Dirt Bag Media / Dirt Bag Politicians

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Evergreen State College is owned by the taxpayers of Washington State.  Faculty, staff and politicians premise that their grads have no jobs ahead of them and that they can destroy vestiges of living-wage morale and productivity by de-platforming entrepreneurs and knowledge-based skills.  And they want warm bodies for conducting their chaos and confusion operations in front of cameras. So they tantalize — or try to — students with the excitement of activism (chaos/confusion operations pro camera) and the expectation (hope) of employment by an activist (chaos/confusion-generating) NGO.

They are offering students blood from turnips, at taxpayer expense.  However, this does serve the purpose of wreaking a universal chaos and confusion, by releasing their maimed and crippled students and faculty into circulation outside academe.

Meanwhile, freeway and major state highway truck traffic has increased steadily and dramatically during the past year in Central Puget Sound.  The nation is back in motion, back at work.  The darkening pall of fear and inaction is being set aside, if only just a little, and with that come reminders of what freedom feels like.  It feels good.

And who exactly made that happen?  We all know exactly who did it.

Lewis Amselem has posted his thoughts on California, North Korea, South Africa and The Seychelles.

There is a pattern to recognize: our [in their minds] betters and rulers are lowlife.  They are dirt bags in the true sense of the epithet.  Jesus called their likes White Washed Tombs.  Swami calls them Zeros.  Their impulses are those of puritans, pharisees, trailer trash, lowlife, here again to harrow normal people.  Ordinary mortals spit at these dirt bags’ figurehead using epithets such as Zerobama and Nobama.

Point being, these are people undeserving of responsibility to govern.  Their own recent consigliere acknowledged the fact, stating forthrightly that they would rule, not govern.  They cannot govern because they are lowlife and therefore do not know how to govern.  They only can rule, dictate … pen and phone.

But America rejects rulers.  Always has, always will.

St. Jerome said, A vestment does not make a Bishop.  A person unworthy of an office cannot discharge the duties of an office if they chance to occupy it.  Such a person can only use the prestige and potence of an office they occupy to deform and undue the office and themselves along with the lives and fortunes of those for whom, by the terms of the office, they are stewards.

Comes Kamala Harris, a Revolutionary California Democrat who says California is the future.  She does not say of what, but she means of the USA and her occupation of the White House.  She should know.  All her life she has been drawing California into her darkening pall while cultivating ambition to take the rest of the world in there with her.  A woman of gargantuan concupiscence.  An Ogress full-blown.

For decades it was observed that California leads the nation.  Kamala’s futurism — to include with her person in the van — depends on that observation remaining accurate.  It has not done so and gets less likely to do so by the minute.  Notwithstanding:

Kamala was born with a silver spoon in her mouth as the saying had it.  Neither of her parents was American.  She has no intention of fostering USA interests or citizens and every intention of ignoring the one and looting the other.  She has no loyalty to the USA.  She cares about our nation not one tinker’s dam.  She is more formidable a threat to USA and world-wide welfare than was or is The Chosen One.

The root of the Hindi name Kamala means lust, desire.

There is a saying from India: Bind kama (desire) to karma (work) and karma (work) to dharma (propriety).  This is the way to Brahma (God).

There is another saying from India: Ram (God) and Kam (Lust) do not mix, they will not co-exist.

This is a warning order regarding Kamala Harris.  She is blindingly attractive anti-American lowlife.  There is no grandeur in her soul and she relishes wringing the same out of any who have it.  Physically she is stunningly gripping.  She is not and has not been circumspect using that phenomenology to have her way with whomever and whatever.  She has the inside track on the 2020 Democratic Party nomination for POTUS and likely will achieve that goal of hers.  Her competition for that opportunity is Michelle Robinson.  She, too, is lowlife, stunningly gripping — above the shoulders — and she is a skilled standup philosopher.

So to where does one turn for leadership for USA?  Clearly, not to colleges and universities, especially not to soft/social science departments and graduates.  And certainly not to young graduates thereof.  To wit:

One turns to men and women with at least two and preferably three decades of work experience post university outside government and academe.  More specifically, one turns to people who build things that are useful to others and appreciated by them.  Topping the list should be Soldiers — preferably from combat arms backgrounds — and Senior Leaders of Basic Industries — to include, agriculture, finance, petrochemicals, metallurgy, construction, equipment manufacturing, transportation (air, sea, land and space), armaments, distribution/retailing and communications.

Unless they have spent at least two decades producing value outside academe, or successfully rehabilitating and reforming academe, teachers and professors should not be turned to for government service.  They should not exist on any list of potential leadership in government.  Schoolmen and churchmen are fit, one hopes, for their narrow but important roles in life, society and culture.  As schoolmen and churchmen they have absolutely no business handling levers and dials connected to the mechanisms of government.

To judgeships should be appointed men and women with a long and consistent record of upholding the laws of the United States and its sovereign constituents while presuming not to (1) construe the same in manners novel or unintended by the citizens’ representatives who made them, or (2) construct their own de novo.  This is not difficult.  Appoint to the bench men and women whose impulses struggle for impartiality and thoroughness regarding both law and facts.

Look for leaders with a high quotient of nobility about them.  Not titles of nobility or senses of entitlement and not Dirt Bag Media halos.  Nobility of character.  And see that nobility is matched with quick brilliance of intellect and a systemic preference for action, audacity and finely polished finished work.  A perfectionist who grasps the dynamics of labor to an objective and can roll with and through the punches sure to be met along the way of getting the job done, period.

And do not forget to refer to our charming journalist lowlife as Dirt Bag Media and our adorable politician criminals as Dirt Bag Politicians.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: A commenter at Power Line puzzles why some Republicans/Conservatives hate POTUS Trump, i.e., the #NeverTrump-ers.  I responded: think D-R UniParty (what Reynolds and Codevilla call “the ruling class” and I call Lowlife) and it makes sense. There are trillions of crony capitalist dollar, hundreds of thousands of deep state careers and vast amounts of protected lawlessness at stake. And that is just USA’s silk-sheeted Lowlife.

Update 2: A commenter at Don Surber wrote about Tom Brokaw’s complaining that POTUS Trump called Chuck Todd an SOB:

Tom Brokaw: Why are you calling a journalist an SOB?

Donald Trump: Why are you calling an SOB a journalist?

Update 3: A post at Power Line by Paul Mirengoff drew piquant commentary from the house guests.  Paul’s subject — actual subject — was his sententious spite for POTUS Trump’s public lack of Liberal Jewish hypocrisy in matters of private decorum.  He, a retired litigator, inferred, by choice of metaphor, that there is a case against POTUS Trump.  I commented:

… evidence that tilts the case …

Case, what case?  In what jurisdiction?  Who is presiding?  Who is the prosecutor, the jury, the defense and prosecution witnesses?  Is there a defense attorney?

The law court is not the only metaphor for our life together.  Or, if it is used as such, such as the Hebrew Prophets do, very consistently, then the defendant is a nation, not an individual, and the charge is unfaithfulness, not philandering, although the latter they use as a metaphor for the former.  She-camel in heat sniffing the air for an accommodating god comes to mind as one of the myriad of Prophetic graphic metaphors for the chosen people’s infidelity.

No, if you would use the law court as a general metaphor for life, then, by Prophetic precept and example, you are obliged to raise the questions at trial orders of magnitude above entertainment.  Failing that, there is no case, just the common, entertaining hubbub of life, seasoned here and there with sententious spite.

Update 4: Kurt Schlichter: Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too

Update 5: Don Surber: Things Journalists Believe That Are Untrue

Update 6: VDH: President Nobama


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