Angelo M. Codevilla Trisects Theological Geography

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



I admire Angelo M. Codevilla.

In this discussion of America and peace Dr. Codevilla stands squarely at the intersection of theology and geography, mystery and power, and describes American manifest destiny.

Implicit in his discussion is the grand national strategic goal of the United States of America, derived from her intrinsic nature.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: On 27 January 2015, Marine GEN (Ret.) James N. Mattis addressed the United States Senate Armed Services Committee on the subject A New American Grand Strategy.  At Hoover Institution, who published an adapted version of General Mattis’ address, I commented — with edits here — as follows:

Not that it matters, but, I both appreciate and despond over General Mattis’ address here. Appreciate because (1) as a genuine warrior he says what he sees and eloquently and (2) his heart is unalloyed courage and compassion. Despond because (1) his address reflects lack of situational awareness — half his auditors at least regard the nation state, including USA, as obsolete and perishing — and (2) his address, although latterly specifying or implying serious tactical weaknesses of current operations, transits the periphery of his title: grand national strategy.

It is rare for a military leader to grasp and execute the several strands — principally diplomatic, economic and military, but others as well — of grand national strategy sufficiently to create a rational grand national strategic *goal* that is also inspirational. It is rare for anyone to be able to do that. General David Petraeus has that ability, which is why the Anti-American, Globalist-partisan US Justice [so-called] Department is persecuting/prosecuting him. Asking Congress or a bureaucracy to develop that ability and execute with it compares with asking a herd of cats to organize an expedition to summit Annapurna. Distilling and serving a happy grand national strategic *goal* is a personal, leadership thing few can do, but some definitely can and do accomplish. Their thoughts merit discovery and attendance.

The cynosure of a nation is not her grand national strategy. It is her grand national strategic *goal.* Given what we see now, project and anticipate — always expecting the unexpected, as General Mattis mentions, thankfully, in his address — where and what do we want to be as a nation three, five, ten, etc. years hence? What is our goal? What do we really, truly — as a nation — want for and of ourself to be, to do, to think? What is our inner necessity as a nation? What are we on this earth to accomplish as a national presence? And why do members of Congress not live in the states from which they were selected for office?

Related: On 04 March 2015  Marine GEN (Ret.) James N. Mattis wrote for Hoover Institution under title Using Military Force Against ISIS.  I commented:

I am content that GEN (Ret.) Mattis’ thinking, clear and compelling, be expressed in public.  Thank you, General!  Our countrymen are working their way towards how they will think and what they will do when they are quit of the hag riding their back.  And they will be that.  This exercise in preparation for the restoration of national sovereignty and wealth flowing from national moral and intellectual strength is what should be happening and what is happening.  I am content.

Update 2: Punishing The Real Russia Crime: Leaking

Update 3: Angelo M. Codevilla: The 2016 Election Is Not Reversible

Update 4: Angelo M. Codevilla: Replacing The Republican Party

Update 5: Establishment GOP Puts Cronies over Country on Missile Defense

Update 6: Angelo Codevilla: European Defense

Update 7: The first name of the Whig Party was the Country Party — the name used by Codevilla for the same phenomenon in the 21st Century — between 1649 and 1651.

Update 8: Angelo Codevilla: The Way Out of Our Judicial Impasse Is Through It

Update 9: Codevilla’s ruling class/country class dialectic (also here and here) was usefully accurate a decade ago but not now.  Now the dialectic is between patriots and oligarchs, sovereignty and mutiny.  Codevilla’s country class won their war, as Codevilla predicted they would (actually, they cannot fail to win, even in a place like China or Africa).  Now they are struggling to hold onto their victory in the face of mutiny against them, against their personal and national sovereignty, by those who lost the previous war, namely, Codevilla’s oligarchic ruling class.  We observe now not class warfare per se but mutiny against patriots and their persons and nation states.  And there are not a few patriots among the sheafs of the former ruling class, making them a valuable fifth column inside the ranks of the mutineers, who can be identified also as the legacy USA foreign policy establishment.

Hulegu commented:
I cancelled an almost 40 year subscription to NR over the NeverTrump issue.  But in one sense their demise is a tribute to W F Buckley.  He won, and now his commentary instrument is free to wander off into irrelevance.

David R. Graham to Hulegu
Good point. Victory is a watershed point where past struggles end and new ones begin.  NR is trying to refight past struggles, i.e., trying to stay up-stream of the watershed point, the point of change in vector and substance which has occurred, irrevocably.  Libertarians also are attempting the same maneuver when their structures and contents are all upstream from current reality, which in functional matters could not care less about them.

Unsurprisingly, neither NR nor Libertarians make anything new today.  That is because their structures and contents are incapable of following the stream of struggles.  In effect, they essay to keep stepping into the same stream.  In their works, Hayward and Reynolds illustrate this phenomenon.  Carlson observes it.

richard40 to David R. Graham
Many of the Trumpists who want to throw the libertarian conservatives and NR out of the repub party are also fighting the last war, not this one, which is against the leftie dems.

David R. Graham to richard40
I take your point, but I think there is a more comprehensive way to observe the developments.  To wit: Trumpists are stripping the Republican Party away from its recent RINO/Libertarian/Islamocrat/NeverTrump iteration.

I had thought a new party would be formed, as a second party, because there was only one and that is destructive all around.  The TEA Party movement beckoned then did not do the job, did not become a political party.  The loss of Breitbart was seminal in that outcome.

But I was wrong.  The movement came from within the Republican Party and has successfully retrieved it from its co-opters, ripping their hands from off of it, and restoring it to its original Whig-descent nature.  Candace Owens embodies this development, which is auspicious.

Michael Walsh: The Prince: Angelo Codevilla, 1943-2021


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