Redheads And Celts

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Admiring the beauty of Christina Hendricks, Stacy McCain inquires after the near-universal obsession with redheads.

Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks, A Natural Blonde

Well, here is the answer.

Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Samantha Eggar
Samantha Eggar

The reason for the redhead obsession is universal admiration — and often jealousy — for the grandeur of humanity almost universally experienced as characteristic of Celts, and particularly of Northwest-European Celts:  e.g., Celto-Irish, Celto-Scot, Celto-German and some Celto-French.

Tina Louise
Tina Louise
Tina Louise
Tina Louise

The redhead signals the commendability of the Northwest-European Celt.  Her near-universal obsession reflects near-universal attraction to the Northwest-European Celts on account of their plenary excellence.



Other Celts include Celto-French, Celto-Pole, Celto-Bohemian, Celto-Italic, Celto-Greek, Celto-Slav, Celto-Turk.  These too throw redheads but seemingly not as often as Northwest-European Celts, who are deeply mixed with North Germanics (Nordics, tending towards blonde, the second near-universal attraction), especially in and from Scotland and Ireland.

Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth

The Northwest-European Celt is the near-universal standard of “beautiful people”: fair or freckled complexion, red or red-brown hair (or blonde, but not “bleached”), fair spirit, tough-minded, resourceful, ascetic, reliable, inventive, emotional, straight-forward, downright, unpredictable, religious, literary, handsome, fecund, thrifty, self-reliant, adventurous, melodious, stable, lyrical, thoughtful, caring, indomitable, by turns self-indulgent and abstemious, a born leader, self-abnegating, irreducible, loyal, gentle as a lamb, skilled, creative and terrifying in war.


That is just the way it is.  As one proverb long has it regarding one element of the Northwest-European Celts:  Perfervidum Ingenium Scotorum.

Judy Tyler
Judy Tyler

Women who do not want to color their hair red often color it henna, which, when well done, is effulgent red in sunlight.  Henna hair coloring is popular in Russia and Persia, and the movies.




Everyone of late has noticed the transfixing beauty and grit — two key measurements of “beautiful people” — of Persian womanhood.  Persians are integral with Celts in linguistic as well as physical genetics.  The bagpipe is said to originate in Persia.  (The Swiss mountain horn, BTW, is Tibetan.)

Tina Louise
Tina Louise

This is why nearly everyone is attracted to redheads.  It is near universal experience that Celts, and particularly Northwest-European Celts, embody in fullest measure the complete array of human grandeur, and the redhead signals all of that in one near-universally stunning attraction.


(Perfection in this context, BTW, means completion of potentials, their full realization.  A perfect human being is one all of whose potentials are fully realized.  Perfection does not reference moral gradation.  A perfect person is not a morally superior one.  There are none of those.  Perfection is not a moral category or norm.  Perfection is a quantitive measure of completion, not a qualitative measure of morality.  Latin perficere, to complete.)


Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin



Jill St. John
Jill St. John

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