To Building Monasteries

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.




On 22 January 2010, Kyle-Anne Shiver wrote her followers, among whom am I, in these terms:

“… Here is the article, which caused my resignation from American Thinker on the same principle that ruined my nationally syndicated column with Creators ….“

I replied as follows:

Good job, bravely spoken and properly so.

Drugs, free-association of the sexes — your story illustrates but one aspect — and step-parents are the bane of the age.

Disrespect for and abuse of women and children, whose most immediate life is the protection of their parents, especially their mother, is the outcome of those three demonic vectors.

Driving our experience is the relationship between human and demonic races, actual, typologically different races.  Vedic language describing the differences between those races is more precise than Biblical language to the same effect, but the latter in fact identifies both human and demonic races adequately.

Demonic races have power to appear as human.  Their linguistic and cultural expressions reveal that they are not, but their physical presentment tricks humans into thinking that they are.

And there is the phenomenon of mixing.  Human children are born of parents one or both of whom are of a demonic race, and demonic children are born of parents one or both of whom are of the human race.

This mixing creates confusion, understandably, and expresses the effects of factors utterly hidden from us in “deep past” (meaning unseeable previous destiny).

Typically, the religious (human) response to a massive presence of demonic races — our situation today — is to enter monasteries, practice resignation and delve deeply in the Name of God.  There are many ways to “enter” such monasteries and many types typically happen, some for single persons and some for families.

Celibacy, a monastic fundamental, along with poverty, does not mean abstinence from pro-creational activities.  It means faithfulness to one.  It is a spiritual power that has numerous physical expressions, hardly all the same, but all binding one to one.

Probably if you look at what your husband and you and your children have done over the years, without preconceptions of what monasteries are, you will see that you built a monastery for your family starting years ago.

IMO, had you not then, your work now would not be meeting commercial rejection.

Update 1: Ron Dreher: Trump Can’t Save American Christianity


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