To The Back Of It: Observations Of The Commentariat

The commentariat, socialist and libertarian, are not getting to the back of this thing, or they have and are afraid to say what they saw, or are trying not to believe their eyes, or do not want to spill the beans.

Probably the truth includes all four possibilities but mostly the first.  The commentariat for the most part have not got to the back of what is going on.  Some have been trying, but not hard enough.

The spending programs are not meant to socialize the nation much less to help her economy or political evolution.  They are meant to wreck the nation, to destroy her utterly.

This crowd wants a new Constitution that empowers them only and enslaves, expels or extinguishes everyone else.

They descend not from Marx and Spock but Fanon and Orwell, with a twist.  Instead of Four legs good, Two legs bad., it is now Black/Mohammedan good, White/Anything Else bad.

They are neither socialists nor progressives.  Bill Clinton and Gordon Brown are progressives.  Liberal arts faculties and entertainment industries are socialists.  This crowd are racists.  For them, socialism is a caravansary on the way to racial tyranny.  Think Zimbabwe.

The box of DVDs to the British PM was a “mirror and tweezers” to the entire European-American-Asian historical development that produced the structure of laws and institutions named the United States of America.

The “Tea Parties” are what this crowd wants.  For them they are good news:  they show that their programs are working, making hurt from causing a wreck.

This crowd is bonding the United States to her historic backbone and character with the same irony whereby Edward I hammered the Scots into an enduring nation, in no time at all.

Their immediate need and therefore goal is to prevent any more elections worthy of the name.  And to this goal they are applying themselves with the utmost assiduity.

Eadem Mutata Resurgo
Jakob Bernoulli (1654-1705)



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