Guards Changing

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Don Deffley and his Mike (Mikado), Kitsap Live Steamers
Don Deffley and his Mike (Mikado), Kitsap Live Steamers

I think in this PA vote, especially its closeness, we see voters looking to sweep away the D-R UniParty by trying a younger generation to represent their Trumpian interests and especially that generation’s best element: its Warriors.

My point is, a lot of Trump voters voted for Lamb because they felt on matters key to them Lamb presented a better chance to hold the line for Trump issues than the Republican did.

It is a calculation.  Whether they calculate accurately or not is not my point.  The point is they are calculating how best to keep Trump outlooks/issues alive.  They like what Trump stands for and are looking for candidates they calculate will keep those stands alive.

It is why they are choosing, not the accuracy or inaccuracy of their choice, that I see as very important.  And that’s my point.

And if I am right about that, then the voters are looking to sweep away the D-R UniParty, try as they may, hard as it is with just one vote, but they are trying.  Both D and R voters.  They like what Trump stands for and know UniParty stands against them.  They are trying to get rid of the UniParty, hard as doing that is.  Codevilla said years ago that they will find a way to do it and he was right about that.

Remember, it’s not Trump personally.  He said so, he is just the messenger and agent of a general will to off-load the tyrannical UniParty, the one who never gets punished for doing far worse than what they would give us life in solitary for doing if they could.  And they are trying to get to being able to do that.  Trying to avoid that fate, making calculations this way and that, whether accurate or not, is what I see in the vote pattern in PA-18.

The evidence supporting the view I express here is the closeness of the vote.  PA-18 is still a Trump district by 20 points.

There is also the point that voters understand that most Boomers have been terrible parents, terribly self-aggrandizing, terribly kleptomaniacal, terribly self-promoting, terribly promiscuous, terribly drug-addled, terrible liars and hoarders, terribly ignorant, terribly sententious, terribly scornful and terribly anti-American … and voters, to include not a few Boomers, are searching for candidates who cherish and will represent and protect them, consistently, for a batch of years.

Note that voters are turning to young military veterans, warriors: Gabbard, Cotton, Duckworth, Ernst, Bacon, Zinke, Mast, McSally and others.  In recent years, the number of warriors in Congress diminished drastically.  Not coincidentally, as Vietnam warriors left Congress, Congress went globalist, meaning, queer.  As OIF and OEF veterans head for Congress, Congress will return to its mission of protecting USA citizens and national sovereignty rather than, as of late, abandoning both to the wolves in consideration of payment from the wolves.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Austin Bay: “… the vain goblins at the Council on Foreign Relations ….”

Update 2: Gabbard’s Presidential Run Strikes Fear In DNC Heart

Update 3: David Archibald: Advice for Our Vietnamese Friends on China


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