Land Snatch: Suppress Immunity, Fertility, Community, Making Land Available For Purchase And Seizure

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Inside every Communist is a Fascist
gnawing through the restraints.

Euro-American Fascists — WEF and stakeholders, CIA, Bill Gates, NIH officials, philanthropists, professors, quacks, trust funders, venture capitalists, asset, merger, and acquisition managers, infotainment operators — are using sadistic medical and financial practices to suppress three normal functions of humanity: immunity, fertility, and community.

Most Euro-American Fascists are mindlessly fearful minions. A few, oligarchs — tycoons of private institutions and governments — know where this is going, or at least where they want it to go, namely, purchase and seizure of real estate, the only real worldly wealth, facilitated by massed population control, mass induced psychosis / depression, and mass human die-off.

All worldly wealth is fleeting. It comes and goes. Divine, spiritual wealth is the only wealth that lasts. It comes and grows. Love is the only real wealth in all the worlds. Some spiritually inept personalities are using sadistic medical and financial practices, among other nefarious activities, to inflict on neighbors their own disappointment in life, that their wealth feels cold and fleeting, which it is. They imagine having more wealth — land — will make them feel warm and will stay with them. Mass human torment and die-off appeals to these Fascist misogynists and misanthropes as eminently deserved by and justified for the masses, whom they view as commodities rather than persons. The ultimate aim of these spiritually inept, these Euro-American Fascists, is land snatching.

Yet have there been and are there now other purposes as well behind the impulse to eliminate (turn out of doors, throw outside, turn the lights off on) or eradicate (uproot, burn, let wither and blow away) far the largest number of human beings.

An original purpose, from the late 1960s — think Cloward-Piven and Paul Ehrlich — was to force institutions to accept and promote drastic, irrational behaviors, such as destroy themselves, save the planet from overpopulation, and save the unborn from the misery of death by starvation.

A follow-on purpose, from 1971, the year Euro-American Fascists first bit hard into humankind — think Saul Alinsky, Robert Theobald (and here) — was directly and indirectly to destroy institutions, and with them whole populations imagined to be inherently worthless as well as destroying the planet.

Now, a contemporary purpose is to make land available for purchase and seizure by tycoons and governments. Think Highland Clearances. In fact, this is the chief purpose of ongoing threats and demands that everyone be vaccinated with what are clearly not vaccines and wear face diapers that clearly do not perform as advertised. Bill Gates, Blackstone, CCP, and CIA come to mind as chief repositories and proponents of this purpose. Call it land snatch.

Blackstone, Blackrock, and Blackwater
share the adjective black.
Whereas Communists are Reds,
Fascists are Blacks.
There are no coincidences.

Land is called real wealth or real estate. For mundane purposes, land most assuredly is that. Ownership of land ensures one, insofar as assurance is possible in this ever-changing world, of two necessities: food and fuel, which are really the same thing.

Bill Gates buys farmland and builds nuclear power plants in order to monopolize markets — all the man’s moral paralysis allows him to imagine doing — for food and fuel. Blackstone collect properties in order to turn nations’ citizens into renters. CCP buy American farmland and agricultural businesses — and fish everyone else’s waters, likely to exhaustion — in order to feed their populations and starve others. And land is where the fuel is.

Even the oceans are just wet land.
They all have bottoms.

Whatever the stated or silent intent behind the torment, depression, and die-off, far fewer neighbors and far more wealth in real estate for the remainders is the ultimate objective of Euro-American Fascists.

Why is it that people seem unable to be content with being content? What curse lies within, forcing unhappiness from them to louse up others they should be loving?

They won’t back down. Compare Cathars at Béziers and Carcassonne. They’ll die, cooking in their bunkers, before admitting to a stupid and unworthy objective, much less to defeat of their plans. Euro-American Fascists’ craving for sadism cannot be slaked even by approach of their personal perishing. Such as these cannot be redeemed by worldly means — politics, education, incarceration, preaching, public shaming — and will not seek such a redemption.

Where is the lever, the pressure point, the sweet spot, to make all this unpleasantness go away? I do not know specifically, yet. I do say with certainty that it is in the realm of taking and treating this monstrosity as a recrudescence of a very old and recognizable phylum of Euro-American Fascism.

Well, yet has arrived. Where, how, from whom did Klaus Schwab and his stakeholders acquire authority to reset the nature and destiny of man and also to compose, orchestrate, and conduct the affairs of men and nations as test subjects for his and his stakeholders‘ experiments in man-machine melding? Answer: they didn’t. They have no such authority. Nor will they ever have it.

Authority resides in the heart of every creature. One and the same authority. Every heart, every creature. In equal presence and amount. In the heart of every creature. Equally. As the essential nature of every creature.

How are Klaus Schwab and his stakeholders going to corral that authority and bend it to their will? They aren’t. They can’t. How can they say it belongs to them for them alone to use? That isn’t true. True is that authority resides in their hearts as much as it resides in the heart of every creature, including angels. Schwab and stakeholders don’t own authority. Authority owns them. Their imaginative assertions are risibly preposterous . . . and Fascist.

When Theologians, Medical Doctors, Soldiers, Lawyers, and Pedagogues remove imposters and charlatans, cheats and idlers, from their professional guilds, and give you the stink eye, you are going down, you and all your stakeholders with you.

That’s the lever, the pressure point, the sweet spot. That’s who pulls us out of this mess, or better, drives it off into oblivion. Actual members of the five professional guilds. Theologians, Medical Doctors, Soldiers, Lawyers, and Pedagogues, from inside their professional guilds clean up their professional guilds under God’s tutelage and guidance. That’s who returns righteousness to the nations and happiness to hearth and home.

Those same professionals, incidentally, upon forgetting their duties and authorities, allowed the mess to commence, allowed Euro-American Fascism to gather over humanity as threatening a great crisis. The same professionals can clean up the mess, or clear it off, simply by doing their duties under the authorities bestowed on them by Authority Itself, by God Almighty. In fact, professionals have commenced these operations.

By custom, we take it that European Fascism — Spanish, Italian, German, French, English, Swedish — took defeat in 1945. By fact, that did not happen. European Fascism took a walk in 1945, not a defeat. Like bottles filled with liquid and flung against a wall, the political containers of European Fascism were shattered in 1945, but their spiritual contents, like poisonous liquids in a bottle, splattered near and far. The political defeat of European Fascism spread its spiritual essence, its feelings, around the earth.

Defeated German Fascists organized what is now The European Union. Spanish, Italian, German, French, English, and even Swedish Fascists organized Fascist political parties throughout The Americas. These now earth-around Fascist political parties in turn welcome and coordinate in politics, economics, and information operations with the equally Fascist-minded Shiite-Salafi Jihad. And they welcome and coordinate in the same ways with Fascist-minded elements among the churches, such as The Society of Jesus (since 1942), much of The Vatican, The World Council of Churches, and The National Council of Churches.

Himmler did not make it to Switzerland,
but his feelings, his Fascism,
made it into CIA.

The Fascist is the one who cannot abide the thought and feeling of your not living other than by his or her permission as his or her subject. The Fascist is the very antinomy of an American.

The Communist, by way of contrast, is the one who knows what is best for you and nudges you to participate in plans he or she, on their own, without consulting you, draws up and needs you to implement . . . or else!

There is another difference. Fascists do not care whether you become a Fascist or not. They’ll do what they want to you however you take them. Communists want you to become a Communist. They are evangelical regarding their beliefs, sometimes even unctuous. They think they want to help you be better than you are. The as it is is not something Communists tolerate. They always know what is better than what is. This is consistent with Communists being Christian heretics whereas Fascists are Christian apostates.

The difference between heretic and apostate is profound and consequential. Heretics essay to improve what is. Apostates essay to replace what is. Neither approves what is. Euro-American Fascists are apostates from common sense and equal love for all.

Communists and Fascists reject God and reality — who are one and the same, by the by — and prefer their own sogenannte reimaginings. Their reimaginings always course through idealism to misery and then to death. But they take different roads to that result.

It matters for counter-force plans and operations to treat of the road on which is the attacking force rather than the one on which it is not. This attacking force that we experience today is on the road of Fascism, not on the road of Communism, although much of it used to be on that road, at least in its agents’ imaginations.

Additionally, Communists, being by ideology more or less patient, are better planners than Fascists. Fascists’ impetuosity drives them out into the blue, makes them come too soon, as they did with Operation Barbarossa. Of late they have done it again, executing in the US, EU, Canada, and Down Under what might be called Operation Lighten Up: brute force elimination and eradication of normal humanity by way of sadistic medical and financial afflictions.

One cannot stop evil,
but one can see it,
avoid doing it,
condemn it,
and rise above it.

As is often observed, the authoritarian effect as between Fascists and Communists is identical, but their means of achieving it are different. Fascists just want you obedient or dead. Communists want to get inside your head to torment you, to drive you insane, then watch you die in agony. Fascists are content to gas or machine gun you. Communists want to starve or commit you, torment you like a cat does a dragon fly, until you are dead the long, hard way. Either way you’re dead, but by different means and over dissimilar durations.

There are Communists in America, plenty of them, especially in schools and churches. Formerly they were loyal to The Soviet. Now they are loyal to The CCP, they think. For, CCP are no longer Communists. They are become Fascists inside Communist suits. This evolution occurred also in the US as the Old [Communist] Left of Oppenheimer et al morphed into the New [Fascist] Left of the Dulles brothers et al.

When the American New [Fascist] Left arrived finally in the Oval Office — POTUS Kennedy and SecDef McNamara standing in for old American Fascists Joseph Kennedy, Sr. and Henry Ford, Sr., respectively — their front, POTUS Kennedy, wheeled on three American principals of then-rousingly rampant Euro-American Fascists, namely, CIA, US Steel, and La Cosa Nostra. Why he did this, I do not know and will not speculate. I suspect he did not expect the counter-force he would face. I also suspect he felt the force of Fascist feelings inside USG departments and agencies — FBI for example — as well as inside corporation board rooms, and found it contemptible.

GOA MacArthur is on record approving POTUS Kennedy’s policies.

In other words, JFK defied his father
— and his father’s associates —
in matters of political philosophy.

Hagiographic veneration of JFK and his relations generated by infotainment hype these many decades — Camelot et al — although less of it of late, is by way of being crocodile tears. By contrast, Dorothy Kilgallen, who got close enough to some nexus truths to be flamed out by its USG suppressors, is quite deliberately forgotten in infotainment circles she once led.

My point is, Fascism did not die with the defeat of Fascist armed force in 1945. It propagated earth-over, and rather quickly. Fascists today rule — although they do not entirely command — the armed forces of most European nations, The United States, The PRC, many Latin American and African nations, Canada, Iran, and Arab monarchies seated around the Persian Gulf. That’s a lot of fire power for definite feelings of not at all nice.

By suppressing immunity, fertility, and community — mandated injections containing they won’t say what, masks, distancing — Euro-Americans have forced into populations they can reach vigorous modalities of morbidity they believe are sufficient to accomplish a mass human die-off, perhaps sooner even than they had hoped (Event 201). From WEF-CIA-CCP perspective, everything is going swimmingly, at least swimmingly enough for now for them.

Frequently on this blog, over the years, I write of American and other Leftists as Communists. Sometimes I noted that they acted like Fascists. Usually, however, I used the denotation Communist. At the times of writing, that was at least partially true. As have many others, long have I pointed out that Leftists are Socialists / Collectivists and that both Communists and Fascists are Leftists / Socialists / Collectivists.

Now, however, it is inaccurate and delusional to speak in any way of Communists or Communism in USG, Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia, etc. Such as there were have tasted the thrill of rapidly destroying neighbors the Fascist way. This beats out, for them, the long, tedious slog of neighbor destruction the Communist way, by political subversion and ideological conversion.

When treating of this attacking force — today’s monsters, Euro-American Fascists — it matters for success of the counter-force to identify accurately the road down which the attacking force drives. This monster we experience today drives down the Fascist road, not the Communist one. Some of them may have been Communists before, even recently, but now they are Fascists one and all. They are going for a quick win, driving out into the blue, where their logistics are easily severed. They long since renounced the wisdom of continual self-examination and self-correction.

And remember, Euro-American Fascists support and cooperate with the Shiite-Salafi Jihad, aka Arab-Pan-African Imperialism, aka Moslem Brotherhood, as they have done since the 1930s.

The counter-force moving against Euro-American Fascists are the true professionals, Theologians, Medical Doctors, Soldiers, Lawyers, and Pedagogues. They will succeed because they have true authority. Convoys of truckers and collections of similarly vocationed citizen worthies are not going to remove the blight of Euro-American Fascism. Worthy as they are, monitory as they are, such persons are not endowed with the specific authorities needed to get this specific job done. Professionals are so endowed and are using those authorities, finally, to execute on their duties.

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

Man prefers to burn the sandalwood trees for sale as charcoal, for, he does not know the value of the wood. The goal he has set before himself is the winning of sukha and shanti (happiness and peace); that is the proper thing to do, but, he stops after a few steps, mistaking the pseudo for the real – that is the tragedy. He believes that if he gets two full meals a day, a few yards of cloth to wear, and a roof over his head, with a few sundry superfluities, he has reached the goal; but the joy he derives is paltry, mixed with grief, easily turning into pain, harmful to others, and is full of pride, envy, malice, greed and other undesirable ingredients. How can the body that is sustained on food, which does not remain fresh for even a few hours, be fresh for long? That which is made and marred cannot for that very reason be truth; for, the Truth cannot be made and marred. It is, was and will be, without any modification.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren

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