China Watch

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



SCMP used to be anti-Communist, now it is ChiCom Lite at least.

Joshua Philipp: On Marxism in America, the Communist China
Threat, Unconventional Warfare and Hong Kong
Dated 03 August 2019, Superb Hour-Long Video Interview

Oh, Goodie

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

The Vast Pacific

Policy Shift?

Money Outflow

Military Weakness

Planning Something?

Coming Conflict

The Moving Wall

“Land Grab” Case

Chinese Environmentalism

Crash, Crash

China’s New Great Game

Chinese Bilderberg/Davos

Be Careful What You Ask For

Chinese Sub Practices Launch On USS Reagan

Can China Copy The U.S. Marine Corps?

Pursuing Critics, China Reaches Across Borders

Japan Opens Radar Close To Disputed Isles

More Activity In South China Sea

Leadership: Fear The Lean Chinese

Building To Counter US Muscle

Building First Military Base In Africa

Building Inroads in Russia’s Back Yard

Authorizes Over-Seas/Over-Borders SOF Operations (related)

Chinese Commercial Shipping Is Chinese Military Reserve Shipping

How North Korea Was Lost

Stymied In Oz

Pentagon Warns About China

PACOM Sails For Freedom

Panama Papers Shake Things Up In China

Why US Companies Have Started Fleeing China

Double-Talk Level: Master

Fixing The Fatally Flawed Military

@ 100K In USA Work For China Firms

One Belt, One RoadRelated

Confronting China’s Slow Invasion Of The South China Sea

Chinese Takeovers Trigger Global Backlash Ahead Of G-20 Summit

Live-Fire Drills In The East China Sea

World War III With China


Spengler: Prepare For War, Do Not Appease China

China invade NORK? and here

China Expanding in Russia’s Transbaikal

China Eyes Its Next Prize: The Mekong River

XI: China Leads Reform Of Global Governance

Trump Worries China

Christian heartland opens window into fight for China’s soul

This Is China’s Way Of Warmaking

China Is Behind Much Of What Is Happening To America

China Plans To Take Over The World

Chinese warships visit Cambodia to ‘strengthen cooperation’ as western influence wanes

China’s Secret War Against America — American Thought Leaders

Kurt Schlichter: We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

China Seeks to Subvert Europe Through Divide and Conquer

Chinese military chiefs set to move PLA service
branch headquarters out of Beijing

China’s ‘Weaponized’ Firms Threaten US Financial Markets

VDH: China’s Brilliant, Insidious Strategy

The Long March Towards World War Three Has Officially Begun

China’s Economic Woes Go Well Beyond Tariffs

Watch the Money — Billionaires Exit Hong Kong as China Fist Looms

Xi Jinping wants to co-opt Three Brothers Alliance

Everything You Need To Know About the
litary If You Don’t Read Chinese

Using Bribery and Threats, China Seizes Another UN Agency

What China’s Defence Paper Tells Us
About Beijing’s Regional Ambition

PACOM: China Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Tests a Signal to US, World

How China Woke America

Seamus Bruner: From ‘Made in China’ to ‘Owned by China’:
20 deals show how China is gobbling up U.S. assets

Jeff Becker: How to stop China completing
its takeover of the South China Sea


Snehesh Alex Philip: Ministries of security,
Strategic Support Force — China’s intel
agencies & how they operate

Michael J, Good: Chinese Strategy Of Total War

Andrew Latham:
Mahan, Corbett, and China’s Maritime Grand Strategy

Tyler O’Neil:
Gordon Chang: China Engaged in ‘an Act of War’
by Enflaming Antifa Riots in the U.S.

Jan Greenberg:
UK Defies Chinese Communist Party, Deploys Warships to Disputed South China Sea



Update 1: An Israeli Hero and a Power Line failure of intellect.  I commented:

The Bush Neo-Cons refused to put USA on war footing on 12SEP01.  They essayed to make less than 1% of the country carry 100% of the burden of battle.  Their successors deny there is a battle or ever has been, except to throw off the grotesque yoke of Amero-Euro colonialism.

With all that, the ME/Islam is small potatoes as battles go.  The big potato is in the South and East China Seas.  China has punched through the USA western defensive littoral.  Salafist and Iranian Jihadis/Caliphists are flies.  They exist because no one, so far, has fumigated for them.  The arch-hegemon, the capital carnivore, is in Asia.

Staff Sergeant Weissman died a Solder’s death, in battle with a mortal, vicious enemy.  That is honorable.  His widow and child have comfort in that.  His honor protects them, as a man, husband and father should protect his family.  May the men of Israel earn as much honor, at least, by protecting their families and country, decisively, in a manner which will leave no doubt in Jihadi/Caliphist minds regarding the impossibility of their success and the non-alternative to their being happy with Israelis and Israel and every other person and thing they currently hate and despise.

And may American men likewise come to their senses and fumigate for Salafist and Iranian Jihadis/Caliphists wherever they are, however they hide, so that mankind’s major threat, China, can be faced and disabused of her posture for aggressive, hegemonic racism.

And John, they are not terrorists.  They are Salafist Jihadis.  The nomenclature has to be accurate before the battle can be successfully joined.  So far, that has not occurred among the lib-con cartel.  And that is why this war, a piddling affair relatively speaking, has not been won.  Calling them terrorists nebulizes them, conjures confusion.  They love it.  Here’s what they are.

Update 2: Chinese are switching from American to Australian coal.  American coal ships to China from Canada.  China is establishing toll booths against maritime traffic in the South and East China Seas.  Taiwan/Formosa, an unsinkable aircraft carrier, is the logical admin center for that project.

Rational USA response now, in conjunction with Vietnamese, Philippine and Japanese assets, would be a US Marine Expeditionary Force(s) applied to the toll booths (islands, man-made and otherwise) and protected by one or two carrier battle groups tasked to sink or splash anything Chinese entering the AO.

Various NGO attorneys and jurists are ripe candidates for learning the error of their ways, or at least experiencing the consequences thereof.

Update 3: China is a nation of slavers.  China cannot be stood down without being triangulated.  That is by USA, India and Russia.  Reference the geography.  Only way to do it.  There is the third offset strategy.  It’s spiritual first, then diplomatic, military and financial, with technological later.  Technology is merely means.  Various kinds of pencils.  That is all.  There is no technological solution to any problem.  Technology simply embodies a problem’s solution into a reproducible form.  Problems are solved in will, ideation and mathematics.  Technology is a result of those.

Update 4: Steve Bannon: China is Biggest Economic and Geopolitical Adversary – All Else Chaff and Countermeasures

Update 5: Could the US Navy Blockade China in Wartime?

Update 6: Spengler: China Will Buy Turkey On The Cheap

Update 7: China’s Ominous 40 Year Plan To Dominate The World

Update 8: Trump Shuts China’s ‘Backdoor’ to Cyber Spying

Update 9: America’s Monopoly Crisis Hits the Military

Update 10: What China’s Defence Paper Tells Us About Beijing’s Regional Ambition

Update 11: Spengler: We Need Our Mojo Back Vis-à-Vis China

Update 12: ‘No safe harbors’: China plots to block US military from key ports, Pentagon warns

Update 13: Geoffrey Aronson: China Just Opened The Suez Canal Of Our Era And No One Blinked

I commented: Competent ChiCom Globalist agitprop.  Elides much decisive religious, cultural, and moral material fact.

Update 14: The Chinese Communist Regime is on the Brink of ‘Disintegration,’ Says Leading China Expert

Update 15: Daniel Greenfield: The Future Does Not Belong to China

Update 16: Catherine Smith: Trump Proposes 21% Cut in U.S. Foreign Aid in 2021 Budget Proposal

Update 17: Murray Bessette: Evidence: China Executes Political Prisoners to Harvest Organs

Update 18: William L. Gensert: China Is Preparing to Start a War with America

Update 19: J Michael Waller: Pompeo’s warning to governors put White House anti-CCP position in context

Update 20: David Axe: The U.S. Military Doesn’t Think China Is Capable Of Taking Taiwan By Force

Update 21: Major General Wang Haiyun: I advocate putting Wutong Taiwan on the agenda as soon as possible

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