A Mother’s Love

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



O, Mother mourns her child’s death,
Love and joy she lays to rest,
Death has taken her life away,
Emptiness is in her breast.

Eat all your food dear!
What do you mean,
You can’t eat your chicken?!
Ymmmm …. it’s good for you,
Make you big and strong.

Darkness, darkness fills the light.
They have killed my child today,
Taken him from my side,
Left me forlorn and crying.
Only sorrow, tears and night.

Eat your hamburger, honey!
Don’t fill up on French fries.
Hamburger is full of protein that You need ….
You’ll waste away!

O God! …. Look at my child dying,
Alone in the sun!
Please take pity, he’s so small.
Throw him back! He’s only one!
Let the waters surround him.
Bring the life back to his breast.
O God! …. They won’t stop killing my baby.
I am being put to the test.

Baby cakes …. Eat your fish.
Here, I’ll pick it up
And swim it up to your mouth.
Here it comes …. Swish …. Swish ….
Take a big bite! Good boy!

Mother! Mother! Save me! Save me!….
My brother is dying, sister is dead.
Won’t you save me?! I am next!
O, Help Me! Help Me! Here they come.
Mother please get up. Are you gone too?
Then I don’t care! Kill me also ….
Nothing’s left!

Would you like all sausage or
All bacon, or two of each?

Human mothers! Sympathize
With your sisters’ piteous cries.
Their children die,
They weep, they cry, their hearts are torn.
Their eyes remember
Their babies’ faces, their babies’ touch ….
Sorrow so deep, only God can comfort.

Recall your own grief,
Your own sadness.
Don’t ignore your first emotions.
As a child you saw before you ….
The chicken murdered by your parents,
The cow begging for its life,
The small fish dying in your bandage box,
The tears you cried,
Your refusal to eat your pet.

Remember the Mother as you eat.
See Her face in your plate.
Hear Her cries in your bites.
Taste Her tears.
And then remember your son,
Your daughter, in the world.

Change your hearts from rocks
To softness.
Eat no more your sisters’ babies.
Teach your children truth, not lies!
Keep your heart pure and sweet.
Make all babies’ lives complete!

MaryRuth Christine Graham
Adwaitha Hermitage
During Mass, June 30, 1991



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