Equanimity, Not Left Or Right

The old standards remain the standards.
Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals.
We go here and there looking for God.
Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him.

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Leftism is the obverse of predatory commerce. Both are monopolistic. Both build dams to trap the rivers of life for their own pleasure. Castro, for example, was a predictable predicate of predatory American businessmen — among whom to this day count organized crime figures and families — stealing Cuban wealth, siphoning off rivers of Cuban life for private use.

The answer to Stalinist and Capitalist dams across the rivers of life, which are the powers of God in man and beast, is to blow the dams. It is NOT to build another dam, whether Stalinist or Capitalist, upstream the present one, whether Stalinist or Capitalist. Left and Right are equally vile and violent. Equanimity is the goal of human life and culture.

When one says the pendulum has swung too far this way or that and is waiting for or causing the pendulum to swing in the opposite direction — too far, again — one is simply riding the pendulum, or, flipping the coin both sides of which are anti-freedom. Or, to change the metaphor again, one is simply moving up stream to build another dam for private use.

Throw away the coin whose obverse and reverse are equally odious. Or, blow the dams that obstruct the free flow of life’s many forms of wealth. Let all who can be be improved and cultivated with the waters of divine life. That is true wealth production. The goal is equanimity. Only peace makes man happy, and a mind racing from front to back and back and forth again can never have peace or make it. Such a man cannot be happy.

FBI are dam operators. Who builds these dams FBI operate? Clergy and professors, that’s who. Their institutions are the dams. Blow them. FBI and all the alphabet soup are small potatoes, mere operators, not the dam builders, nor the dams themselves. Defund the churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples, and defund the schools, public and private. Release the waters of life back out into the open ground where they nourish all. But judgment shall be revealed as water, and justice as a mighty torrent. The classic, prophetic explanation for drought and other immoderate weather is nature’s abhorrence of a rampancy of human iniquity.

Blow the dams to sluice the swamps. Draining swamps does not clean them. Flooding swamps does that. Defund religious and educational institutions and their operators. Blow those dams. Waters they backed up will clean out political and economic systems downstream from them. Stalinists and Capitalists labor to obstruct and prevent the free flow of love.

It’s fairly well-known that Leftists want to replace state authorities with regional ones all centrally controlled. They always think monolithically. Local control and decentralized authority are anathema to the Leftist project. Federal seizure of local zoning is a step in that project.

That said, at question here is a phenomenon Mackinder examines in his Democratic Ideals And Reality: very different outcomes as between balanced communities and monopolistic interests. Larson is arguing for balanced communities in which the young men can fulfill their dreams right there rather than having to leave to do that, thus causing a brain-drain and unbalancing their community of origin.

A community is just that: a group that has unity by way of cultural, moral, and religious completeness. Federal seizure of local authorities contemplates no such wealth but quite the reverse.

Between their teachers telling them their country is evil and thoroughly modern Milley telling them they are Nazi thugs, Americans are contemplating military service as readily as they would volunteering as shark bait.

Recruiting already was dire three years ago because of endless wars and payola in a myriad places Americans have no strategic interests. Crashing ships, historically low force readiness, tanking morale, “work place violence,” murder and more in the ranks, and spiking suicide are not surprises when GOs and ADMs have no compelling reason to recruit recruits.

Ergo, I expect the Junta, Stalinists all, to ram through Congress draft activation at their earliest convenience. And for women as well as men. Leave not a kulak standing, is the ancient formula. Russian discourse is coarse to this day because Stalin killed off the middle class and intelligentsia quite by design. BLM / ANTIFA, Stalinists all, are the Junta’s face and reality. Ruffians all. To protect such Americans will volunteer to be killed?

All the services have gone or are going this way, is my understanding. Military service is comparable to religious service. The basics and beyond are known and how to do them. But the reasons for doing anything with the instrument at hand — military or religious — are not so clear at times.

Every real clergyman today knows what to do — maintain regular recitation and exegesis of the liturgy — and every real military leaders knows what to do — maintain optimal combat readiness of the force. But why do either, and when, and where? Not for some years have senior officers and enlisted — military or religious — pondered those questions. On the contrary, it is customary now among senior military officers and enlisted to shrug off those questions with the excuse that they are civilian, not military, responsibility.

Imagine knowing what to do but not knowing when, why, or where to do it and, furthermore, telling yourself that the when, why, and where are not your department. You are not going to have any enthusiasm for doing anything past executing tactical force as efficiently as possible. But that is machine work, and you know it. And more importantly, your soldiers know it. They are asking you, why am I doing this, why am I killing those people and ripping up their countryside? What is it for? What do we get from that, what do I get from that?

And what are you going to tell them? You will tell them nothing because you have no idea yourself why you are sending your command to impose and repose wreck and ruin. You might even be relieved to be able to tell them to train out their inherent racism because at least that is a something for which a reason can be adduced, plus the whens, whys, and wheres. JSOC exemplifies this posture: supremely proficient at killing — tactics — but the why is not asked — the strategics.

The day senior officers — military and religious — address the questions of when, where, and why to apply their profession’s assets — the day they inquire as to legitimate (for the nation) USA grand national strategic objectives(s) — is the day morale returns to American military and religious professionals, recruitment at all levels over-matches need, and foreign nations and their domestic agents are disinclined to spit in our faces.

The University Of Redlands Choir, J. W. Jones Conducting, Feat Of Lights 1962

I don’t care about “the issues.”
I care that the water is clean and easy to have,
sewer works and cleans,
power is always present and sufficient,
roads, wires, and pipelines operate to spec,
borders are safe and secure, etc.
Utilities, not issues, matter to me.
Leave my neighbors and me alone
and we will make whatever is needful,
so long as we have working, accessible utilities.

FWIW, I have zero sympathy for professors who are abused by their students. The economics of the situation favor the students, and the professors long ago allowed parents and students to dictate grading and graduating outcomes. Ditto the public school system. The economics are backwards. Parents pay, so, teachers are without authority and themselves turn to abuse and absolutism to try to keep parents and students at bay. Everybody loses.

It’s the economics. The customer is always right. If the student / parent pays for “education,” they are by rights in position to dictate the outcome, teachers / administrators be damned.

Only when students are paid to attend school — by endowments, vouchers on investment funds owned by taxpayers, etc. — can the American system of education produce worthwhile Americans. Only then can teachers command respect and foster learning. Because only then are they the customers, ergo, always right. Right now schools are producing a lot of alienated miscreants along with a few useful citizens whose parents, families, and neighbors help them through the grinder that means them no good.

The reason is the parents / students are paying the teachers / administrators. The teachers / administrators should be paying the parents / students. Then the teachers / administrators are the customer. And the customer is always right.

The Germanic industrial model education concept has not served us or Germans well. Education belongs to parents, family members, neighbors, and private enterprises. IBM used to train their own systems engineers. Why can’t today’s “Big Tech?” Although unimaginably monied, “Big Tech” imports H1B or exports to slave camps rather than train up their own neighbors. That is evil. Teachers and administrators who go along with that get no sympathy from me, FWIW.

America’s Generals Lied, Lost Wars, And Looted The People They Claimed To Serve

Say what you will about Karl Marx: He would’ve HATED AOC and the left

From the 46 maxims of conduct: 44) If you desire to cultivate one-pointedness, when in a crowd or bazaar, don’t scatter your vision on everything and to the four corners, but see only the road in front of you, just enough to avoid accidents to yourself! One-pointedness will become firmer if you move without taking your attention off the road, if you are constantly avoiding dangers, and if you don’t cast your eyes on others’ forms! 45) Give up all doubts regarding the guru and God. If your worldly desires don’t get fulfilled, don’t blame it on your devotion, for there is no relationship between such desires and devotion to God. These worldly desires have to be given up some day; feelings of devotion have to be acquired someday. Be firmly convinced of this!

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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