AAR: Cyber Era War, Russian SMO Ukraine

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Sanctions cannot take away Russia’s natural resources.
The Fed can print dollars, they cannot print commodities.
The ECB can print euros, they cannot print commodities.

Ukrainians and Saudis have shown the nations
that American weapons cannot protect them.

Neither her financial nor her military
weapons can achieve Victoria Nuland’s goal.

American leader families have shown the nations
that their word cannot be trusted.

Americans desire a full shift-out of their leader families,
to ones accepting multipolar order among earth’s nations,
to include in Theology, Medicine, Military Arts, Law, and Pedagogy.

The video is from 2018 at West Point. It hold true today. Nuland sent her Nazis and Euro-American mercs on a suicide mission. Her impulses are genocidal.

The American Civil War Between The States was the first Industrial Era war. It was studied contemporaneously as such. The Russian Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine is the first Cyber or Communications Era war. Some are studying it contemporaneously as such, but many whose responsibility it is to do so are not. It is in fact a hybrid war and also an inflection point in the history of military operations. It is described accurately by Andrei Martyanov as a combined arms police action.

War in Korea, 1950 to 1953, was the last time the world observed a combined arms police action.  It foundered on the shoals of weak political will among nominally educated Americans.  This one, by Russians, faces no such shallow and turgid waters.

The following thoughts are in pursuance of studying the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine as monitory regarding warfare in the Cyber or Communications Era. I use the phrase Communications Era here at the top in honor of my colleague between the years 1968 and 1971, Robert Theobald, whose far-sighted locution it is.

When I write Cyber Era, think of it as meaning Communications Era in every sense Bob meant the phrase, and more. Elsewhere on this blog I use the equivalent phrases Sai Era, Mother Era, and New Era. By them also I indicate Communications Era / Cyber Era.

Russian Special Military Operations in Ukraine teach us what Russians already have learned and are learning about Cyber Era warfare, ahead of other great powers and great power posers.

A x i o m s

1- Victory in war derives more from the strength which binds the minds of the opposing commanders to truth than from the bodies of their troops. The commander whose mind holds closest to the truth wins the war by attracting the most cheerful, learned, and energetic subordinates.

2- Insight makes success. Success makes prestige. Prestige makes morale. Morale makes discipline. Discipline wins wars and makes insight.

3- Morale is to materiel as three is to one. Volition is to variability as five is to one.

4- Great power nations face outward only as their Joint Force (Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting).

5- A great power’s Joint Force operates as geography-based COCOM Commands, each under direct command of the head of state.

6- A great power supports as many COCOM Commands as their peoples and organs of government deem appropriate for themselves to support.

7- A COCOM Commander is a military officer of five-star rank who has senior national Diplomatic and Finance presence for consultation at their HQ, which locates in the mother country.

8- The War-Fighting component of The Joint Force takes the field, when it takes the field, only as a Penta-Force (Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, Land).

9- Maintain strategic ambiguity, so others cannot predict your next moves.

10- The new pivot of history is India, USA, Russia.

11- Otto von Bismarck: Do anything, but don’t provoke the Russians. Talk with them, be honest and straightforward with them, fulfill your committments to them, and do not deceive or try to manipulate them.

12- Accept and promote multivariance and indivisible security in domestic and foreign affairs. These are foundation concepts for Cyber Era statecraft. Multivariance = luxuriant variety of minority group languages, religions, ethnicities, and customs within and between nations. Indivisible security = one does not gain security at the expense of one losing it.

Constant War

The means with which war is conducted change with developments in technology, political will, and the presence of generalship. War itself is a constant of history. One way and another, all technology development is driven by the desire for weapons superiority. War is the father of all things – Heraclitus. The technological means and powers of conducting war have progressed towards completion very quickly during recent centuries, from Newcomen and Watt, through Diesel and Ford, to Tesla and Wiener. Mathematicians, chemists, and physicists have been particularly influential in that progress. They always will be. Russians, be it noted, are notably strong in mathematics, chemistry, and physics across many centuries.


Do not manipulate or otherwise interfere with another nation’s internal affairs.

Do not attempt to rule another country either directly or by proxy.

Do not attack another country except to remove their will to aggress against your country.

The Land Force mission governs the total force / combined arms disposition (Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, Land).

If another country aggresses towards your country, ask them, in private, to desist. If they persist, announce the fact in public, specifying both the aggression(s) and your country’s intolerance of the same. If they persist, attack them in such a way as to remove their will to aggress against your country.

In agreements with another country, accept only signed documents, no MOUs, verbal promises, handshakes, or gentlemen’s agreements.

If attack against another country is required by their unwillingness to renounce aggression against yours:

1- Plan operations as total force / combined arms engagements, what I call The Penta-Force: Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, Land.

2- Train hard as a net-centric total force / combined arms in order to win easily and early over a designated enemy.

3- Attack military targets swiftly with the total force / combined arms, priority targeting command and control nodes.

4- Swiftly invest cities, leaving on civilian power and water. Offer food and safety to civilians and surrender or death to military personnel inside the cordon.

5- Swiftly invest and destroy military and militia personnel. Gift their equipment to trustworthy local militia, if such are present. If such militia are not present, stand them up, if possible.

6- Use directives, rather than specific orders, to allow the greatest possible room for maneuver, right down to the squad leader.

Indivisible security as between nations and multivariance as within nations are the touchstones of geo-politics during this Cyber Era. A fresh set of families is indicated, families spiritually hard-minded and soft-hearted, learned and skilled at bringing into play all three assets of statecraft — Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting — to help their countrymen and not harm others. This requires a fresh concept and system of education, based on the homeschool.

It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.
GA Douglas MacArthur

Americans must regain self-confidence
and knock off the GD snark, and
its pathetic sibling, fantasy.

Russia is reconstituting Novorossiya and Malorossiya as Russian protectorates or Russia proper. Western Ukraine, the Nazi, Waffen SS region of former Ukraine, is in play. It may go to Poland, Hungary, and/or Belarus, each of whom has history in the region.


War in the Cyber Era comprises combinations and permutations of stand-off artillery (fires, which includes cyber/computers) from the five combat domains: space, air, cyber, sea, land. Precision, hypersonic artillery and speed-of-light cyber by The Penta-Force lead the way in Cyber Era warfare. The five combat domains must adjust doctrine, planning, budget, acquisition, and operations to that reality or suffer rapid annihilation, loss of prestige, and loss of sovereignty due to failure to protect the mother nation.

A four-part lesson on the mathematics of
Cyber Era fires (artillery), by Andrei Martyanov.


The prelude to war in the Cyber Era resembles spats between cats. All participants know going in that they will undergo some amount of ruination if they close with each other. Therefore, unless they are psychopaths, they hiss and talk, and move sideways with their hair up to look big and ferocious, trying to avoid military combat.

Fortunate nations in the Cyber Era field learned diplomats who labor with intelligent counterparts in other nations to produce indivisible security, wherein no country’s security rises at the expense of another’s, with multivariance at its core, wherewith, within and between nations, religions, customs, languages, and ethnicities are respected by practice and law so long as they do not abridge the universal human values of truth, proper conduct, peace, love, and non-violence.

Here is evidence of a learned diplomat in spate. Psychopathy is documented, so far, here.

I wish the latter well and that they have intellectual strength sufficient to not become the next hottie spot of Instapundit-style trivia, sarcastic sloganeering and all.  The nation does not need another sharp, heartless snark-magnate.

The war in Ukraine is a Russian Special Military Operation (SMO) against Fascism. The Russians, bless their heart, have undertaken the sacrifice to protect the world from Euro-American Fascism. Russians have done selfless service for all nations. Russians are wrecking Fascist Ukraine and Europe. Americans are wrecking Fascist America. This is true statecraft and public service.


He has generalship who enters upon commanding a formation of The Penta-Force in or potentially in combat so as to win a war as easily and early as possible, with minimum necessary destruction of lives and property, or not come back alive. Who goes into war, actual or potential, not intending to win it is not a general and is a danger to all formations in the fight. In war there is no substitute for victory. A general sent to fight but not win a war resigns their commission rather than commit such an atrocity.

A field command is a Penta Force command or a general or admiral does not accept it. A senior national military command — a COCOM Commander in USA (who is also a Joint Force Commander, see also here), a MOD senior military staff officer in other countries — is a Penta-Force command or a general or admiral does not accept it. A nation’s five armed forces — Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, Land — plan and operate as one in a specified geographic area or they do not take the field, at least not under command of a general or admiral worthy of the rank and responsibility.

Russia has demonstrated the importance of generalship and united command of the total force / combined arms / Penta-Force. They may also have demonstrated the importance of generalship and united command of the The Joint Force — Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting, such as a US COCOM Commander should command — but if so, at the moment that is not as clear as their demonstration of the importance of generalship and united command of The Penta-Force, the War-Fighting component of The Joint Force.

Allied experience in Europe of WW II and NATO experience in Iraq and Afghanistan demonstrate that coalition warfare is an abomination.  Senior commanders from different nations run their own games and are prone to distrust one another not only from common personal failings, such as jealousy, but also from feelings of national superiority or at least importance.  The nations are spiritual entities, uniting in themselves power and meaning, who cannot and will not be gainsaid.

When they are in the same chain of command, commanders from different nations muddy intelligence, abridge the senior commander’s intent, shunt logistical trains to their own nation’s forces — or the enemy’s — confuse communications, launch inefficient, uncoordinated, and therefore needlessly deadly missions by front-line troops, increase complexity at every level of command and turn of events, mis-match technology across The Penta-Force, and commit other outrages against war-fighting doctrine.

Coalition warfare stinks.  Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine demonstrates the wisdom of taking the field as a united national Joint Force.


Warfare changes with increases in speed. First is the speed of the arm. Then the speed of a thrown object. Then the speed of the horse. Then the speed of the launched object. Then the speed of a projected object. Then the speed — and endurance and distance — achieved by a steam engine on tracks or boats. Then the speed of electricity, which is fire at the speed of light. Then the speed of an internal combustion engine on wheels or wings. Then the speed of a self-propelled object. Electricity, as is seen in later weapons developments, can be used to increase the speed of projected and self-propelled objects by orders of magnitude, albeit still well below the speed of light itself.

The killing portion of a weapon, be it hand, bullet, or computer code, is a means of laying fire, fire itself, on a target in order to destroy its ability to initiate or return fire. A Soldier kills so as not to be killed. A Soldier wants to be first to lay fire on their target, who wants to be first to lay fire on them. So, speed is, as they say, of the essence.

The American War Between The States explored warfighting between heavy forces, iron horses, improved explosives, repeating rifles, huge volleys, massed infantry and cavalry, on both external and internal lines of communication, and supplied by heavy industrial abilities. One side, the Union, also had heavy horse-and food-gathering abilities. This was what we call industrial-grade warfare. No titled nobles here, with their private regiments of men-at-arms. This was full, heavy industrial state-on-state warfare, a global first. Heavier industries backed the Union than the Confederate armies, and so the former won the war even though they fought against some stellar generalship with, most often, mediocre generalship of their own.

The Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine is of equal significance as a global first. Heavy industry is assumed now. New is the full net-centric integration of the fighting force via electronics, fire at the speed of light. The internal lines of communication — always giving the advantage in a contest — are those through which run the electrical impulses and codes (fires). This is full light cyber state-on-state warfare. The Ukrainian fighting force uses some of their own equipment in this regard but mostly they use NATO, which is to say mostly American, electronic and heavy industry equipment. Russian equipment has proven superior in speed by way of electronics.

War-making has progressed from crude light to crude heavy to subtle light weaponry while retaining elements of crude light and crude heavy weaponry. But subtle is always more powerful that crude — it is more difficult to find, it reaches more of the battlefield, with less effort and expense — so crude weapons, such as aircraft carriers, are easy prey for fast, subtle, and precise stand-off weapons. Russians and CFP (Chinese Fascist Party) possess these in quantity and constantly improve their quality. Crude weapons such as tanks and legacy heavy artillery may be a little less vulnerable and a little more useful than aircraft carriers, but not much more. Electricity is just too fast for these heavy weapons.

Each increase in a weapon’s speed of delivery increases a Soldier’s ability to win a fight. The need for speed in delivering the killing part of a weapon drives the development of technology generally. Cyber weaponry has the ultimate speed, the speed of light. It has also in principle — and often in fact, these days — the ultimate in range. Russia has demonstrated the value of subtle electronics and hypersonic weapons.

The Industrial Era is over. There is not a “Fourth” one, pace malevolent lunatic Klaus Schwab and WEF acolytes. The Cyber Era is here. This is an era of light, distributed, not heavy, concentrated power. Salafi Jihadis, in their own ways, have been demonstrating this reality.


Warfare changes with increases in the range to which the killing portion of a weapon can be, so to speak, thrown. A light object can be thrown a modest distance. A heavier object can be launched much farther. An even heavier object can be propelled a considerable distance. And so forth. Attach an engine to the killing portion of a weapon — a steam engine to a manifest of passenger cars, a rocket engine to an explosives-laden tube — and great distances can be covered by large lethal forces at considerable and extraordinary distances and speeds. Electricity shrinks distance and increases speed in the delivery of a weapon’s lethal part to shockingly small finitude in the case of hard objects and almost zero in the case of electricity itself.

Weapons delivered by electricity or as electricity can outrange and outrun any weapon propelled by powder, steam, internal combustion, or turbine. This includes airplanes, ships, and land-based heavy artillery and armored vehicles such as tanks and self-propelled howitzers. An aircraft carrier or submarine, for example, is a weapon propelled by a steam-turbine, a mix of old and new technology. The former is vulnerable to undetectable attack by underwater and overwater weapons. The latter is vulnerable to undetectable attack by underwater weapons and sometimes overwater weapons.

Battlefield preparation starts, therefore, with clearing an enemy’s ability to launch electricity-based communication, monitoring, and attack weapons that are at distance from the attack vector of the Land Force. The relevant distances are those which are on land, in the air, at sea, in space, and in cyberspace (global electronic / communication networks).

Each of those distances, i.e., the distance of weapons from the attack vector of the Land Force, must be maximized and at best made impossible to traverse. Since the weaponry is so lethal in speed, range, and explosive power, warfare in the Cyber Era is less counter-attacking an aggressor than ensuring he cannot attack you with his full force. Cyber Era warfare is preemptive warfare done quickly, resolutely, and with maximum effect on the enemy’s electronic command and control nodes.


Cyber Era warfare, as Russia illustrates in Ukraine, commends Cyber Era counterparts of Stonewall Jackson’s foot cavalry, which is to say the speed and reach of electronics. To succeed in battle, a Penta-Force must be fustest with the mostest with respect to maneuverability of its entire sheet of assets.

This requirement recalls Lincoln’s observation — a question of legs — regarding a plan to trap Jackson at Winchester before he could cross the Potomac near Harper’s Ferry. It also recalls Jackson’s foot cavalry ascending the Shenandoah Valley, skirting Fremont at Strasburg and Shields at Front Royal, to occupy a very strong position at Port Republic.

ISIS and their simple pickup trucks with light arty anchored in the beds realize, at least in principle, an important facet of warfare in the Cyber Era. US SOF units current field some transportation built to a similar concept of fighting. US SF used horses in Afghanistan. I can imagine operations profiles wherein US Navy formations use wind-propulsion and sextants to cross bodies of water. Signaling via carrier pigeon, perhaps?

Rate of Fire
Range of Fire
Speed and Safety of the Light Force
Speed and Safety of the Heavy Force
These factors are a commander’s constant concern.

At onset:

Have in place, well and clearly thought out, and repeatedly expressed over months of time in public forums, legitimate reasons of statecraft justifying the ingress.

Own the airspace above the target territory within 48 hours.

Strike military command and control centers and fuel, ammo, and equipment storage with precision stand-off artillery.

Side-slip population centers in favor of owning transportation nodes (rail, road, airport, pipeline, electricity, water).

Credibly warn other nations not to interfere.

Shirley Jones

If you have to do house-by-house, room-by-room urban clearance, get civilians out first as much as possible. Then, use your SOF people, Tier I and Tier II, who are skilled at this mission. For shooters hold up in rooms, use Stryker-type formations, Tier II SOF units, and light arty, to include thermobarics. For their leaders, use Tier I SOF units, Tier II units on perimeter.

For example, to clear Mariupol, Russia sent in Moslem Chechen formations, tough guys who like to get up close and personal.


Force protection in the Cyber Era is achieved by, at minimum, two measures, both classical:

1- unit dispersal with logistical independence, and

2- commander’s intent realized through professional operation of C4ISR (Command, Control, Congress, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance).

(Intelligence agencies, who fancy themselves supreme in national affairs, have reworked the acronym C4ISR to mean Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance.)

The line of battle in Cyber Era warfare is the range of precision, hypersonic artillery and electricity itself shaped by hackers cyber warriors. Self-propelled is more nimble than merely propelled. For cyber fire itself (electronic network-based weaponry, 1s and 0s, manipulated by programers), the range is everywhere on, under, and above earth’s surface.

As well as force protection, force effectiveness also is obtained, in this Cyber Era, through force dispersal. Occupying transportation nodes is more efficient at civilian pacification and indigenous-caused regime change than is blasting a people’s living quarters to smithereens then asking them to play nice with the blasters.

Infantry hand-held weapons — anti-tank, anti-personnel, and anti-air — and lighter reactive-armored vehicles are mopping-up, not initial onset assets. U.S. Marine’s concentrated frontal assault doctrine is the opposite of intelligent in the Cyber Era. Their assault ships are sunk along with the Marines long before they reach the shores of a Tripoli or an Iwo Jima. Tanks should be fast and on the light side so they can work with infantry on mopping up operations. Set-piece tank battles, like set-piece naval battles and, for the most part, air-superiority battles, are absurd concepts in Cyber Era warfighting conditions.

Bomber aircraft are not precision weapons and are easily shot out of the sky by a Cyber Era great power. They make sense, somewhat, as mobile stand-off launch platforms for hypersonics and cruise missiles. Their fuel and crew-fatigue profiles make them iffy at best in Cyber Era warfare.

The dispersed Penta-Force follows the high-precision Penta-Force artillery barrage. The Land Force mission — hold land — governs the Penta-Force disposition.

Notes made from talk by Andrei Martyanov:

In real war, real war, it is how you fight conventionally that really matters.  Russians showed off firing hypersonics.  “Turn on your radar and observe.”  Conventional weapon you cannot intercept.  So what are you going to do about it?  Hypersonics collapse an enemy’s C4ISR immediately with high precision stand off long range weapons.  IOC (Initial Operational Capability) dispersed, including to ships.  Russia is not constrained by time factors and is avoiding massive civilian casualties.  Hypersonics have deterrent effect.  Why Russia did this?  Because she can.  She has military power to undermine any stupid attempts to undermine Russia economically.  Recognize that Russia is a super power, a great power who moves and does things they way she thinks, and it doesn’t really matter who thinks what about Russia.  It’s just the way it is.

A commander of dispersed forces has these aspects of their remit foremost in their mind:

1- Standing up indigenous militias, civil defense battalions, where those would be reliable, and letting them take over civil administration, including police and local militia.

2- Maintaining reliable comms between their dispersed units and themselves.

3- Maintaining portable and reliable electricity generation, food, and hygiene for their dispersed units.


Paraphrasing Martyanov:

You have stripped out the nous, the numinous, from western civilization (aka The Latin Church), so it’s no wonder you run after idols such as Lewis’ Tales of Narnia, Tolkein, Star Wars, Star Trek, Gide, Heinlein, Huxley, all sorts of idolatrous, degenerate, soteriologically empty and powerless visions, imaginings. Science you make an idol, all because you stripped out the numinous, you stripped out the vertical dimension, the mystery, the holy, the wholly other, the unutterable, the indefinable, the beyond logical. You are left with an array of fantasy worlds, some of which appeal to you and some which don’t. And then other people come along with new ones and make them up and you either buy them or you don’t. But it’s all fantasy, just fantasy. The numinous is stripped out. You did that. You are left with nothing but your own feeble devices. How stupid can you get?

Raquel Welch
FLOTUS Melania Trump

Finance Capitalism (a casino)
Productive Capitalism (reliability)

The economic consequences — de-dollarization — are inconceivable. For US Foreign Policy Establishment (FPE, Nuland-Kagan, CIA-USAID) this is a strategic catastrophe of unimaginable scale. Europe will collapse, US may remain a little longer because Europe collapsed, but then US will because of the obdurate stupidity of US FPE. All because of (1) US sanctions against Russia (showed world US cannot be trusted with their money), and (2) US would not agree to letting Russia be Russia and stopping NATO’s march to annihilate Russia and steal her wealth.

Remove dollar and what’s left? US will remain a major power, but not a hegemon. Reputations are hard to build up and easy to lose. It can happen in an instant. That’s what FPE has done with sanctions on Russia and refusal to listen to Russian points, which have been made very clearly, consistently, and persistently for many years, especially since 2014 when Nuland, Pyatt, CIA/USAID overthrew a legitimate government of Ukraine.

Commodity not financial markets measure a nation’s wealth. Oil is as valuable as gold. Trees are as valuable as gold. Precious metals, including gold, are as valuable as gold. All of these commodities, soy beans, etc., are as valuable as gold. They all figure into the basic support of currency. This is why Bill Gates and the CFP (Chinese Fascist Party) are buying American farmland, in order to take it out of production of basic wealth, so they can depopulate and take over everything.

Russians have all resources needed in-country and, for centuries, world-class mathematicians and physicists.

We are all of us, the whole planet, hostages of the psychopaths at State, Justice, and CIA in Washington D.C.

Western capitols now face defeat of unimaginable proportions, like Hitler in his last days. It’s mental, not statesmanship.

Poland wants part of Western Ukraine, which is historically Polish. So does Hungary, parts of which are historically Hungarian. The artificial country Ukraine faces partition.

Without the Red Army having moved west, Europe today would be giving Nazi salutes.

Chinese tires on Russian vehicles shred. Chinese are incapable of making something without cheating.

Jean Simmons
Elizabeth Taylor

Brave New World. Multipolar I. We are along for the ride whether we want to be or not. We don’t and can’t control the “tectonic plates.” We do know theologically and geologically (Teilhard, Swami) that those “plates” move towards fulfillment in the sense of embodiment of all potentials.

BLUF: Stay put and stay observant.

Brigitte Bardot

Three reasons Russia jumped off on the “combined arms police operation”:

1- Ukies were about to escalate to total their 2014-2022 ethnic cleansing of Donbass/Luhansk/Crimea, which are historically Russian areas.

2- Ukie-American bioweapons development.

3- Americans in 12/21 would not commit to “indivisible security” (also here) for Euro-Russia, meaning, no nukes on Russian borders, would not even talk about it.

Claudia Schiffer

Lavrov on Multivariance:

Our leaders said in one of the [bilateral] documents: relations have reached an unprecedentedly high level that in some respects even exceeds the traditional allied relations. That is absolutely true and hence we have multivariance.

The Russian Empire was created as follows. There was no melting-pot like in the United States. They have melted everyone into Americans. Generally, all Americans favour human rights. Practically all the states have an equal balance of rights. In the Russian Empire, as ethnic groups joined, Moscow and St Petersburg always sought to have regard for their unique identities and made efforts to preserve their cultures and religions. Multivariance in relations with foreign partners seems more effective and enables greater freedom of action in cases where such actions will be necessary.

Why didn’t Russia go in, save Russians in Ukraine, in 2014?


We certainly relied too much on what remained of our Western colleagues’ conscience. France initiated the Normandy format; we were asked not to state categorically that we refused to recognise Petr Poroshenko’s election at the end of May 2014. The West assured us they would do everything to normalise the situation, so that Russians could live normally.

We must have trusted them because of some naivety and kindness of heart, which is something Russians are known for.

I have no doubt that lessons will be learned.

Marilyn Monroe

Do not provoke the Russians. They descend from Vikings, Mongols, and native Slavic peoples. Don’t play them. Talk with them. Work it out. Don’t deal falsely them up. Don’t screw them over. Just talk to them and work out whatever is frictional. Remember: law of expansion solves all problems. Think big, not small.

Americans have been playing with Russians since the early 1940s. Where has it gotten them? Nowhere, nowhere at all. You just don’t mess with Russians any more than you mess with Americans or Indians. Period. You talk with them. You work things out. They are perfectly amenable to doing that.

Russians are orderly. They are intelligent people. They are determined people who persevere through hardship. They are deeply adept at mathematics, physics, and all fine arts. They are capable and proud people. Just talk with them and work things out.

And above all else, renounce the idea that Americans have a right to tramp around in the internal affairs of any other country. That’s just Ashkenazy Jewish Atheist criminality abetted by Vatican swindlers and puritanical Christian and Moslem criminality. It’s wrong. It’s morally wrong. It’s politically wrong. It’s militarily wrong.

The huge US military presence in other countries around the world just has to be pulled back, stopped, abandoned. And this will have excellent economic consequences for everyone concerned except Wall Street and Euro-American Fascists, who deserve to be put in their graves, early. By Wall Street I mean bankers and lawyers.

The Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine has caused socio-political self-exposure among Americans. We see who really is an American and who is not. The first self-exposure was of the Left, as Fascists. The second self-exposure was of the Right, so-called conservatives and libertarians, also as Fascists. This is a big deal, a major development. Once is seen who is who, actually, and their actual impulses, one does not unsee that. Also, once the evil-doers self-expose, The Almighty, Who controls them and the Dharmic people, can address the evil-doers in the terms which they deserve.

By 4th Industrial Revolution, WEF mean to co-opt the cyber communications revolution, reduce it to a micro-management tool.

A rocket is an arrow with an engine in its notch.

The civilian population are always a military target because they breed the warriors and they build the materiel warriors use in combat.

Americans are in a world of hurt for allowing CIA, their Congressional support, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Ashkenazy Jewish Atheist Neo-Con cabal, abetted by Vatican swindlers and puritanical Christians and Moslems, to commandeer control of their national affairs.

Each of the three Executive Branch Departments has a domestic division and a foreign division, and that is it for Executive Branch Departments. This is in the Oath of Office.

<— Stand-alone observations.

Sophia Loren

US and EU military equipment has not fared well against the Russians and their equipment. Partly this is due to improper handling by Ukrainians. I suspect it is more than that, however. For example, US radar is not seeing hypersonics. US air defense was nullified almost right away. US stand-off artillery is not doing the job needed. Moreover, US civilian command philosophy — give specific orders rather than general directives, everything micro-managed — and military operations philosophy — smash everything — have not fared well. They have led to encirclements and defeats of the larger force (Ukrainian) by the smaller one (Russian). Russians haven’t yet sent in their main forces.

The Javelin is a bust, Pentagon cutting back on orders.
The F-22 is busted by Russian ADA, Pentagon abandoning it.
When does US Navy admit the obvious: carriers are useless abattoirs?

For several very clear reasons, EUCOM / Pentagon / NATO cannot win against Russian Armed Forces.  With luck, leadership there will not follow Nuland / Austin into war against Russia because they know they will be mauled.  Gonzalo Lira believes Nuland will direct Ukraine (Yarosh) to set off false flag chem attack, probably on Kiev, within the next ten days.

The videos of Ukrainian Nazi atrocities (“Azov Battalion”) against Russian POWs, one in particular, has galvanized Russian public opinion. Russians, in response to that, likely now to overtake Ukraine in whole in order to annihilate Nazi / Fascist element forever. This would help Americans annihilate the Nazi / Fascist element in their midst, occupying their government, Ds and Rs both equally.

Zelensky says he is Jewish so he could not be Fascist. But Ashkenazy Jewish Atheists, such as Zelensky and George Soros, and Fascists, such as Vatican swindlers, generally have a common meeting point: sodomy. In public denounced, in private practiced. S&M activity, beloved of Ashkenazy Jewish Atheist and Vatican swindler sodomites, and those of other ethnicities, fronts German Nazi / SS paraphernalia. Wittgenstein frequented rough trade bars. Today, not a few government and multinational corporation officials frequent the same plus young-boys-only pool parties. Zelensky integrated Neo-Nazi leaders and paramilitary members into Ukrainian government and armed forces upon direction from Victoria Nuland.


Russians are not fighting the way American D-R UniParty elites think they should fight. American D-R UniParty elites think Russians should fight the way American D-R UniParty elites think fighting should be done. So American D-R UniParty elites think Russians are losing the fight they chose to fight when in fact they are winning it. Is this comedic tragedy or tragic comedy? Perhaps a Divine Lesson in proper conduct, in progress with pictures, notations, and subtitles.

Russia is laying in the political foundation of post-NATO Europe,
the financial foundation of the post-dollar global reserve currency,
and the spiritual foundation of the post-Nazi order of mother earth’s nations.

Who da thunk?

Americans must do what Russians did: pull way back, and way back more, go into quiet, out of sight, out of mind, think things through in quiet, very deeply, without defense contractors or their lobbyists. Find the real enemy. Find the TOE (Table of Organization and Equipment) able to annihilate that real enemy’s will to be an enemy. Test that TOE conceptually, on machines, whatever, find and fix every flaw in it, beat the bejeezus out of it. Beat the bejeezus out of it again, and again, and again, then see what remains. Then beat the bejeezus out of that. And that. And that. You’ll find something Russians have already developed — net-centric Joint Force statecraft (Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting) — but with American tonsils.

The idea is to pull back, way way back, way way back some way way more . . . and in that quiet . . . start fresh from the constants of military affairs, military experience. Correlate those with current conditions. This will give you insight for how to proceed, and you will be met with reception and acceptance. You will find, among other things, that Russians are strategic allies of Americans, along with Indians. We are a brotherhood, an earth-leadership brotherhood, singly and together having plenary authority in earth-wide diplomatic, financial, and military affairs on account of our multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-language national characters.

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

Sophia Loren
Yvonne De Carlo
Gina Lollobrigida

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