Fascism, Its Nature And Taxonomy

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Paper Topic: Fascism, Its Nature And Taxonomy

Analyze and describe the two kinds of fascism: religious fascism (commonly encountered as Caliphism, Liberation Theology, Christian Fundamentalism/Talmudism) and natural fascism (commonly encountered as Communism/Socialism/Collectivism/Nazism/Green/Environment/Race/Self-Esteem/Gender/Social Justice/Feminism/Equality/Science).

Religious fascism holds as its ultimate concern an ideology, a set of abstract and fixed beliefs expressed as law, aka an idol of one’s own making.  Caliphism is a religious fascism, as is so-called Black ChristianityLiberation TheologyChristian Fundamentalism, Christian Communism/Socialism, Talmudism and Revivalism/Evangelicalism.

Religious fascism is actually heresy of religion but because its base is religion, even though it deforms itself from that base, it is more connected to reality than is natural fascism.  That connectedness, ironically, makes religious fascism weaker than natural fascism.  Religious fascism has scruples, perverted ones, but scruples.  It has some self-criticism.  Natural fascism has no scruples, no self-criticism.  That makes its defeat more difficult and costly than a defeat of religious fascism.

Natural fascism holds as its ultimate concern nature itself, or what it is satisfied it knows as nature itself by way of what it considers its Green/Race/Self-Esteem/Gender/Social Justice/Feminism/Equality/Science/Nazis ideologized agendas and regulations (aka idols).  Race-isms of all kinds are natural fascisms, as are gender-isms, species-isms, age-isms etc.  Modern scientists in huge numbers practice natural fascism:  Global Warming/Climate Change, EconomicsWomen’s Studies, Black Studies, EconomicsSocial Justice Studies, etc., etc., etc., are all natural fascisms.  The Italian Fascists, the Nazi Party, Mugabe, Idi Amin, Voodoo, the several sentimentalisms dominating so-called mainline Christian denominations, etc., expressed or express natural fascism.

Yosemite National Park
Yosemite National Park

Natural fascism rests, of course, on unexamined ideology of one kind or another and laws its engenders.  In its assumption(s), natural fascism is a religious fascism given a patina of peer reviews and juried scientific studies.  Examined to their depth, all fascisms are religious in their assumptions.  All are idolatrous legalisms.  The difference between Nazism and Communism as religion-based socialist fascisms, by the way, is the difference between an apostasy of Christianity and a heresy of Christianity, respectively.

Idolatry is taking as ultimate — or put existentially, as of ultimate concern — anything which is not ultimate, not worthy of ultimate concern.  Any thing is unworthy of ultimate concern.  Including God, if one imagines God as a Being, even a Highest Being or Supreme Being.

Idolatry begets fascism, fascism begets fanaticism and fanaticism begets sorrow by way of violence and destruction.

Like all idolaters, religious and natural fascists are of imperialistic impulses.  They are fanatics unused to reason and unwilling even to try it.  Fanatics are violently allergic to truth.

An analytical regime along these lines would illuminate but also correct and expand an initial but incomplete, attenuated insight Jonah Goldberg had with his phrase liberal fascism.  Goldberg is a respected observer with a prominent reputation.

A paper on this topic would be controversial but it would also be progressive in the true sense, and controversy has its merits and is met with some relish, even if secret, when presented coldly and laconically.

Related 1: RIP: The Great Cholesterol Scam (1955 – 2015).

Related 2: Thomas J. DiLorenzo: Economic Fascism (also here)

It’s called fascism and that is what it should be called, over, over and over, to its face and from the rooftops.

Update 3: Is there a socialist/fascist government that has ceased to exist and been replaced with humane government of some sort without the application, from external source(s), of diplomatic, financial and/or military warfare?  Fascist propaganda has made Americans allergic to just the thought of war … all the better for fascists to rule them.  Perhaps it’s time to treat that thought as the pathogen it is.

Update 4: A statement regarding equating Christianity with Communism:

Several New Testament parables are used, since decades, to equate Christianity with Communism. Virtually the entire “mainline denomination” leadership, to include now Roman Catholics, concurs at least in principle with that equation. Thus the pews empty out, which, remarkably, convinces that leadership to embrace leftist manners and language more tightly: cut loose by God, let’s be saved by politics.

Christianity brightly distinguishes the realm of civil authority and law from the realm of religious authority, which transcends civil authority and law and has no law of its own. Each realm has its utility, powers and necessity (“Give unto Caesar….”) and neither has authority to control or dominate the other.

The relationship between religion and science is the same. They are about different matters entirely, without intersection, confirmation or conflict. Like civil authority and religious authority, however, they are parallel, indomitable vectors of human experience and history.

Update 5: Socialist Or Fascist?

Update 6: The Question Of Campaign 2016: Where Have All The Fascists Gone?

Update 7: There is Red Left/Fascism (Soviet/EU/Shia Jihad/ChiCom) and there is Black Left/Fascism (Mussolini/Hitler/Salafi Jihad)  There is also a Green Left/Fascism in Africa, the Caribbean, the USA and Europe, originally under the aspirational name Pan-Africanism, and still seeking to polymerize into a world-hegemonic political and economic entity.

Update 8: Joanne Patti Munisteri: Jihadi Generations: Strategies Used for Weaponizing Children  Part 2


The Dance Of Shiva
The Dance Of Shiva

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