Do Not Even Think About It — Take Two / Uses Of An Armed Citizenry

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Dr. Sanity (Dr. Pat Santy) ceased maintaining her fine weblog — a sad event indeed but no doubt one good for her, comme il faut — shortly after Independence Day 2009.

In one of her posts before that date, she discussed the phenomenon that members of the US Armed Forces tend not to support the White House’s current occupants, especially as regards their dissembling and disinclination to counter-attack against Mohammedan hegemony.  She contemplates that Armed Forces personnel must experience a sort of schizophrenia relative to their sentiments and their duties under those occupants.

To her post on these subjects, as well as to unwarranted enthusiasm for the effectiveness of an armed citizenry by one of her commenters, I offered this:

The following observation cannot be novel in these quarters, however perhaps it bears expression in view of some evident thigh thumping:

An armed citizenry, regardless of numbers, is no match for any Branch
of the United States Armed Forces, especially Ground Combat Forces.

In a fight, the citizens would be cut to pieces very quickly.

Please do not even think about that.

When thoughts turn in the direction of the potentialities of an armed citizenry, the driver is awareness, usually unconscious at its onset, that a desperate situation has no political solution, only a military one.

IMO, we are in such a situation.  The awareness mentioned is accurate.

So, the question now is not what an armed citizenry can do to restore the nation to its native and natural posture of happiness and prosperity.  The answer to that is, “Nothing successful.”

The question is, rather:

(1) what will Congress do if/when confronted by an executive activation of existing plans for, effectively, national martial law, and

(2) what will US Armed Forces do if/when ordered to enforce that activation by shooting their friends, relations and countrymen as ordered.

These questions illuminate the possibility of “schizophrenia” Dr. Sanity contemplates as present among our Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, Merchant Marine Officers and Airmen.

This writer feels this issue keenly.

A scenario with the potential to call forth such an activation by the executive is a national election whose outcome is insufficiently guaranteed, in favor of the executive, by fraudulence applied against it.

There is also the question of what state and local paramilitary forces (police) will do if/when ordered to enforce a martial law protocol.

(This question is answered in principle by the reaction of state and local police in the US to the White House occupant’s calling one of their number “stupid” in connection with the arrest of Skippy Gates in Cambridge, MA for disorderly conduct and other offenses.)

An armed citizenry confronting marauding civilians in a fairly localized condition of lawlessness is another question.  There, an armed citizenry has effective use, and then it steps aside when state and local paramilitary forces arrive to restore law and order.  This happened in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

But against national armed forces or state and local paramilitary forces … every citizen should be rejecting all such thoughts not only as suicidal but as morally as well as legally wrong and therefore justifiably punishable with the greatest severity.

The solution to this problem of evil White House occupants is military, not political.  Citizens need to let their military and paramilitary forces solve the problem.  That is their mission.  They can get it done.

But for handling marauding civilians prior to the arrival of police — and for supporting their Armed Forces to repel external enemies, when asked by those Armed Forces — those are necessary, appropriate and at least potentially effective uses of an armed citizenry.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Consider the necessity of Civil Defense Battalions adjunct to local, county and state paramilitary forces.

Update 2: Probably a city hall-sponsored affirmative-housing action.  Probably also residents are checking their property values with realtors.  The Somalis believe their numbers and political cover entitle them to those properties and that neighborhood, no-go for everyone else.

Long known this is the MO. In small numbers, plead civil rights.  In larger numbers, plead political rights.  In large numbers, plead exclusive religious area property rights.  In secure areas plead independent legal jurisdiction.  Build out from there, area to territory to region to country to world.  That’s the plan.  Long known and observed.  So, no surprises here.

Imams are the commanders, their lawyers run political and judicial cover.  The thugs are cannon fodder.  Again, no surprises.  A surprise would be residents fighting to keep their neighborhood from succumbing.  A bigger surprise would be that they win.  With city hall and civilian state and federal already dhimmi, I’d be negotiating sale of my home.

Talk here of shotguns and rifles is stupid.  You’ll go down in the first two minutes or less and they’ll have your weapons and ammo — and wife, daughters and sons.  In any case, you’d be swatting flies rather than their breeders, who, absent check, can far out-breed your ability to swat.  Tough men don’t talk tough.  If you want to do something constructive — and potentially decisive — organize local and county civil defense battalions.

Update 3: Interesting, Paul, that you think it would require their anger to mobilize Americans in numbers sufficient to conduct a hot civil war.  Have you ever seen or heard of a capable war-fighting organization held together and directed by anger?  Do you think a congeries of angry citizens is a match, much less overmatch, for a trained, supplied military formation who operates in and controls a multi-dimensional battle space?

If you want to contemplate what civil war would look like, forget legal parsing and forget political calculations.  Think diplomacy, finance, and war-fighting, the three assets of statecraft.  And think blood and destruction, no more warm croissant and cool orange juice over restful net surfing.  Both Lee and Sherman gave Southerners an accurate account of what would happen if the flag went up.

I too have seen this talk of civil war, the chest thumping, the chanting, the emotional sleigh rides, the ignorant incantations. All loose talk, fruitless ignorance.  And among the first things anger *cannot* induce much less sustain is a successful war/military campaign, civil or otherwise.

War is conducted for the purpose of extracting from an attacker their will to aggress.  War is conducted with the objective of controlling an attacker’s ground, their geography, literally, that dirt stuff they call home.

Update 4: The Top U.S. States In Gun Sales, 2018

Update 5: Gun Sanctuary Movement Erupts: 61 Percent of US Counties Now ‘Second Amendment Sanctuaries’


Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren

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