
Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Refit to situation where Christianity is taken by Christians as one among several equally valid and viable religions, where faith in Allah, for example, is recognized for being as potentially salvation-producing as faith in Christ is.

In light of this:

  1. bring iconography and musicography into line
  2. define ‘ecumenical’ as between religions, not denominations
  3. redo the Mass
  4. clean up the Scriptures
  5. redo ethics
  6. redo the biography of Jesus
  7. get truthful
  8. redo clerical selection and training
  9. foster religious.

These principles will be espoused by the Anglican Communion, comprising the Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed, United, Congregational, Christian Scientist, Huguenot, Baptist, Friends, Christian, Brethren, etc., Churches:

  1. Sin is errors that can be corrected.
  2. The Doctrine of Original Sin as ordinarily taken is an overdrawn misunderstanding.

The Church comprises three elements:

Laity Clergy Religious
Service Devotion Education
Christ Father Holy Spirit
Siva Brahma Vishnu

Requisite piety for modern conditions, and futurely, is eremiticism, not coenobiticism.

God and Church, Christ and Creation are indistinct but not identical.

Ordination is employed to recognize one who is regenerate, believing and called and cannot be employed for one who does not possess these three qualities.

Individuals practicing homosexual behavior are incapable of spiritual discipline because they place their creative capacity where it cannot be productive. In Vedic parlance, they are Yakshi (‘male’ in ‘female’ body) and Yaksha (‘female’ in ‘male’ body). Their nature is violent cowardice. They have an identifiable agenda (sodomizing children), and they are not ‘neutral.’

Anita Ekberg
Anita Ekberg

Instead of ameliorating suffering, we should stop causing it.

The Sacraments are ineffective in and of themselves. Their only use is as media in the hands of a Living Master.

The spiritual and moral estate of the minister is the nature of the ministry. Vestments do not make a bishop, baptism does not make a Christian and ordination does not make a priest. One receives ‘ministry’ from an impostor on pain of soteriological disaster.

Of the five questions, Who? Why? What? Where? When?, the important one is: ‘Who?’

An individual who is overwhelmed with ego (‘I am this body.’ ‘I do or am this or that.’ ‘This or that is mine.’) ceases to do God’s work and God is effectively not evident in that individual. An individual from whom ego is removed is God’s source, regardless of their religion.  Emptiness is Godliness.

One God (having many Names)
One World (His vesture)
One Race (humanity)
One Caste (His playmates)
One Religion (the religion of Love)
One Language (the language of the heart)



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