Whence Re-Formation … Hence Re-Formation

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

Reform of civilization proceeds from reform of the churches.  Reform of the churches proceeds from reform of the monasteries.  Reform of the monasteries proceeds from The Church.

This is all not really a matter of choice.  Like marriage, it is a structural inherency of reality itself.  Every drive in the nature of man goes towards it, one way and another.

The Church decided to reform the monasteries in unexpected ways.  In consequence, the churches are undergoing reform in unexpected ways.  And in consequence of that, civilization is undergoing reform in unexpected ways.

Civilization, the churches, the monasteries and even The Church have been under attack, direct and indirect, for some centuries.  Attackers accurately describe their goal as deconstruction of the structural inherencies of reality itself.  They do not like them.  They visit upon them powerful and seemingly endless contradictions.  They want to make their own reality.  And rule it.

Misery is the consequence of denying reality.  Reality is happy.  Therefore, The Church says to the monasteries, who say to the churches, who say to the civilization: “Be strong, be happy.”  There are symbols, even, that inspire confidence in holding the line to victory against deconstruction of reality and the pretense of creating a new and different one.  A recent one.

Update I: Thanks, again, to my friend Bob Belvedere for using this content as a Thought For The Day at his fine blog, The Camp Of The Saints.


Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
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Clint Eastwood
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Sophia Loren

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