Attitudinal Data Points — October 2023 to May 2024 — Let’s Face Facts

The foregoing is the root of USA Foreign Policy, and as such, a correlate of the Primakov Doctrine, the root of Russian Foreign Policy.

We start with the most recent:

By dumbing down your schools, you have degraded your own security, military ability, and even moral courage and spiritual serenity.

A consequence of Nominalist, Positivist, philosophy — Scientism — is that you can’t build architectures. Start with nominalism and anything is whatever you want it to mean, nothing exists other than what you say exists, and therefore you cannot build anything. Everything is always in just chaos.

When you try to do statecraft with this mindset, you’re just flailing in the dark, wondering in a panic why nothing is there for you to hold onto. You have already precluded that possibility from your philosophy: only what you say exists exists and that just from moment to moment. It can change at any time. Nothing is there to build with.

Russia has never accepted Nominalism. Bolsheviks tried to put it there, but they were rejected by Communists, led by Stalin, who had been a seminary student. So, Nominalism never took root there, whereas it did in the West.

The West was defenseless against Nominalism. which itself is an interesting phenomenon. I don’t know why that is. But obviously it happened. Nominalism took over the West starting in the 11th Century with Abelard and even earlier with Pelagius. But Nominalism took over in the 18th Century with the likes of Reimarus and others (Hume, Jefferson, and Kant and Locke — the latter two oscillate between Nominalism and Realism, but Nominalism is the stronger of their affections). It was a cultural phenomenon. The Left Wing of the Reformation took over pop culture and then statecraft, as we see today.

Hegel tried to restore the European Philosophical-Theological Enterprise to Realism, but instead, he ended up supporting a species of absolutism which then received necessary and unavoidable condemnation from two different directions at least, from Kierkegaard and from Marx, both of whom were his students.

Aquinas unwittingly gave Nominalism footing in Roman Catholic Doctrine. Jesuits, some years later, exploited that opening to the nth degree, becoming themselves strong Nominalists simply of an opportunistic mindset to advance Papism over the world. Teilhard, from within The Society of Jesus, tried to bring back Realism in a novel way, suitable to modern hermeneutics, and of course was censured, exiled, and rejected by his Order.

Because Realism does not fit their geo-political agenda of global Papal supremacy, Jesuits had to reject Teilhard, who was broadminded and universalist in his outlook on The Holy Spirit and the Christological development of history in corporeal terms, literally, corporeal terms. The Order rejected Teilhard’s sentiments regarding soteriology.

At their cores, Instapundit is a sodomy blog, PowerLine is a savagery blog.

Both ur-history and holy-history (German Urgeschichte and Heilige Geschichte) are salvation-history (German Heilsgeschichte).

There in terms of art of German Philosophy-Theology is Teilhard’s message. It is the truth.

Oetinger put it this way: The end of the ways of God is corporeality.

At the human level, love assumes many forms. The word ‘love’ is used in common parlance in the context of the relations between mother and child, husband and wife, master and servant, the preceptor and the pupil. But this is not true love. It cannot be termed Prema (love). It is only Anuraga (attachment). Prema can be applied only to the total love towards the Divine. It is utterly selfless. It has not come from the world nor has it fallen from the sky. It is Sahaja swaroopam (natural state). Today man has forgotten this sacred and enduring love. There is nothing equal to love in this world. Even nectar is insipid in comparison with the sweetness of love. This love makes the devotee and even the Divine dance in ecstasy. Such a love can find no place in the heart of self-seeking persons. It will dwell only in the hearts of the pure, the unselfish and the godly. – Sathya Sai Baba, Divine Discourse, May 30, 1992

Money is not worth more than Dharma.

You cannot be an atheist because you are full of that which God is.

Happiness is being full of God, the thought of God, the experience of God.

Happiness and God are the same experience.

Anti-Communism is a Bolshevik (Jewish, Fascist) agenda item. It is not a Christian agenda item. Christianity gets along with Communism.

Where Communists come after Christians, as in Poland during the Cold War, that’s because their ideology is Bolshevik, Fascist, not because it is Communist.

Communism practiced by Stalin and his successors is very different from Communism practiced by Poles, Pol Pot, and Bolsheviks, Fascists. Theirs they called Communism, but it was just Murder. Communism and Murder must be distinguished intellectually, morally.

International strategic objectives are very different from international commercial ambitions. Commercial ambitions are for private, corporate longevity and enrichment. Strategic objectives are for public, national safety and sovereignty.

In all domains of battle — Space, Air, Fire, Sea, Land — Fire is The King of Battle.

How many five-dimensional points are inside a five-dimensional sphere or dodecahedron?

We need craftsmen, not leaders.
We need craftsmanship, not leadership.
Leaders emerge naturally from craftsmen.

Republicans are looking for leaders. They should be looking for craftsmen (of all kinds and not just of dirty tricks).

Democrats inspire craftsmen. They take leadership from people who get things done [for them personally; neighborhood, town, county, state, and nation be hanged].

Cultivate craftsmen, not leaders.

The Russians have you
out-thought, out-fought, and out-gunned.
And it all starts with your being out-schooled.

A political candidate:

Neighbors, I want to understand what you are feeling, and I want to see what you are looking at.

What’s on your mind? What are you feeling?

I want to understand, so I’m here to listen. I want to see, so I’m here to look.

I’m here to listen, I want to understand. I’m here to look, I want to see.

Americans do not stand against their government. We stand against self-promoters who claim to be our government.

We do not like them and we will not tolerate them.

We have no quarrel with American Blacks or Jews. We have a quarrel with American Gangbangers and Zionists.

Israel is not God.
Jews are not The Messiah.
Zionism is not a religion.

Convert the COCOMs into synergistic, far-forward, sensory networks. These replace CIA analysis division while US Joint Force replaces CIA operations division. CIA are dissolved because they imagine themselves The USG.

To rebuild national unity, restore national sovereignty.

Demonic personalities — e.g., Bolsheviks, Zionists, Fascists, Racists, Activists, Dissidents — are always convinced that they will win. What for? in the comprehensive sense is a question they ignore.

Zionists used cut-outs, proxies — NATO, Galicia — to attack Russia. They were defeated. So now they are using the same proxies, plus Israel, to attack BRICS.

How they are going to do this, which is impossible, doesn’t matter to Zionists because they are maniacs. They don’t even think about such things.

Everybody should be paid or otherwise supported for what they do for their country. But just making money . . . that’s selfish and reprehensible. It should be illegal.

There is nothing wrong with having plenty of money. Everybody should.

US Americans are taught to think that the world and life generally are like a ballgame. You play to win, and the other side loses, and then you just go your ways.

Or, that the world is like a chess game. Someone wins, someone loses.

However, the world is not a game. The world is an array of differential equations. That’s what it is. The world is differential equations which generate paradoxes and balances of power.

No nation today can win against Russian combat assets. Russians since 2000 have been careful to bring about this situation.

The irrationality of Israeli and USG cadre officials correlates with drug use, chemical and ideological.

Before you build the Church, you have to build The Army. This is the meaning of St. Paul’s appeal to Rome, civil authority, which is based on The Army. The Army makes civil authority civil and legitimate.

The motto of Companies, Battalions, and Regiments should reflect tactical works. The mottos of Brigades, Divisions, and Corps should reflect operational arts. The mottos of Armies, Army Groups, and Campaigns should reflect strategic objectives.

In this civil war, California, Texas, Illinois, and New York, as the insurrectionist base, will fight to keep the Zionist hag in place on the back of The USofA.

The USofA go to civil war to throw the Zionist had off their back.

None of the factors previously in use by sensor motion systems is now relevant. None of them.

The promotion and assignment systems of The US Armed Forces, all of them, have been crushed and annihilated by the Russian way of war.

Russia has crashed that, all of it.

Russia has crashed the promotion and assignment systems of The US Armed Forces, The US Joint Force.

Zionists have engineered enormous wealth transfer from private citizens around the world to private FIRE organizations, corporations, and the US Treasury, CIA, and Congress — grist, graft, extortion, bribery, the whole business, complete corruption of the processes of the USG — so they would have money to enrich themselves and provide some kind of assistance — obviously not enough or of the right kind — to their proxies overseas: Israel, The Ukraine, thousands of NGO dissident groups around the world.

A tell that the Zionist project is unrighteous is that they have had to bankrupt The USofA in order to carry out their project. That shows that their project is a-Dharmic.

US Americans allowed Zionists to seize the powers of The USG. This enabled Zionists to carry forth their apocalyptic, imperialistic, eschatological projects in the name of The USofA.

Zionist projects are inconsistent with, alien to US American civilization, culture, self-esteem, and nature. They are inconsistent with every other nation or culture because they assume all those are goy, less than human.

Really only two things matter now. One is the structures Russia now puts in place for global stability and peace. The other is helping US Americans rethink themselves top to bottom, front to back, to re-cast themselves as a peaceful nation capable of defending her borders, their own country, herself, and not going abroad for Zionist or any other maniacal projects.

US Americans neither protect nor abridge the sovereignty of other nations. We affirm who we are while we acknowledge and honor who we have been.

The state of Israel is a power of non-being on its way to being not. Me on on its way to uk on: not being on its way to being not. Zionism, like Nazism, is not a viable political philosophy. It’s exclusivist. The state of Israel is on its way out of existence.

A cultured person is disciplined in mathematics, theology, history, languages, linguistics, law, and music. A cultured person is disciplined in these subjects and, above all else, in their emotions. The Name of God is ever near their minds and mouths.

If you can’t do calculus, you can’t do history. If you can’t do algebra, you can’t do economics. If you can’t do differential equations, you can’t do military operations. If you can’t do simple addition and subtractions, you can’t do governance.

The basis of foreign policy is mathematical calculations of military functions at all levels of mathematics, high and low.

Structure is interior, energy is exterior.

Everything has interior structure. If you follow that and support that, then your life is easy and right on time because everything supports you.

A man’s loyalty is to God, his country, his wife, and his children, in that order. A woman’s loyalty is the reverse: to her children, her husband, her country, and to God.

Meanwhile, The USofA bear the disgrace of having allowed themselves to be used as the vanguard of the Zionist movement.

We encourage children to enjoy their childhood. We encourage young people to enjoy their youth. Why should be not also encourage production-age people to enjoy their work and elderly people to enjoy their dotage.

When corporate media — aka intelligence agencies and Zionist organizations — identify you as an anti-Semite because you have identified Neocons as Zionists, then you know you are over the main target.

Two places of mother hen and her chickens, and not a stone shall be left on top of another. The work of Titus cannot be undone because it was ordained by the Messiah Himself.

The Word of God is meant to be very simple. It is very simple. It is very direct. There is nothing hidden about it. There are no secret meaning. No secret meetings. It’s all up front and straightforward. Scripture says exactly what it means in language which everybody can understand as long as they can read it or know what they are hearing when the text is read.

Only love, reasonableness, culture, and comprehensiveness are good for construction.

Corruption is good for more corruption. It’s not good for any kind of construction.

The only thing corruption can guarantee is corruption.

Lighting Olympic Fire, 2024

Chinese Port Operations, 2024, Haifa, Israel

Everyone wants what offers safety, can guarantee safety. Those who want safety only for themselves look in all the wrong places. Those who want safety for everyone look in all the right places.

Our D.C. cadre officials (elites) are of the former type. They themselves are their only concern. They are full of themselves, and themselves are full of nothing, full of empty. They have nothing to offer their country beyond lies, cheating, and theft.

Our D.C. cadre officials are full of corruption, yes, but it is empty. Corruption does nothing. It’s like the sand that blows in and blows out. It doesn’t last. It doesn’t provide safety, not anything that can be built, that stays, that can be relied upon.

So, corruption is not the issue. Structures infected with it are the issue.

Our D.C. cadre officials are at best an insolent impertinence. They consider themselves The USofA and everyone else a disposable appurtenance.

Other than to, (1) stay on office, (2) compel Russia into strategic defeat and other, lesser powers into vassalage of their whims (aka, rules-based international order), (3) delectate US-UK financial, insurance, and real estate (FIRE) speculators with the wealth of nations, and (4) immerse themselves in money, drugs, and juveniles, D.C. cadre officials have no agenda.

D.C. cadre officials have no strategic objective that benefits The USofA. Moreover, they do not want one.

Realistic and rational architectures of US grand national strategic objectives. This is the issue.

Jews are Christians who won’t admit it, in train of which, and without knowing it, they push themselves into all manner of irrationalities and anomalies, thinking them rational and even legal. It’s hilarious.

To this situation adherents of every religion must adhere: whatever their religion, their inalienable natural rights as a human being in civil society are undiminished. Those rights are the same across all religions, all societies, all cultures, all nations. This is something everybody must live with, adherents of all religions, all cultures, etc.

plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

Everyone, including Jews, by natural right are responsible to live in solidarity with people who are not Jews and to respect them as brother and sister human beings with all the rights and privileges appertaining thereunto, because of their common nature as human beings.

The most powerful Department of the US Executive Branch is the one nearest The White House, namely, Treasury.

Adwaitha Hermitage, Christmas Day, 2017

That my writings are DOA in New York, Washington, Paris., and London, sends those people to punishment by fire. It is their own doing.

The Lutheran Gothra continues The Latin Church. The Lutheran Gothra is Franciscan in character. The Lutheran Gothra is the Bharadwaja Gothra in the West Eurasian Peninsula and the Western Hemisphere. The Lutheran Gothra in the Latin Church descends from Jan Hus and The Moravian Brethren. Hus and The Moravian Brethren connect The Latin and Greek (Orthodox) Church.

Everyone residing in the Western Hemisphere, aka The Americas, is an American.

Basically, tend your cabbages.

Ramakatha Rasavahini, Chapter 15

Memorial Day

Principle I

The United States have no authority in the domestic affairs of other nations and expect other nations to reciprocate by not feigning authority in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other nations. We expect ourselves and other nations to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean for use by all nations.

Principle II

The United States welcome comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era with our brother nations India and Russia, for correlation, coordination, and promulgation, from their perspectives, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel an enemy to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost to yourself and your enemy or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India


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