What Women Want

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Scott Johnson at Power Line posts today a preview of an article, in the current issue of the Claremont Review of Books, about Tom Wolf on what women want.  I commented as follows:

Mike Enerson: Except for soap operas. And warnings from mother and sister about gold diggers.

I think it is even more specifiable than simply marrying up. I think it is marrying for protection, for themselves and for children they will bear and raise. Money is one but not the most reliable measure of that.

Women are deeply vulnerable to a huge array of threats and know that they are. No one has to get inside a man for him to have children. But someone has to get inside a woman, literally, for her to. That is the definition of vulnerability.

Women want to be free inside a dependable perimeter, namely their man — first father and then husband — successfully protects them in all aspects of life and happily will give his life for her and, once married, children she has with her husband.

Update 1: A story from Ammo Grrrll

Update 2: The Myth of the Peaceful Woman


Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

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