Organizing By Strategic Vision

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

President Putin with citizens and their
new flats in Mariupol, 19 March 2023

Everything is organized from a strategic vision of knowing who is the enemy and defending the homeland, and if necessary, having to push out a little bit to secure the perimeter.

America’s enemy is her own
Democratic-Republican UniParty.

Military force subserves statecraft. Political change cannot be achieved by use of military force. Military force is but one component of statecraft. Military and financial force must be integrated with political force to produce statecraft worthy of the name and to the manner born.

Contingency planning, you probe, watch the developments relative to the decision trees, adjust, adapt, keep it moving in the direction of homeland defense. Planning is done non-stop, all the time, day and night. OODA Loops. Americans write doctrines but don’t follow them.

US military is not constructed according to a national defense strategic plan. It’s a quilt stitched together by weapons systems that you can sell and get Congress to fund, not necessarily to be effective out in the field, but to yield financial profit to favored contractors. US military equipment is akin to a Lambroghini with no wheels. Looks great, really expensive, but it doesn’t achieve its main purpose, which is to drive, and in the military case, to secure strategic homeland defense.

America is miscalculating on a gargantuan scale. This is the danger.

China is realizing that Euro-American leadership is immature and unstable. This means US military is brittle, does not have flexibility to respond to what is going on tactically on a battlefield. West has committed itself to legacy systems, both of hardware and concept.

Incompetence of Bidens, belligerence of Congress, coupled with ignorance, combined with hubris, has a nasty outcome. US faces significant economic consequences as a result. West will discover it is not prepared to fight a war.

NATO is gone. Tough talk from them is fairytale. NATO has no purpose. Russia can sustain herself. EU is Fourth Reich, just a parasite.

My comment on this by John Hinderaker follows.

US support for Ukraine (= borderlands) has nothing to do with support of Ukraine or Ukraine itself.

The project is those DC foreign policy interventionists (and their friends, bumptious financial speculators in New York and The City of London) using a proxy population to accomplish what Napoleon and the Nazis tried to accomplish earlier: seize Russia’s wealth and extirpate Russian sovereignty.

That’s why they ran NATO up to the Russian border, to use those countries — Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, the Baltics, and trying for Finland, Sweden, Georgia, and Moldova — as proxies and logistics bases to bleed Russia to expire in submission.

It’s that interventionism that isn’t flying today for anybody observant outside New York, DC, and The City of London. Give Graham, Nuland, Burns, Sullivan, Duda, Nausėda, and Sandu their own F-35 and let them support Ukraine by flying patterns against Russian force structures. They can empty their personal wealth into Zelensky’s pockets as well, before they take off, because they won’t need it after they’re airborne.

Well, this whole thing is academic anyhow. Zelensky’s force is spent. Nuland sends in Poland as the next proxy to chew up and keeps the US fleet within range of Zircons and Kinzhals, or, she imitates her ancestors at Masada. She’s already had warning to get her US personnel and equipment out of the battle area — they plan operations, conduct SOF, provide ISR, and operate equipment such as HIMARS — didn’t do it, and lost a flock of NATO senior staff in consequence.

F-16s and tanks are talk because Americans (native or NATO, NATO being mostly a USA proxy) would have to operate them. Those F-16s and tanks would have to base in a NATO country. That leaves 3-2 CAV and sister units, who are on the move from Slovakia to Hungary, and elements of 101st and 82nd plus others in position around Ukraine.

Throw them in and their casualties will reach political poison within a week or less and could precipitate a mutiny in the ranks. It is suicide. No American commander in his right mind wants to fight Russia, because they know they don’t have the means or the knowledge base to do it without getting slaughtered. SACEUR Cavoli said so in public in Sweden in January.

Americans have never fought an existential war of the scale Russia must do with near regularity. Ukraine had the best army Americans could train and equip and Russia put that force on its heels within three weeks. They never recovered, because they can’t, not hating as they do Russians. Never hate. It corrodes the intellect.

So yeah, DiSantis is correct as far as he goes in that statement. Years ago, even warmonger John McCain pointed out that Ukraine is of no strategic value to The USA. Well, it is of strategic value to the feelings, the envies and greeds, of the class of financial speculators who feel about Russia as do the class of foreign policy interventionists crawling all over Americans’ powers of government. Many of those are Americans, but they are not America, and they don’t work for us. We all know they aren’t interested in us.

Give Lindsay his very own F-35 and let him fly his little heart out supporting Ukraine (arguably the world’s most corrupt so-called state) for that Churchillian hero Zelensky (arguably the world’s most coked-up so-called head of state).

Responsibility to Protect — NO
Responsibility to Respect — YES

Despite her benighted foreign policy interventionists, The USA are destined to abandon Ukraine to Russia and her neighbors and to respect Russia while protecting their mutual benefit. This is the most loving course of action with respect to all parties on the scene.

US State Department under Democratic-Republican UniParty initiating a diplomatic conversation: You pathetic moron, I’m going to tell you what you’re going to do, and you’re going to do it because you’re a stupid coward fuck who doesn’t know any better. And if you do it, I’m going to kill you anyway and tell the world you committed suicide because you don’t matter at all.

US State Department under American patriots initiating a diplomatic conversation: OK, what can we agree on, what would be mutually beneficial, what do you believe we need to do, can do? Here’s what we believe we need to do and can do. Here’s what we are thinking, what are you thinking? And go from there.

Don’t nobody mess with my Russians.
Don’t nobody mess with my Americans,
Don’t nobody mess with my wife.
Don’t nobody mess with our children or their families.
Don’t nobody mess with my cousins or their families.

We today belong to the backbone of Dharma.

Whatever is mine is mine because it is God’s.
So don’t mess with it. You’ll get hurt.
Unless, that is, you want to get hurt.

If you try to hurt us, that is immaterial.
If you want to hurt is, that is material,
Because God judges feelings, not actions.

The grand national strategic objective of Americans, and of each of their several jurisdictions of government, is to expand the viability and vitality of their domestic freedom and national sovereignty.

This is first and foremost a spiritual exercise, the very same spiritual exercise that brought Eurasian colonists to this continent.

Americans today follow in the footsteps of their forebears.

FWIW, I have not and will not read Dunn on this. However, from Scott’s exegesis of the same, I will declare my concurrence with Dunn.

Elaborating: McCarthy-IC gave Tucker those tapes in order to set a counter-narrative fire, a backfire. Stauffer fell for it, expected The Burning Bush. Tucker knows his role in the play. So do Murdochs.

This is IO SOP: start a fire here to distract from the blaze you have ongoing there.

This late Stanford Law disorder is another instance of the same MO. Any time disorder occurs in the name of human rights, that is signature, textbook Soros-IC and Co. at work. I blame the actors’ mothers, not the writers and director of the drama

Not long ago in Brazil, a Soros-USIC disorder, in the name of human rights of course, occurred, targeting Lula, during which — and while their reps were not publicly in Brazil — Saud and Iran quietly agreed to find agreement. Yesterday, they and China, their mediator, announced their industrial-scale agreement.

Middle East strategic conditions are now entirely new. Anyone have the intellectual and moral energy to grasp what this portends?

When did peaceful redress become mostly peaceful protest? When some really silly rich people touched some really fearful officials.

The terrible quality of our schools is an existential threat to the republic.

Indeed. Russia and China are aware of that, quite confident as a result, given their education systems, although the Chinese never can be as self-supporting as the Russians are. Chinese culture is more so than Spain’s with respect to resource extraction. Our American finance-geeks, however, are giving the Chinese stiff competition in that regard.

Russia’s armaments sector is earning huge profits because everyone sees that their engineering and performance are supreme, especially when compared with price. US armaments industry will never catch up without radical refounding of US education system to better than it was at its best.

American schools will return to product excellence when the battlefield convinces them that money is earned, not made. I’m not worried. I trust American parents. It’s their baby.

BTW, see the pictures of Russian cities and peoples today going about their business. They astonish those of us who consumed the line all our lives till of late that Russians are thickened orcs, incompetents living in dreary resentment of their lot in life, their rulers wanting to overbear the world.

Even China has learned from the Russian SMO in Ukraine that it’s easier and more satisfying to seek global harmony than it is to hustle for global hegemony. Now it’s only the so-called US Foreign Policy Establishment and Davos degenerates who conduct the latter futility.

So I’m glad our schools are gone south. With them goes arrogance and sanctimony, both signs of moral rot. American parents can raise engineers and homemakers. Now they’re forced to.

Howeverwhat would help or hurt Donald Trump is only a surface truth. The deep truth is the IC-media’s desire to hurt the people comprising the two-named movement (Tea Party, MAGA) which provided his and others’ votes.

The felony here — genocide would be a more compleat description — is the desire to harm people whose protection is your sworn duty.

Americans are alive now to the reality that their standing in the eyes of their own officials is the same as the standing of Ukrainian old men and women, young girls and boys, in the eyes of Ukrainian officials, who also are in vassalage to their — Americans’ — officials.

Once human beings are taken as financialized molecular concentrations, mere derivatives, there is no limit to the cruelty one can heap on them because there is no cruelty, they’re just concentrations of wealth to be exchanged, to do whatever you want with, for money. Who cares if they can talk and feel?

This is our international IC-media. Self-developing humans are their mortal enemies, no matter the shape, color, religion, gender, country, or language. It’s more than felonious. It’s genocidal.

Principle I

The United States have no authority in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by not feigning authority in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspectives, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost to yourself and your enemy or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Swami With Lingam

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