To restore authority, let Congress and POTUS ruthlessly reduce, downsize, consolidate, eliminate, and restructure Executive Branch operations to a presence such as might be anticipated from the following:
Reimagine USG Executive Branch as three Departments — State, Treasury, Defense — and no independent agencies, committees, or offices.
For the rest . . . defund, abolish, terminate, reassign to one of the three legitimate Departments, or devolve to the states. Include in those actions the independent agencies, NIH, CIA, EPA, USAID, etc., to rid USG of them.
Education, Labor, Justice, HHS, HUD, DHS, and Transpo devolve to the states, except for TSA, who go to The US Army Transportation Corps (or The US Army Corps of Engineers?), US Highways and US InterStates, who go to The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. US Coast Guard return home to US Treasury. ICE, CBP, and CIS go to The US Army as divisions and brigades of a new Corps, The US Army Border Corps. This does not affect Posse Comitatus because The US Army Border Corps operate against foreigners at the US borders, not against Americans inside the US borders.
VA go to The US Army, Navy, and Air Force Medical Corps, principally Army since they have the most facilities in the most places.
Energy go to Cyber Force, one of Defense Department’s Penta-Force, comprising Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, and Land Forces.
Interior, Commerce, and Agriculture, go to Treasury, who re-attach the value of US currency to dilute and distilled land, aka acreage and precious metals / liquids / stones, respectively.
EPA are terminated for mission accomplishment and disbanded for mission degradation (a rain puddle as a national waterway, yet).
CIA are abolished for malicious original intent that has neither wavered nor faltered.
USAID are terminated and abolished for nefarious machinations and mindlessly brutal dealings abroad.
NIH are abolished for irredeemable launchings outside their writ. Or, useful elements of NIH — there are few — go to State because non-mil and non-financial affairs of state are united as domestic-foreign. Bad soldiers can be corrected or discharged easier than bad medical doctors can be acknowledged or disciplined.
Task fresh, clean lawyers to identify heaps and stacks of federal acts, laws, judicial findings, executive orders, and regulations for Congress and POTUS to abolish for obsolescence, insanity, malice, ignorance, perfidy, irrationality, stupidity, etc.
Beautiful public parks memorializing the millions of persons and other creatures CIA, DOJ, and FBI have harmed over the years can come up where those scoundrels’ HQs have stood.
Were any signers of US
founding documents teamsters?
Who gave George Soros authority to upend men and nations to satisfy his reimagining society as: bad guys rule, good guys suffer?
Who gave Bill Gates authority to spike humanity with morbid modalities to make them obey his personal reimagining of their lives for his private increase?
Who gave Larry Tribe authority to treat the U.S Constitution as an “evolving, living” document, meaning language Larry Tribe and clan can take, leave, and interpret to suit their tastes at each moment?
Who gave Klaus Schwab authority to reimagine and reset the nature and destiny of man and the economies of nations as unwitting test subjects for experimental man-machine melding?
Who gave Mark Zuckerberg authority to buy election outcomes by reimagining voting as a commodity to be sold and purchased?
No one did. No one is going to. These and their kind in private and public institutions are demonic personalities operating outside the norms of life and history. Sorrow and bitterness they leave in their wake. No one asked for that. Their goal — plenary Land Snatch — is unachievable and they know that it is, which fact occasions fury inside them.
We must thank God Almighty for causing these many rotten and disgusting personalities, scarce half made up, to self-expose so they may be recognized and handled appropriately. They are out of the shadows now, by their own doing — and God’s nudging — and available for address.
Time (kairos) is here to clean up the five professional guilds, each from within themselves, each of their own imposters and charlatans, cheats and idlers, expelled from each of the five: Theologians, Medical Doctors, Soldiers, Lawyers, Pedagogues. That cleaning is all that’s necessary and the only way to fix the American political mess.
I think a worthy job is to think through and be ready with reorganization of the US federal executive branch to three departments: State, Treasury, and Defense: The Table, The Tabulator, and The Gun. And that’s it.
Euro-American Fascists will die in their bunkers spouting their narratives. Since that is a certainty, I have come to consider it the part of wisdom to try to think through, articulate, and plan for a restoration of authority in reasonable post-crisis institutions when the opportunity arrives, as it surely must. Light candles rather than curse the darkness.
For example, restore the US federal executive branch to three departments, State, Treasury, and Defense, and that’s all. With respect to US Army, again for example, reorganize units to execute Army Mission — hold land, protect homeland — in modern circs (no large-scale war, but rather, protect switches in global comms).
Increase number of battalion task forces and combat brigades and decrease their faces but not their places. Adjust formations’ places (slots) for personnel to comms-and homeland-protection duty. However, radically reduce the number of faces filling those places, to a few very competent operator-instructors. So in the end strength, one has distilled but credible combat force that can expanded quickly to full strength battalion task force or combat brigade capability.
Army formations then increase in number and comprise, each of them, a few high-skill, long-term, high-morale professionals who know how to train up new faces rapidly to fill the formation’s places in case of need. Deterrence — by deterrence, a silly, vacuous term, is meant enlightenment — then lives in the qualities of the formations, not in their quantities, in the minds of the opposing commanders, not in the bodies of their warriors. Enlightenment also lives in Army formations’ mental and logistical agilities. Ten expert operator-instructors are more fearsome than a thousand boots on the ground.
More competent battalion task forces and combat brigades comprising fewer but high-competence personnel, able to train new faces well and quickly to execute the duties of already-designated places, is the goal in a reasonable US Army reorganization upon the return of sanity and authority to the conduct of national affairs.
I think we are well advised to be thinking of that rather than of the latest cluster of outrages, which too must surely arrive. The foregoing is in the nature of an initial foray into the required inquiry, not The Burning Bush.
Canadian Minister of Finance,
formerly of Foreign Affairs,
Chrystia Freeland.
Her grandfather was a Fascist
and Nazi propagandist.
Principle I
Principle II
Principle III
Since your vision is impaired by doubt, pride, or prejudice you don’t see God, who is in you as well as outside you. You long for a thing that is not; you ignore the treasure that’s within your grasp. You swear you have no bird in your hand; you struggle for birds, that you believe, are waiting for you in the bush. The bird in the bush is only the image of the bird you have in your hand but you are unaware of this truth. You have faith in the senses and the knowledge they garner; you have faith in fancies and fantasies of your mind; you have faith in the conclusions of your reason; but you have no faith in God who cannot be bound or found by these. So, you fear, you grieve, you doubt! Have the curtain of ‘Thought of God’ all around you; then, deadly mosquitoes of desire and distrust cannot harm you. That curtain will confer health on you, through immunity from disease. You will have undisturbed ease, with nothing to pine for, nothing to fear from.
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