Fresh Frames Of Reference

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



The frames of reference of two areas of American activity, at least, are well past their use-by dates.  One is academe and the other is geopolitics.

This means the entire academic curriculum is well past its use-by date. Chaos is a sign of purposelessness presenting as disorganization.  Time to start fresh, without assumptions, with: what is the purpose and, implied therein, the structure of inquiry?  Make it grand and fun.  Here is a suggestion with related here and here.

This means the entire geopolitical framework is well past its use-by date.  Attack is a sign of confusion presenting as loss.  Time to start fresh, without assumptions, with: what is actually happening around the globe and what thereof and therein fosters expansion of spiritual, intellectual and material wealth of the United States of America?  Make it thorough and liberating.  Here is a suggestion with related here and here.

Update 1: Finger in the eye of race hustlers.

Update 2: Comment at Rantburg:

An odd Catholic priest of Cape Cod
Clandestinely married a Prod
And groused to her spouse
In their outermost house,
Could you please paint the seeward facade?

Update 3: Sultan Knish: De-Islamization Is The Only Way To Defeat ISIS

Kurt Schlichter concurs.

Update 4: U.S. Must End Addiction To Batchelor’s Degrees

Update 5: Here an opportunity opens: Russia abandoning Assad.

Update 6: Feds Hammered For Secrecy On Muslim Refugees

It’s simple: DoS and DHS are sending refugees to Republican Congressional Districts.

Update 7: Michael Ledeen: Who Is IS?

Update 8: Pope Francis’ Encyclical Is About More Than Climate Change.

Update 9: The Saudi Connection: Wahhabism and Global Jihad, and related: Qatar.

Update 10: Saud meets karma

Update 11: Ignore The Dire Warnings About Our Lives Because It’s Just Hysteria

Update 12:  A most compelling post, thank you! Puts me in mind of Teilhard de Chardin, who saw in the hard sciences of geological and paleontological process and result the phenomenology of divine life, of God alive and kicking, so to speak. A novel immanentalism of sorts, precedented but unique in the history of Christian thought. Here Fernandez sees in structural engineering attitudes phenomenological actualities of social engineering assumptions, deftly expressed. Other commenters also appreciate this post’s brilliant helpfulness.

Update 13: The Distributional Effects of U.S. Clean Energy Tax Credits [spoiler: helps rich, hurts poor]

Update 14: Putin’s Syria Play Means West Must Rethink Everything

Update 15: Institute For The Study Of War: ISIS’s Global Strategy: 2015

Update 16: Kissinger never will understand nationhood and statecraft.  He thinks only of manipulation, which is deadly for all.

Spengler takes him down.

Apropos, excerpt of Henry the K speaking at the U.S. Army War College on 02 May 1996.

A highlight: USA can not/must not go abroad to quieten every upsurge or guide every development.  National characters/history prevent success.  Which is true.

Ergo: the let’s bring the world democracy agenda is unintelligent and a forlorn hope.  Which is true.

OTOH, he wants then — and still does now, last I heard — to maintain post WWII international structure, to include NATO.  Well, no man lives in the same house for even two days, much less 80 years and counting.

Ronald Reagan did a lot of things that harmed this country. The list is long and well-known. He helped mentally (didn’t take guff) and a bit spiritually (hands off homeschoolers) but harmed economically (S&Ls looted), militarily (Marine Barracks, Persian Gulf) and socially (immigration amnesty).  He was out of his depth everywhere but at the Soviet.

I think the intellectual divide is between Christians and Hindus standing for general freedom and their mother countries, on the one hand, and Socialists (Fascists, Communists, Talmudists and Caliphists) standing for general slavery and variants of a single global governance, conducted by appointed functionaries administering rules created by oligarchs unapproachable by public scrutiny or recall, on the other hand.  I think the entire contemporary conservative intelligentsia belongs to the other hand, the left, Socialist one.  After all, they are or descend from red-diaper babies and were Democrats, just not hard left ones post-1968.

Update 17: Charles Kenny: Saudi Arabia Is Underwriting Terrorism. Let’s Start Making It Pay

Update 18: Robert Zubrin illustrates the obsolete Cold War frame of reference, not even a thought that a new structure (Three Brothers Doctrine) is indicated by current facts, families, constitution and land.



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