The Ulster-Scots

Words For The Family

If the Ulster-Scot backbone of the United States could be weened from biblical literalism to biblical symbolism, the range of its operation would be dramatically increased and the field for its creative power dramatically expanded.

Weening Ulster-Scots from biblical literalism to biblical symbolism would be comparable to straightening the backbone of a man still noble and stubbornly active despite being bent over by calcification or paralysis.

The effect would be dramatic, salutary beyond description, first for Ulster-Scots themselves and then for the nation as whole, whose existence depends absolutely on the functions and creations of their spirit.

Eadem Mutata Resurgo
Jakob Bernoulli (1654-1705)

The Engine Of Evolution / In Appreciation Of Beauty

Scripture (St. Jerome) is the engine of evolution, not adaptation (Lamarck), not argumentation (Darwin), although both of those functions operate to effect in the process called evolution.  Evolution, also, is accompanied by devolution and involution.  Life is a three-strand thread.

Where there is being, there is the logos of being.

Brahma Kavi.  God is the Poet.  The Poet is God.  The Word is one.  Universe turns to one because it is Scripture, Word, Evolution/Involution, One, Logos.



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