Communism In The Right Direction

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

In addition to universal suffrage, with parents voting their minor children’s proxies, how about extending the concept and national service standards of the National Service Academies to all members of all the professions: all academic faculties, all doctors, all clergy, all lawyers, all military and para-military, all engineers?

Then, let all academic, medical, religious, legal, and engineering services be freely available to all citizens.

All professional schools become federal, state or local property.  All students at those schools are paid to attend in addition to being fully supported by the sponsoring governmental entity.  Upon graduation, all students are guaranteed employment in the sponsoring governmental entity in a Government Service (GS) pay grade.

All professional guild activity, from schools to practitioners, is drug-free.

All professional school faculties, students and graduates teach, study and practice in a GS pay grade, either federal, state or local.  An exception, comparable to that for graduates of the United States and State Merchant Marine Academies, should be available for engineers.

A professional who does not want to continue in professional service, that is, in a GS pay grade, may leave the profession and become an entrepreneur or a tradesman after five years of Government Service in the profession in which they trained.

An exception, as noted, should be made for engineers, after five years of Government Service, to practice their profession, even though learned at government expense, for an entrepreneur outside a Government Service pay grade.

Entrepreneurs and trades are on their own, free and encouraged to operate to their hearts’ content, so long as they are clean and fair.  They face minimum necessary regulation and taxation, just enough to maintain the professional services, which are meant to serve them and the rest of the citizenry without charge effectively and impartially.

Clergy must acknowledge the legitimacy of all religions and the supremacy or superiority of none or not serve as clergy.

Their ordaining agency is their guild and their ordaining authority is, as always, God.  Overall, for every religion, there should be no more than one cleric for every five hundred congregants.  One per thousand would be better.  There should be few clergy of any religion.  Those only who are silent, eschewing diarrhea of the mouth, especially in public, should be recognized as clergy.

All religions are required to operate on real property only as a family inside their home or as a group of families inside a Religion Park.

The watchword for clergy and religions is, be quiet, do your job and get along.  Do not under any circumstances or for any reason proselytize or evangelize for your or any other religion.  Teach, worship, pray and be faithful.  Keep to yourself, leave others to themselves except to encourage them in the religion of their calling.

No one’s religion is illegitimate, inferior or superior.  Do not condemn or malign any religion or seek or declare ascendancy of your religion over that of another.  On the contrary, publicly affirm the legitimacy of each religion and its adherents, yours and the rest.

Be grateful for all of God’s acts of Grace and for the power of Grace itself.


Public affirmation of the legitimacy and equality of all religions is a condition of ordination, which occurs within the guild of clergy who represent the ordaining religion.

Ordination is an act of Grace bestowed by God through a guild of clergy, all in a GS pay grade, who represent a religion.

Finally, do not under any circumstances or for any reason request or demand that government recognize in law one religion as supreme, superior, better or favored, etc.  That would be establishment of religion and is rightly proscribed by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Taking lawyers and their schools and students into GS pay grades will lighten the litigation load of courts, decrease crime by making it less likely to be excused by sophistry and release time, money and energy for culturally constructive creativities.

A complainant should have a choice of three lawyers, successively or concurrently, to pursue their complaint, all of them in a GS pay grade, as will be counsel for the accused.

Similarly, medical patients should have a choice of three doctors, successively or concurrently, to pursue their complaint, all of them in a GS pay grade.

And all without charge.

The professional guilds set their own standards and procedures and enforce them internally.  The core standard for all is self-less service to the nation.  All professions are learned, taught and practiced in a GS pay grade with the exception, as noted, for practicing engineers after they have completed their five years of government service.

Suitors for any professional help should have opportunity to sue the government for untimely provision or insufficiency thereof but not for misfeasance or malfeasance by the professional providing the service.  Mis-and malfeasance should be matters of internal discipline by the professional guild affected.



The moral principles Adam Smith accurately identified as causing the wealth of nations are thus implemented in modern circumstances.

Communism, or as moderns prefer, socialism, is the brainchild of the professional guilds, not entrepreneurs or trades.  The reason is professionals cannot or do not have time to grow their own food, make their own clothes, build their own homes.  So they seek ways to regularize their logistics train, and inevitably they ask government to do that for them.

Government should do that for them.  With the exception of military as a class and some other professionals as individuals, professionals are basket cases when it comes to providing their own necessities of life.  Government should stabilize by guarantee the necessities of life for all professionals.

Professionals have only government for support and government should give it to them.  Eliminate their worry.  Believe me, the fevers in minds, motions and emotions will dissipate in a hurry.  Put professionals in charge of themselves and let them perform their callings and their activities will only benefit every creature on earth.

Professionals want socialism, give it to them.  Give it where it belongs, to professionals.  Socialism is a disaster the way professionals think to impose it, namely on entrepreneurs and trades.  Professionals have a reasonable, achievable goal — provide and maintain their larders, wardrobes, walls and roofs — but the means that occur to them, imposition on entrepreneurs and trades, are unreasonable, ineffective and self-destructive.

An irony of all impositions of Communism/socialism on entrepreneurs and trades, who out-number and out-skill professionals in mundane matters, is that the first for slaughter under the new order are the professionals.  In their lust for domination by means of socialism, professionals neglect to foresee this reality, even though over a century of experience demonstrates that its inevitability is not in doubt.

Professionals dreamed up and wanted Communism/socialism, they own it, they want it, let them have it, give it to them.

Communism, or as they prefer, socialism, is the modern professionals’ try for tyrannical selfishness towards everyone else.  Its root is professionals’ fear of hunger, cold and exposure.  This fear of theirs is appropriate but their response to it is not.

However, Communism rightly directed is.  Professionals get the moral answer half right, which is not good enough.

All that is needful is to redirect professionals’ considered and erroneous means for solving their existential problem to ones that do.  Military professionals are far ahead of others in this matter.  The others need to catch-up.


Our people are hungry for what West Point is.

Communizing or socializing the professional guilds is the appropriate response to their existential fear.  It will calm them down, they will be perfectly happy, there will be far fewer of them taxing everyone else every which way they can and the whole nation will settle down and just be strong and happy.

Let government do for all professionals as it does already for military professionals.  Give them the same structure of being and the same high mission of a life-time of selfless service to the nation that military professionals already enjoy and thrive in.

Among other benefits, this will ease jealousy of military by other professionals, which is the inner reason other professionals bear enmity towards and ignorance of military personnel.

Government-supported whole professional service that is drug-free — as military and para-military are already — will stand the United States up inside one generation.

And of course, to make this work and bring all full circle, academic, medical, religious, legal, and engineering services must be freely available to all citizens.  Let professionals do their work by themselves, in charge of themselves and their clients.

No one on earth excepting another professional of the same guild can or should infringe or impede the judgement of a professional of the that guild, least of all one of their clients.

It is government’s job to ensure that is the case by training and supporting professionals — academic faculties, doctors, clergy, lawyers, military and para-military, engineers — and guaranteeing them the basics of life and unhindered practice of their profession.

This is Communism, or socialism if you prefer, in the right direction.



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