ADMs for not doing: resigning in protest.

So relative to that standard, McRaven also is derelict in his duty to put his life and honor where his assessments are.

So sad to see great men turned up-side-down by their own egos.

I remember my transit agency management thinking they are the omnipotent purpose and goal of the agency, that the agency exists to please them and further their careers and wants.  They made many expensive decisions appeasing that arrogance and leaving passengers and drivers stranded in numerous sorrows.  Its name is Socialism: all for the government, all in the government, nothing outside the government . . . where government = department and agency functionaries (public employees!) and their media partners.  Not Congress, POTUS, and the Judiciary.  Department and agency employees and their media partners!  So whoever in departments and agencies has hands on mechanisms of government and whoever in media controls news propagation is omnipotent and not to be questioned.

Most un-American.

Were I to point out the locus of decrepitude in the USA today, I would point to functionaries/employees at federal, state and local departments and agencies and their media partners.  I would not point to politicians, despite the patent decrepitude of so many, so very many.  Such are known dogs who can be decertified.  The unknown dogs in departments and agencies — and who cannot be decertified without expenditure of supernatural energy and effort — are pulling, bending, and shredding Americans’ America . . . towards Socialism.  They and their coalition partners, media/entertainment companies, are doing that.  That coalition is evil’s live battery in the USA today.

Here is a measure of the decrepitude of the department/agency/media coalition.

The bright side of the picture is that the functionaries — the unknown dogs — and journalists, although determined, are stupid and ignorant and very far from omnipotent.  In addition, they have set themselves against The Face of God, which is to say Nature, Reality, Logos.  So there is no reason to fear them and every reason to expose them, over and over again until their puissance subsides to nuisance.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: One might ask: Who manufactures evil’s live battery in the USA today?  Answer: The Professoriate.

Update 2: Gold Star parents, Billy and Karen Vaughn: Statement to Sara A. Carter regarding ADM (Retired) Bill McRaven

Update 3: David Archibald: Advice for Our Vietnamese Friends on China

Update 4: McRaven sold out to the devil:

And now this.  🙁

And then this.  🙁

Who The Hell Do They Think They Are? . . .  referencing Bill McRaven’s call to mutiny


Lauren Hanley
Lauren Hanley

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