The Tyranny Of Pederasty, Left And Right

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Life comprises three inseparable polarities: individualization and participation, dynamics and form and freedom and destiny.

Each side of these polarities requires its counterpart in order to exist at all.  When the polarities are in balance, all is well and happy.  When one side of a polarity claims superiority over its counterpart, all is disease and terror.

In the case of a polarity, balance cannot be maintained between its sides by the sides themselves.  Only as the Spirit of Life, which is the Spirit of God, drives a polarity above and beyond itself to an ecstasy of essentialization in the Divine Life is there balance between sides of a polarity.  A polarity cannot be balanced in terms of this world, or existence, merely.  Peace between the sides of polarities is a condition of Grace in which the Spirit of God has grasped and shaken a life, or life itself, transforming and sublimating its essential nature in the Life of God.

When one side of a polarity seeks to dominate the other — which is the condition of existence, of this world — a host of troubles ensues.  The definition of a diseased individual or a diseased group is that they emphasize one side of a polarity over against the other.  Such an emphasis is the definition of tyranny.

The actuality of such an emphasis is a loss of self-control and a consequent contention of plenary superiority.  All dimensions of a personality or a group — inorganic, organic, psychic, spiritual and historical — are caught up in this loss and resulting contention.  A contention of unconditional knowledge is made.  A contention of unconditional physical functions is made.  A contention of unconditional appetites is made.  A contention of unconditional cultural, religious and moral superiority is made.  A contention of final and sole validity is made.

Once self-control is lost, recognition of ambiguities intrinsic to the conditions of existence is denied through an assertion of limitlessness for a personal or group sovereignty.

In life, the assertion or contention of tyranny, can be made in two ways.  It can be an assertion of radical autonomy or it can be an assertion of radical heteronomy.  Autonomy and heteronomy are qualities of man’s cultural, religious and moral functions.  Their elevation into the Divine Life may be termed theonomy.

Radical autonomy asserts the unconditional character of structurelessness.  There are no structures, only the impulses of autonomous individuals and groups.  Radical heteronomy asserts the unconditional character of structures.  There are no realities other than structures imposed by the strong on the weak.  Autonomy and heteronomy are opposing forces that draw all near them into their conflict.

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Chartres Portal

Both radical autonomy and radical heteronomy are species of violence, which is tyrannical.  By custom that has roots in somatic piety, we call radical autonomy “Left Wing” and radical heteronomy “Right Wing.”

A first observation is that autonomy and heteronomy depend absolutely on one another.  When they are outside the influence of Grace, they fight incessantly.  Outside of Grace, there is no peace among opposing forces.

A second observation is that, to use a colloquial symbol, they are “two faces of the same coin.” They are always found together in history and in their radicalized forms always at war.  By elevating themselves over their polar opposite, they demand that their polar opposite become their “enemy” and fight it out.

In the nature of nature, neither autonomy nor heteronomy can conquer the other.  Both forces are necessary for there to be life at all.  But their normative condition is one of balance, in Grace, not in conflict, self-arrogation, self-aggrandizement, or the assertion of limitlessness.

Every coin has two faces, but the thing of value is the one coin.  Analogously, life comprises combinations and permutations of the polarities of individualization and participation, dynamics and form and freedom and destiny, but the essence of these polarities is the one Grace.

A third observation is that a personality or group who asserts limitlessness does so par excellence for their own impulses and appetites.  This is evidence of the loss of self-control.  Loss of self-control on one’s impulses and appetites is the definition of pederasty.  Pederasty is unrestricted diet for all five senses.  It is not strictly speaking a sexual condition.  It is a dietary condition, a practice of pan-consumption by all the senses.

A fourth observation is that tyrannies of both the “Left” and the “Right” are generated by pederastic personalities and groups, by individuals who cannot and do not want to control their diets for all five senses.

It is predictable that Christian Fundamentalism and the United Church of Christ, both radically autonomist, are led by pederasts.  It is predictable that the Roman and Episcopal Churches, both radically heteronomist, are led by pederasts.

It is predictable that Saddamists and French and German Socialists, both radically autonomist, are led by pederasts.  It is predictable that Arab and African demonic clergy and scholars, both radically heteronomist, are led by pederasts.

Indeed Arab and African societies enthuse for pederasty on principle and therefore barely can take care of themselves, much less generate culture, religion and morality.

The fatal flaw of Arab and African societies, the quality in them which makes them destructive in the world, is their systemic pederasty, notwithstanding Arab and African clerics and scholars, its leading practitioners, condemning it … with their mouths.

The revelation given to and received by Mohammed had a brief beneficial effect in the Semitic homeland, but the heteronomist impulses of Semites expended the capital earned and Islam, a great religion among four other equally great and valid religions, collapsed into catastrophe in its country of origin under the weight of systemic pederasty and its related pathology of idolatry.

It is predictable that Communists and “liberals/progressives,” both radically autonomist, are led by pederasts.  It is predictable that Nazis and other Fascists, radical heteronomists, are led by pederasts.

It is predictable that the “great tyrants” of the ancient world were pederasts and that rampant pederasty — lack of self-control, unlimited self-arrogation and self-aggrandizement for all five senses — is the leading indicator of the steady deformation and immanent collapse of structures of civilization, of religion, culture and morality.

Christ In The Desert
Christ In The Desert

In fact, the train of causation and predictability is the reverse of what it seems to be.  Inhuman moral, religious and political conditions do not generate pederasts.  Pederasts generate inhuman moral, religious and political conditions.  This is the point of the story of Abraham at Sodom.  Humans have to escape from the grasp of pederasts or be “sodomized.”

This is not a fear.  This is realism.  Humans cannot live with pederasts.  Humans are Grace-driven.  They are not sex-driven or impulse-and appetite-driven.  They cannot be identified by “sexuality.”  Employing neologisms (homosexual, heterosexual, homophobic, politically correct) of their own invention, pederasts attempt to intimidate humans by identifying them by sexuality and politics.

Pederasts want the world to live and work in their terms.  This is ludicrous.  Humans have self-control, including over their sexual drives, and they generate culture, religion and morality to support their needs, which are the truth.  Pederasts generate none of those identifiers but rather generate their contrasts.

Humans cannot be identified by any impulse or appetite.  They are identified by the purity of their hearts and the love and peace in their existence, which is to say, by their condition of Grace.

Pederastic personalities and groups are the perpetrators, not the results, of liberalism, progressivism, scientific positivism, scientific humanism and the tyrannies of dissipation (the political “Left Wing”) and concentration (the political “Right Wing”).

The pederastic agenda is real and pro-active.  It is for limitlessness of either autonomy or heteronomy.

Pederasts drive the deterioration of civilization.  Deterioration is their characteristic, their calling card, so to speak.  It is the effect of their drive to elevate the one side of a polarity over the other.  They drive civilization towards either radical autonomy or radical heteronomy, depending on their personal taste.

Autonomy and heteronomy by themselves are destructive and to be sublimated towards theonomy, which is the condition of Grace.  This is done by “prayer and fasting,” or in other words, supplication and self-abnegation, serenity and silence.

Pederasts are dangerous individuals and groups and deserve the outlaw status civilizations accord them.  Experience of them is a long and consistent teacher.  Pederasts are tyrants, either “Left Wing” or “Right Wing.” They are never balanced.  They are bereft of self-control.  They are never blessed with the condition of Grace.  They cannot focus on God.  They cannot be cultured, religious or moral.

Only humans produce culture, religion and morality.

Update 1: Kyle-Anne Shiver on PedophiliaRelatedRelated

Update 2: An A-Z Guide To The New PC.

Update 3: Waller R. Newell: Understanding Tyranny And Terror: From The French Revolution To Modern Islamism.

Update 4: David Horowitz: Is The Left Even On America’s Side Anymore?

Update 5: Tyranny coming in through the back door — the government, meaning, the executive alone — suppressing the people’s will expressed through the legislature.

Update 6: Paul Wright & Matt DeLisi: What Criminologists Don’t Say, and Why


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