Victoria Nuland

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Notes I made from Lira’s discourse:

Faulkner – The past is never over. It’s never even the past. (Perhaps a paraphrase.)

Ethnic Russians do not have hatred for ethnic Ukrainians, but ethnic Ukrainians have hatred for ethnic Russians. Nazis in Ukraine are like white prison gangs in USA, crazy solid evil.

Ethnic Ukrainians have always been losers nursing hatred. They have always lived between bigger peoples, specifically Poles, Hungarians, and Russians, who have strong identity and do not put up with abuse. Ukrainians have always been the smaller people squeezed between bigger peoples. Instead of accommodating to that fact, one way and another, accepting reality, many ethnic Ukrainians cultivated resentment, peevishness, smallness of heart, and that leads to horrifying extremists, e.g., Victoria Nuland, Ukrainians collaborating with the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS during WWII, committing atrocities on Russian POWs in Mariupol today, and many never renouncing the thrill of lawless depravity.

Nuland has always allied herself with people who hate Russians. In 2014 she sided with the Right Sector, which is Jewish Neo-Nazi, financed by Israeli, Cypriot, Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi. Nuland organized Right Sector. Ihor also financed Azov Battalion, a fascist paramilitary, and parallel fascist Ukrainian paramilitary groups. Nuland worked with Dmytro Yarosh, head of Right Sector.

Snipers at Maidan 2014, so-called Revolution of Dignity. They were there, but who were they? Rumor says Israeli mercs, maybe US mercs. Rumor is, the idea to use them came from Nuland. Because, if snipers were local, someone would have leaked. Mercs keep things quiet, come in, do their task, leave, no one knows them in the local social structure. Info cannot leak out. (Same would been true of POTUS Kennedy assassination, although some has leaked out, and more is said to be about to, from the estimable Tom Lipscomb.)

Phone tap (probably Russian) released, Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, US ambassador to Ukraine, discussing successor to Viktor Yanukovych even though he was still in power. They were already micro-managing the new regime.

That is the arrogance, not just we’re the best, but do it our way as well, or else. That arrogance. That is the arrogance of the Ashkenazy Jewish Atheist Neo-Con Zionist establishment, abetted as it is by Vatican swindlers and puritanical Christians and Moslems.

Nuland’s micro-managing at Maidan implicated her. Her finger prints are all over it, and it was a coup d’état. The coup showed the ethnic split in the country, Center-West ethnic Ukraine vice East-South ethnic Russian. She sided with ethnic Us against ethnic Rs. She made sure Petro Poroshenko government abused the Rs and that U army, which she supplied, attacked The Donbass.

Nuland has been president of U since 2014. Pelosi, Biden, Kerry, Romney all have sons with non-show jobs in U energy companies, plus all kinds of bad things all over the country, including CB weapons. Their parents keep Nuland in power to move the money towards themselves and friends. Weapons manufacturers and private combat training companies were moved in, built up U army to be knife pointed at R’s belly.

Politically, Victoria is an equal-opportunity operator. She has staffed both R and D administrations. But always moving USG against Russia. Her obsession is Russia, to destroy her and take her wealth, settling family scores meanwhile.

Nuland made Maidan and everything since happen. She is the nexus of all these interests to exploit U to attack R, from deep, unspoken ethno-religious hatred of R and Rs, passed down through many Ashkenazy Jewish Atheist families, including her own. They aim to break up R and bring back the good old days of the 90s (Clintons), when American companies sucked the wealth out of Russia like a spider sucks out the insides of a bee.

So ultimately, this is a heist, not more than that — of Russian wealth — but with dead bodies and sundered civilizations heaped up as collateral damage, per Libya.

(The Bond movie Golden Eye, in character with most Bond movies at their time of production, illuminates intra-and inter-state deep operations and simple motivations — money, sex, revenge, in service of moral depravity — similar to this one: simple bank robbery.)

U corruption is necessary to keep U in line as staging area for jump off against R, to do regime change there so Nuland-Kagan Neo-Con cabal can suck the wealth out of Russia as revenge for pogrom conducted over a century earlier during Tzarist Russia.

(Enmity, BTW, must be atoned.)

The terror of the people in D.C. is that their sons and daughters and their friends go to U to party, drugs, sex, at expensive clubs — there are many in central Kiev — all of which is on video tape. So all those kids and friends are Kompromat. This terrifies the parents, who also party there — and on tape! These guys do all kinds of decadence and degeneracy, child trafficking sex. All kinds of truly ugly.

All of these Kompromat are wrapped up in one ball of corruption centered in U, a trough where they feed on money, drugs, sex, degenerate sex, the vibe of ecstatic lawlessness. What R was in the 90s, thanks to Clinton and his coterie of degenerates, U has been since at least 2014, when Victoria Nuland took over governance of that country.

Biden/Nuland planned immediately in 2021 to invade Donbass and take it. When a woman accuses you of something, it’s because she is doing it to you right now. It’s a tell women have. Nuland was saying R is putting troops on border of U, but she was putting U troops on the border of Donbass. She and Ihor decided Zelensky, an actor, would be President and then she pushed Z to head for Donbass.

FEB21, Z says he will take Crimea, aka Sevastopol naval base. OCT21, Nuland in Kremlin uses foul language, in Russian, tells Lavrov to his face he will get out of Donbass so U can take it or else she crushes his economy. (!)

Spring 2021, NATO freaked out because Rs moved about 150K soldiers in 72 hours. NATO did not believe Rs had that logistical capability. (Rs may have done it to unnerve NATO, Nuland’s Ashkenazy Jewish Atheist Neo-Con Junta abetted by Vatican swindlers and puritanical Christians and Moslems.)

Nuland via U was planning to level Donbass, using NATO American tactics (pulverize it). She planned the operation to start mid-MAR22. R beat her to the punch.

After 2014, Nazi paramilitaries were integrated into U army, but as individuals, not as units. So they acted as leaven, as stiffeners of the U army, not as discrete fighting units. They made the U army Nazi/Fascist, genocidal, brutal in outlook and tone.

Instead of having to train up each unit, you spread out these stiffeners, already trained persons, and they bring up the whole army discipline and morale, even without having rank. Us did that with their Nazi paramilitaries after 2014. U army became in this way an extremist army, planning on sweeping into Donbass to annihilate everything and set up for Nuland to annihilate Russia. Putin jumped in first to prevent that happening.

Nuland’s Yarosh is now Zelensky’s advisor and also advisor to current U army chief. So now not Ihor but Yarosh controls Zel and Yarosh takes orders from a petite Jewish woman in D.C. who micro-manages Ukraine.

She pushes IO that Rs will do chem attack — first it was bio attack — and that Rs are losing and Us winning, so Rs strike out desperately with chem attack on Us. This is to give justification for a false flag. Blinken and Sullivan are in supporting roles.

Because of her personal psycho-drama, Victoria is the perfect person to be leading this horror drama. This is all hers, Nuland’s the person in charge. She who is childless, whose prominent father was over a year in psych ward when she was young, and grandfather poisoned the family with anti-Russian hatred.

She is setting up for the false flag that will kill many, probably in Kiev. As from Maidan snipers, she is used to this game. Yarosh is in charge in U, not Zelen, and he takes orders from Nuland, who micro-manages the show.

When the world goes to war depends now on ancient ethno-religious enmities that burn in the heart and soul of a childless woman, Victoria Nuland, and her cabal of Ashkenazy Jewish Atheist Neo-Cons abetted by Vatican swindlers and puritanical Christian and Moslem degenerates. (!) She is effective, has no children, is part of a hugely illiterate and stupid UniParty cabal — includes Senators Cotton, Hawley, and Ernst — who carry water for an ancient ethno-religious hatred (many Ashkenazy Jewish Atheists) towards Russia and Christians generally.

This is not really about money or business. It is a psycho-drama featuring an ethno-religious minority, burning with enmity, hatred, having lain hands on mechanisms of governance of a great power nation in order to pursue a selfish, narrow, and suicidal mission to destroy a brother nation, Russia.

My comment at CDRSalamander:

Nuland is orchestrating this IO. Prelude to a false flag op to force NATO-US into combined arms warfare inside UKR. UKR is a means only, expendable. Goal is regime change to return Russia to 90s Clinton condition, a bee sucked hollow by a spider, by Nuland-cabal-minions.

As implied by CDRSalamander, she does not have mil able to do that. That won’t stop her from setting it in motion. This crisis is not for statecraft. Nothing rational about it. It is deep psychodrama of origin in Nuland/cabal’s ethno-religious enmity against Russia and Russians. Their IO already has many Americans and Euros robotically hating on Russia and Russians. Their success there is huge. Global South not so stupid, ain’t buying it.

The nations and their citizens are along for the ride, willy-nilly.

Nuland has been President of UKR since 2014. This trouble is her baby. She engineered Maidan — with Geoff Pyatt — and all subsequent, to form a knife below the belly of Russia. Give her credit for consistency and persistence. Last October she told Lavrov to his face, and in a sailor’s blue Russian, that he let UKR overrun Donbass or she would crush his economy. Mid-March was the jump-off window. Putin jumped in first, threw Nuland’s Russia-hating, Neo-Con cabal into high rage.

Nothing rational can or will come from Nuland-cabal wrecking crew. They are lost to historical discernment, common sense, and intelligent statesmanship.

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India
Claudia Cardinale

Claudia Cardinale

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