Attitudinal Data Points — December 2024 to January 2025 — Let’s Face Facts

Kremlin Charity Cadet Ball 2024

Two fresh grand strategic architectures are emerging to cultivate lawful order in the gathering of nations:

  • protect your Motherland, ensure contentment among the generality of Her children, along with their safety from pests, and
  • the great powers — so far Russia, India, The USofA, and China — must cooperate in lawful proceedings to protect equally the peace of all nations.

Gangs of demons hold powwows in hard hearts where there should be burnt offerings and crucifixions of ego and exultation in the loving mercy of Almighty God.

Statecraft is Churchcraft. Churchcraft is Statecraft. Excise the church, you destroy the state: you diminish the state, you harm the church.

Church and State are inseparable forces of history. At the meta-strategic depth, the myth of separation of church and state is easily fixed.

Abandon the filioque clause and ignore the pope. The Reformers did not get this far. Now it is indicated and mandatory. No blame on the Reformers. They got as far as they could with what they had. But now, the filioque clause has to be abandoned and the pope ignored. That fixes the mess.

Alexander Nevsky of Russia, Francis of Assisi, Italy, and Adi Shankara of India were contemporaries raised by and participating in the same world-wide spiritual infusion of Divine Grace. A similar one occurs today, even stronger.

Russian Bears

You are Me playing you.
I am you playing Me.

This is why only God, through the ecumenical polis of the church or the state — not together, either or — has authority to punish evil doers.

The strategic and operational necessities of a nation’s land force component govern the tactical kinetics of their combined arms joint force.

Wassily Kandinsky

Who needs regime change? Boston, New York, Philsdelphia, Chicago, Minneapolis, Omaha, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego.

From lies to the laughter;
From ignorance to intelligence;
From fear to faith;
Lead is Dear Lord!

Communism is a face of Zionist ideology nourished by misunderstandings of concepts cultivated during The French Revolution.

US American statesmen were rightly horrified by news of events of The French Revolution and their motivating ideas.

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren

It was thought at first that The French Revolution would continue the Deistic French Enlightenment. But it wasn’t. It was part of the Zionist globalism agenda, as Napoleon soon demonstrated.

USG officials and deep state minions work equations that are full of variables they do not want to see in order to obtain solutions they have predetermined for acceptability.

When all the variables of equations worked by USG officials and deep state minions are of the kind they do not want to see, they erase the equations altogether. Destroy the mathematics of statecraft. Nuke reality.

Facing Russians with that modus operandi is suicidal.

Therefore, it must be observed that USG officials and deep state minions are suicidal — and their Zionist sponsors, Jewish and nominally Christian, along with them. This is the evidence of their behavior. Thus have I spoken of them as Sicarri.

Motto for Kitsap Live Steamers:
Fair Weather And Familiar Track!

A serious USG would sever the production and distribution done by Latin American drug cartels and liquidate their personnel.

In addition, they would radically throttle down the prescription of so-called legal psychotropic drugs prescribed by MDs, Nurse Practitioners, and psycholoogists.

Do not revere me. Revere The One who plays each one and all of us.

Were US armed force ordered into a fight with Russia, they would be in a conflict the scale and sustained fire of which they have neither experience nor intelllectual grounding — and therefore neither doctrine nor capability (TOEs) — that could enable them to survive.

Success in continental warfare off The American Continent, such as on either The Eurasian or The African Continents, is impossible for US armed force and always will be.

Go to the Elbe. That is my recommendation for the Russian Federation Security Council and ther Russian General Staff.

Go to the Elbe, exact some relatively-easy, multi-decade reparations for their NATO adventure in Ukraine, and let the chips in those countries fall where they may.

If NATO won’t agree, go to The Atlantic, either directly or by vassalage.

Zsa Zsa Gabor

Zsa Zsa Gabor

Liberate Germans from their Green Party. This time they will thank the Russians.

Greens are Zionists, Fascists, Nazis, Globalists under a different name.

We US Americans are neither a global superpower nor a global hegemon (no one is save God alone). We are a continental major power of The American Continent.

There is no such thing as a Pax Americana. Where go NED, CIA, USAID, State, DHS, FBI, or their NGO Hordes, there is no Pax, only chaos. The idea that The USofA maintains a Pax Americana is stupid, irrational, ridiculous, not consistent with reality.

We have neither education, organization, nor means that could make us a global superpower much less a global hegemon.

Church and state are dimensions of the same reality. They are not the only dimensions thereof. Army and nation are dimensions of the same reality, and they are not the only dimensions thereof.

You stay under the Divine Wing because you do not know what He does.

The mission of the Land Force governs the kinetics of the Combined Arms Joint Force. If somewhere the Land Force (Army) does not have a kinetic mission, for example Yemen, Africa, then neither does the Combined Arms Joint Force.

The Soros message is: Accept Everything Abnormal. Little by little, one by one, countries are waking up to the real devastation that message, when accepted and practiced, creates.

Diana Rigg

Diana Rigg

The US Army is a system. The US Army is a US national strategic asset. The US Army is a Combined Arms Joint Force. The US Army is under the unified command of the US General Staff.

The US Army is a US systemic US national stratetic asset comprising the US Combined Arms Joint Force under the unified command of the US General Staff.

The US Congress must adjust, rewrite US Code to make it consistent with this fact.

In addition, Congress must include the US national strategic industry into the US Code as under unified command of the US General Staff, under SecDef under POTUS.

The US Army is a US national stratetic asset comprising (1) the US General Staff, (2) the US Combined Arms Joint Force, and (3) the US national stratetic industry. The US Congress must rewrite the US Code to legalize this fact.

This must be set in motion by POTUS/SecDef.

The idea that Russia and Russians are enemies of US Americans is a confabulation by Zionists, Jewish and nominally Christian, who will not desist from their forcing into reality their objective to own and control both countries and their citizens.

This is not a US American idea. It is foreign to us. We do not like it because it is mean and therefore un-Chrtistian.

The British character is expressed in Handel’s Messiah: worldly triumph.

The German character is expressed in the Bach St. Matthew Passion: penance and salvation as forgiveness of sin; and the Brahms Requiem: penance, defiance, and salvation as liberation from death.

The Russian character is expressed in the Rachmaninov 2nd Symphony: expectation, patience, sorrow, and enthusiasm.

US Americans don’t know what sorrow is. As a nation, they do not sumpathize with sorrow. They want to take sorrow as an anomaly even when they themselves experience it.

It seems that Semites, in their religions, bring to perfection the art of missing the point, the which they cannot wait to inflict on the rest.

The outcome we see is the outcome intended.

1945 was the largest defeat — so far — of Western Civilization ever.

Europe never gave up wanting Russia and in 1945 got their answer: NO!

The Eastern Church defeated The Western Church — all over the filioque clause, which The Western Church inserted unilaterally and peremptorily in the Nicene Creed, which is an ecumenical document adopted by the whole Church, East and West, North and South.

The strategic and operational necessities of a nation’s land force component
govern the tactical kinetics of their combined arms joint force.

Sathya Sai Baba

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham

Sarva Dharma Symbol

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Anita Ekberg

Hey Ivan! I caught the bear!
Good Sergei! Bring him here!
I can’t! He won’t let me!

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