The Project To Queer Theology [Christianity]

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Colleges offer courses on ‘queering’ children, the Bible

Apparently the writer neglected to survey The Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York.  This “project to queer theology [Christianity]” is ancient history there.  Started by Jim Cone and Bev Wildung, it conquered the institution by at least two decades ago.

Harvard and the others mentioned (to include UPenn and USanFran), are behind the curve if they are just coming to this.  I suspect the just coming to this is the writer, not the so-called schools.

And no one wants to study correlation of this project with declining church attendance.  ECUSA to drum the patriarchy out of the BCP, Hymnal and Bible, declare defective half of humanity and any of the other half who appreciate them?

The prelacy cannot bend over far enough, cannot abjure their responsibility thoroughly enough, to appease the concupiscence of queers.  Even annihilating the Trinitarian Formula, the Nicene or any other Creed, the Prayers, the Hymns, the Sermons, the Vestments, the Implements, and the Bible would not convince the mob of queers that the prelacy is on their side.  Destroying the sanctuaries, or better, turning them into bathhouses would help.  But nothing can appease concupiscence, which is why queens maul one another.  Every mob comes after its own.

Augustine observed this phenomenology in North Africa, then a wealthy, celebrated region of the Roman Empire.  He wrote extensively about concupiscence.  Concupiscence is an appetite literally to collect the world to one, to force the world into oneself, under one’s domination so complete as to inhale and absorb the world, to consume it, eat it up lock, stock, and barrel.  Concupiscence is not appeased until the world no longer exists, only oneself with all that had been the world inside.

Medieval teratologies depict concupiscence as an headless body with its mouth at its stomach.  Sometimes called gluttony, concupiscence is orders of magnitude more than gluttony, which is eagerness to over-eat or over-drink.

One of the reasons government functionaries must leave citizens to manage their own affairs is that this forces citizens to use their hands, figuratively and actually, in their own development.  When government functionaries are trying to control ever more of citizens’ lives, citizens have less and less to do with either their minds or their hands.  Those assets of citizens are idled by nanny-state functionaries.  And idle hands are …. we know the rest.

Speaking of North Africa, you know who is delighted to see “the project to queer theology [Christianity]?”  Moslems.  No doubt they are encouraging the project on the campuses because any opportunity to confuse Christians and the civilization their ancestors built contributes to Christians’ losing ability to defend themselves and their civilization.

The true name for “the project to queer theology [Christianity]”: Gaslighting.

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