Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova – Мария Владимировна Захарова
- protect your Motherland, ensure contentment among the generality of Her children, along with their safety from pests, and
- the great powers — so far Russia, India, The USofA, and China — must cooperate in lawful proceedings to protect equally the peace of all nations.

Cavalry charges are to machine guns as Carrier Strike Groups are to maneuvering, hypersonic, precision guided rockets.
The USofA are not collapsing. Rather, the savage and morbidly obese arrogance — aka American Exceptionalism — which is the intellectual architecture inculcated into most US-Americans by their teachers and parents, and include today their ruling elites, is what is collapsing. And rightly so.
Not only is the USofA not collapsing, they cannot collapse because they are a civilizational-state.
Russia, Five Eyes, and France killed a germ, the disease of Zionist-Bolshevik-Nazi Imperialism, in the 1940s and continuing. Then Russia, Five Eyes, and France killed another germ, the disease of Salafist Imperialism, in the 2000s. But meanwhile, Five Eyes and France caught a germ, the disease of Zionist/Pan-European Imperialism. Now, Russia, a civilization-state, and the other BRICS nations are in train of killing off this sort of universal disease germ, Zionist/Pan-European Imperialism. This is all to the good. It restores Christian-Hindu-Buddhist maturity to the chancelleries of the world.
Statesmen are at least conversant with three types of operational art: Diplomacy, Finance, and Warfighting. A person not conversant with these three operational arts, and their integrations, is not a statesman, cannot be a statesman. A degree doesn’t make you a statesman. You must be at least conversant with those operational arts, so you don’t get stupid ideas and make stupid decisions. Conversant with these three operational arts is the minimum requirement for the conduct of statecraft. The title, expert, indicates maximum skill, capability, and therefore qualification for authority in the conduct of statecraft.
Zhukov had innate as well as trained-up capability in all three of statecraft’s operational arts. Hitler lacked capability in Warfighting. Stalin was very capable in all three operational arts required of a statesman. Zhukov brought him along in the Warfighting art. These factors were decisive for the outcome of WW 2
Eisenhower had considerable ability in all three operational arts of statecraft. MacArthur had even more. Much of Mac Arthur’s ability in Diplomacy was innate, intuitive, but he had it. Where he went and finished his task, peace as order in society and nation followed. This is why both men stood for nomination to the Republican presidential ticket in 1952, Eisenhower for POTUS and Mac Arthur for VPOTUS.
It’s not knowledge or ability in business that is wanted in statecraft. The ability wanted is in the operational arts of all three state-level assets, Diplomacy, Finance, Warfighting. Finance is way bigger than business. In good times, the office holder is also the leader in the conduct of statecraft.
Finance is, essentially, logistics. Money is love. It must be kept in motion or it atrophies and rots. It’s purpose is to produce the widest possible cheerfulness. Money is a secondary matter, good for making goods. Goods are the primary matter. Finance is creation and distribution of goods, not financialization, and not financialization of raw materials or commodities.
Financialization of anything is doing it violence. Financialization of commodities — or worse, of financializations — is an abstraction, doesn’t mean anything beyond someone is being nasty.
The NATO Declaration is a clamoring, clattering collection of juvenile fantasies.
Be broad-minded. Don’t let anyone get on your flanks. Whatever they do, make them do it in your front, facing you. This is a principle of statecraft. Don’t try to control what they do. Just make them do it, whatever it is, in front of you, facing you directly. Not from your flanks.
This means your intellectual front, your conceptual front, your ontological necessities front. That’s your front.
Zionists have ontological vagaries. Christians have ontological necessities.
DOD are the Warfighting assets of The USofA’s sovereign statecraft. Likewise, Treasury for Finance and State for Diplomacy.
People and nations are looking for unity without hegemony. This is in the first instance, a spiritual quest. It cannot succeed without devotion to God and the Order of Dharma.
The right course for The EU, for example is to pursue unity with the EAEU, SCO, and BRICS. That’s the right course for The EU. They don’t want to go back to killing each other over lost imperialistic aspirations.
Zionists want unity through hegemony. Theirs. Everybody else wants unity without hegemony.
The Spirit of the Age is Unity without Hegemony. Zionists will never agree to that. Unity without Hegemony dominates the Age. Zionists must not be allowed near the levels of statecraft or the modes of education.
The US Armed Force must be humane, but they cannot be democratic. No military can be democratic. But they do have to be humane. Russians today lead the nations in demonstration of this truth. A military force who are democratic cannot survive. But they must be humane in order to survive.
Notice that Admiral Yamamoto attacked US-American military properties at Kaneohe Bay and Pearl Harbor. He did not attack civilian properties, such as at Honolulu or Kailua. Whereas, The USG, for their first counter-stroke, attacked civilian Tokyo. The Imperial Japanese Army attacked civilians horribly all over Asia and into Russia. The Imperial Japanese Navy, at least at Hawaii, did not. The Imperial Japanese Army also was inhumane in their treatment of POWs. This all is noteworthy.
No matter their character, your mother is your mother, and your father is your father. These ontological facts are fixed forever in causality, time, space, substance, and motion. Causality is space, time is air, space is fire, substance is water, motion is land.
The onset of wisdom is the realization of connections and boundaries.
If what is happening isn’t to your liking, makes you unhappy, perhaps what you wanted isn’t right, at least not for you, and perhaps not for anyone else as well.

Everything incidental, non-permanent in The USofA is being reconfigured. This includes everything in military affairs.
For example: in the matter of how to detect, track, and develop firing solutions against incoming and for outgoing munitions. If I can see you, I can kill you.
Another example: purpose-driven rather than profit-driven strategic planning, operational art, procurement and TOEs.
In the grand strategic arena, an example: instead of peaceful coexistence, reconfigure for common destiny. This is a new idea, a fresh strategy, well beyond the notion of two blocs of nations — and an association of non-aligned nations — struggling for supremacy or to avoid that struggle altogether.
Statesmen must learn the physics and mathematics of, for example, strategic assessment, operational assessment, required force, correlation of forces and means, combat effectiveness, resolution of uncertainties, combat stability, force design, and index of national strategic capabilities.
The main achievements of The USofA are technology for farm and industry and The Bill of Rights. Apart from US operations in the Pacific during WW 2, The USofA have no recent military achievements.
In Ukraine now, Russia is on what they call a Glorious Hunt. This correlates with the fact that, now, today, Zionists and their ideology of Zionism are everywhere on the retreat.

We observe a global shift in the balance of power.
The US Joint Force / The US Army stands inside the US border. The US Border Patrol stands on the US Border. Elements of The US Army stand 10-20 kilometers back from the US border and deploy to it to drive back any transgressors.
Present US Foreign Policy Establishment has as their strategic objective US territorial integrity but not US national unity. This induces isolation, despair, and demise.
Washington D.C. today are a kleptomaniac, oligarchic plutocracy . . . and wannabes. Heavy on the Zionists.
Congress reflects this taxonomy almost unanimously. The evidence is in the votes. Whatever Israel demands, Congress pays for.
Colleagues but not counterparts. Russians today have no counterparts in The USG, regardless of the US political party to which the latter identify.

Lavrov Psaki Zakharova Kerry
The Russian Navy today is a sea denial force, not a power projection force. They are designed to sink NATO ships, not pummel powers who cannot punch back.
When you have Zircons, you do not need carrier strike or battle groups.
Russia has coastal missile artillery forces. The USofA have none.
See Russian 11th Air and Air Defence Forces Army.

Just as is in the deep causalities of war the moral is to the material as three is to one, and, just as battles are decided in the minds of the commanders not the bodies of their troops, so too, victory is decided in the quality of the families not in the quantities of money, votes, or Soldiers.
Overall today, Russian families are of a higher quality than US-American or European families. That is why they prevail in Ukraine, Eurasia, the Levant, Africa, and much of The Americas.
It takes only a starter to leaven a loaf.
US-American leaders must learn how to calculate correlation of forces and means. This is an architectural enterprise. Until they do, they are sitting ducks and US-American citizens along with them.
US military leaders must be prophets, not politicians.
Hegemonic globalism vice poly-dynamic morphism.
We are a refuge, BUT, you must try to assimilate and not try to dominate.
The USofA do not have authority amidst the internal affairs of other nations. One by one, and sometimes in groups, other nations acquaint the USofA with this fact. The USG have authority and therefore responsibility to protect USofA Citizens and no one else.
Authority, refuge, and assimilation. It’s very simple.

You have monasteries and monastics to do these calculations for each period. They have to be redone every so often to account for new circumstances. So, the calculations are never the same. The calculations differ along with the times and the seasons, and new events, and the dynamics of underlying realities as those present themselves, ever fresh, ever new, all the time.

The critical, key development used during the WW 1 was not the machine gun or the airplane. It was the radio and the electronics which enabled their manufacture and use.
The airplane was enhanced artillery and ISR. The machine gun was enhanced infantry volley. But the radio was a new development beyond telegraph. It was voice, quicker than telegraphy, and allowed conferencing in real time outside immediate proximity.
Ontological necessities are realities. Political and economic agendas are fads soon abandoned and swept aside or swept away.
Ontological necessities yield calm happiness. Political and economic agendas yield ecstatic excitement or deep depression, but in any case, anxiety and ultimately grief.

Dharma has ways of making itself effective in times, places, and ways that schemers know not of.
Dharma will always blind-side schemers. They cannot and therefore never see it coming.
Prussian-Russian Christian Socialism has prevailed against the Zionist project’s twin offspring: the Fascism of Cain and the Bolshevism of Abel. This is a world-historical event.
Note that only one consonant distinguishes Prussia and Russia. This fact has controlling consequential content.
We deal here with the realm of ontological necessity, or, as Kandinsky put it, inner necessity, which exists in both individuals and nations.
Communism is a political structure whereas Christian Socialism is a personal structure. Communism is political and Christian Socialism is personal.
Political and involuntary Christian Socialism is personal and voluntary.
Communism is impersonal and top-down, Christian Socialism is personal and bottom-up.
A top concern of humanity is how they are governed. By WW 1, we got rid of monarchy, with Great Britain in the lead. By WW 2, we got rid of anarchy (Fascism-Bolshevism), with The USofA in the lead. Now, we are getting rid of oligarchy, with Russia in the lead.
Humanity are justifiably concerned with how they are governed.
The largest armies Franco-Germans could possibly muster — Napoleon, Kaiser Bill, Hitler, Nuland — could not overwhelm Russia. One has to ask, Why? It was not a question of manpower, population, culture, industry, religion. It was a question of will. Russians don’t want to be dominated, period. Not by their own, not by others. They will not allow themselves to be dominated. They have religion, moralituy, intellect, skills, natural resources, and means to give effect to their will.
History does not move from your punctilious sensibilities. History moves from the deep springs of ontological necessity, which are nothing you can anticipate and probably are nothing you will approve, until they hit you, and then you have to.
What I mean by the term ontological necessity: something along the lines of what Bergson means with his term Élan vital. It’s that force of time, space, substance, and causality which drives forwards and upwards as it shapes everything altogether.
Your inner necessity is an ontological necessity. It’s not only yours, it’s Dharma’s, God’s. Domination is not in it. That’s a manufacture of ego: nasty, brutish, and short.
The Zionist Project — Liberal Fascism, Conservative Christianity — is over. It’s not returning. Its peak fireworks have not yet occurred. They are not far away, not far off in time or space. But they are the peak of the Zionist Project, and after them, the Project is dead forever.
The nations will no longer stand for racism and apartheid on the basis of a putative religious or ethnic superiority or that supports any religious or ethnic supremacy in the affairs of the nations.
The Zionist Project — includes Jews and so-called Conservative Christians — delenda est. Besides the Zionist Project, only Salafi/Wahhabi Islam has made such a claim to global superiority and therefore supremacy. And that was mostly defeated — whether one likes the how of it or not — by US armed force during the period 2002-2007. Russian armed force took out the rest of it in the 2000-teens.
Russians keep beating invaders because they include the moral ground and the spiritual force in their calculations of statecraft. Russian military professionals include those as prime variable factors in their planning. They can quantify the same.
NATO’s ambitions exceed their capabilities by orders of magnitude. Their criminal organizations posing as intelligence agencies ensure that they never will correlate their forces with their means and their means with their objectives.
The rampancy of NATO’s criminal organizations posing as intelligence agencies ensures that NATO’s capabilities can never achieve their objectives, even if they can decide upon some version of the same, which they cannot.
Spiritual-moral factors are just as much prime variable factors of war as are logistical, economic, and political factors in the conduct and calculations of statecraft. So, if you introduce criminal activity into the affairs of government, the operations of government, you make that government impotent relative to any kind of responsible statecraft not to mention national self-defense.
It’s pretty much a truism now that whomever, whatever The USG declares a dangerous entity is actually a product of The USG themselves, usually the IC, and behind them NED (National Endowment for Democracy).
That is a measure of corruption extant and rampant in The USG, claiming to BE The USG.
US conservative bloggers, such as Power Line, set for themselves the mission of featuring what isn’t being done and what shouldn’t be done rather than discussing what can be done and should be done.
In this way, they harm national prestige rather than helping it. They also degrade the national intellect.
For all his implacable arrogance, Paul Mirengoff wanted to be a conservative in the sense of helping the country regain prestige, whereas, the other Power Line guys want to be conservatives in the sense of bellyaching about everything going on. That’s why Mirengoff left Power Line. The others are not wanting to help the country regain prestige.
In discursive and expository essays, drop the modifiers, the comments, and the evaluations. Just describe the action and leave it at that.
(The characters and other particulars of a story are not and should not be the central interest. The principles described in the actions of the characters and other particulars are the important point for attention.
Better yet, just mention the action by means of a comprehensive description of it. No pejorative or meliorative sensibilities. Just describe, and leave it at that.

There is a sort of continuum, a polarity. In the middle there is a resident. To the left there is first a jerk, then a troublemaker, and then a terrorist. To the right is first a citizen, then a patriot, and then a hero.
Bellyachers walk with jerks, and if they are really un-self-critical, they walk with troublemakers. Idealists walk with citizens, and if they are really serious, they walk with patriots
If you want to see a nation-state’s politics as a polarity, a continuum, this is it.
US Americans have a certain warmth of sympathy. This inclines us to generosity, fairness, and compassion.
NATO intelligence relies on assessments. Their assessments are opinions which must coincide with a priori political policies.
Russian intelligence relies on calculations. These calculations rest on datasets which are consistent with reality.
So, in any conflict, it’s whoever’s actions are consistent with reality. Reality is the great leveler of nation-states as well as of individuals and families.
NATO intelligence assessments are opinions consistent with a priori political policies whereas Russian intelligence products are calculations grounded in massive, hard datasets themselves consistent with objective realities.
The most closely guarded secrets in the Russian MOD and MID are the datasets they use to make decisions on all three levels, strategic, operational, and tactical.
NATO do not have datasets that would let them understand what Russians are thinking, what they are going to do.
The corporeal architecture in The [Latin] Church today is a Franciscan presence, a Benedictine architecture, a Dominican fervor, an Ignatian mission, and a Lutheran insouciance.
The [Latin] Church today returns to the monastery, where they started.
The exterior of the monastery is out in the public. That is their presentment, their Franciscan architecture of protection.
The interior of the monastery is in the private spiritual confluence. That is their seed, their Benedictine architecture of protection.
Pauline-Benedictine-Hieronymian internal architecture, protection. Franciscan-Teilhardian external architecture, protection. Tillichian-Augustinian theological architecture, protection. Dominican-Carmelite seriousness architecture, protection. Lutheran-Guyonian insouciance architecture, protection.
Add up the countries of origin and you get an interesting picture.
The Latin Church is suited to a Mediterranean climate. The Eastern Church is suited to a North European climate, which includes Northern Europe.
One notices, for example in the music of J. S. Bach, a Prussian, a warmness of feeling and a passion for peace associated with Slavs more than with Latins.
Calvin says that The Church is where The Word is rightly preached and The Sacraments are duly administered. This can be clarified.
The physical church is where centuries of aspirants and believers have concentrated their prayers. Where that has happened, there is the physical church.
In addition, one can say, with Schweitzer, that wherever the music of J. S. Bach is played, there is the church.
The prayers of the believers concentrate at a place to make the church present there in abundant radiance. The more sincere the prayers, the more abundant the radiance.
Ditto the music of J. S. Bach and the other great composers and realizers of music and fine arts.
In addition, wherever The Liturgy is authoritatively performed, the great chants, hymns and instrumental works of The Church — North, South, East, or West — are heard, sung, or performed, there is the physical church.
Wherever these sounds or feelings are physically produced by performance of The Liturgy and its supplementary activities, there is the physical presence of The Church.
The great mission of The Church Universal today is to reconnect, rebind together, the Western [Latin] and Eastern [Greek-Russian] components thereof. Unification of lines of apostolic succession is unnecessary.
Only two simple steps: abandon the filioque clause and lift the mutual excommunications of 1054.

The Church is a spiritual community
having physical corporeality.
De-platform persons, families, organizations, and NGOs who demand public funding and deploy public disorder. This is one thing that should have been done after WW 2. Others include creating a General Staff commanding a true Combined Arms Joint Force and foster friendly relations with The Soviet Union as Russia in a phase.
Korea and SE Asia both were efforts by The USSR to deflate US pressure on the USSR through Europe. The first was Stalin, the second was Khruschev and Brezhnev.
I will abjure Johann Sebastian Bach, Wassily Kandinsky, The Rev. Dr. Paul Tillich, Vladimir Putin, and Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba when hell freezes over.
The structure of events to come is extant. USG delenda est. What should US Americans do in the absence of a formal government?
Soleimani created a polycentric envelopment of Israel as a trap for The current USG, who are Zionist-Nazi-Bolshevik.
They walked into it.
Events today move forward at a speed and scale never before in my life have I seen, except at Puttaparthi.
The Almighty will ring down the curtain on this career when He has had enough use of it.
To be strong on someone, you tell them the truth.
The unity of The Church with a diversity of practice.
Unity within the religions and between them will be restored by The Almighty on neutral ground, so that everyone is happy. Only The Almighty, only Swami, knows how to do that, however, the Sarva Dharma Symbol is a precursor, a prefiguration, and a promise of that resolution. It is A Base Principle Of The Golden Era.
The principles at play in Kazan are theological in origin and corporeal in implementation. They are occurring at the absolute center of Mackinder’s geographical pivot of history. This is a remarkable historical coincidence, exceeding even Canossa and Lepanto in its providential consequences.
If you are having problems with something or other, the solution lies in the direction of subtraction, not in the direction addition. Always, solutions reside in the direction of subtraction.

The Naval Ensign Of Russia
Another name for the direction of subtraction is, the law of expansion.
The moral is a material force, and the material is a moral force.
So, if your moral force goes down, your material force goes down with it. Likewise, if your material force goes up, your moral force goes up with it.
Material force and moral force are inextricable. They cannot be separated.

The Naval Jack Of Russia
The strategic and operational necessities of a nation’s land force component
govern the tactical kinetics of their combined arms joint force.

By Artists M and F Graham

At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India
The Songs Of Lost Horizon (1973)