An Inner Chuckle

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Rector, I have an inner chuckle reading this. The lineaments of de-imperialized US you sketch here are those our founders desired and attempted to put into institutional practice. We are an island nation, not a continental nation, and other nations’ affairs are none of our business unless they attack our communications inside the order of nations, to which we too belong. The same oceans which protect us prevent us from sustaining military operations on another continent. We have no need for conquest. We are refugees from imperialism, not natively perpetrators of it.

It’s our American responsibility to dethrone and banish low-minded ones who, like their Sicarii forebears — cf. American Russian Lithuanian Emma Goldman — cut their way to seize our powers of government in order to abort us and everyone else in sight. True anarchists: nothing they say is true and nothing they do is healthy.

Vladimir Putin — and especially combined Vladimir Putin — is a Paladin at work. I enjoy watching him and his troupe of competent officials. The Army of Titus indeed. Sicarii, you recall, jumped off a cliff at Herod’s redoubt rather than undergo mass crucifixion.

Principle I

The United States have no authority in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by not feigning authority in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspectives, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost to yourself and your enemy or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India


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