Leftism And Authority

The old standards remain the standards.
Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals.
We go here and there looking for God.
Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him.

The classical study of Leftism is:

Leftism Revisited: From deSade And Marx To Hitler And PolPot
Erik von Luehnelt-Leddihn

Here is a summary, by me:

Leftism is the urge to replace the truth already present with something made up to replace it.  Such as dying one’s hair a color unnatural to hair, or, spending money / lives for a purpose unnatural to an organization’s raison d’être, or, demanding of others something one would not do oneself or that is unnatural to the other’s purpose in life.  They call it transformation.  Leftists just can’t stand the way things are . . . you know . . . the truth.

Here is another summary of Leftism, by anonymous:

“Every time I call it a business, you call it a game.  And every time I call it a game, you call it a business.”  The essence of rug-pulling, football-snatching-away, goalpost-moving chicanery.

And finally a profile of Leftists, by me:

They want 80% of global population dead without issue or disenfranchised.  If they ever achieved that — they cannot — they would dislike that and demand re-population . . . under their micro-management.  What is down they want up.  What is up they want down.  If up goes down, they want it up.  If down goes up, they want it down.  It doesn’t matter what what is, they don’t want it.  Were they all Republicans, they would all want to be Democrats.  Were they all Democrats, they would all want to be Republicans.  If everyone had purple hair, they would demand everyone have green hair.  Whatever is, they want it to be something else, something they envision or reimagine.  An idol of their own making, which they will demand be transformed shortly after they make it.

Now, it is clear that Leftists recognize no authority other than their desires at the moment. Nothing exists unless they say it exists. And only what they say exists exists, or deserves to exist. There is no truth outside or beside what Leftists say at the moment is the truth. Authority is fleeting and infinitely reversible, deniable, and enforceable all at once. Leftists see no contradictions or inconsistencies in the scenarios they invent and run for themselves. Indeed there are none. This all makes sense once you posit that whatever is could be not and should not be. Logos they want to rip right out of the heart of being.

Until I tell you otherwise, there is nothing outside of [this circle].
Captain Love does not exist until I say he exists.

Authority is whoever has an upper hand. It lasts only so long as they have the upper hand. It takes a ton of work and a heap of worry to be a Leftist. Relaxation is not an option. Relax for even an instant and some reality is going to ruin your vision, the dream you cherish, by forcing itself against your denial of relevance outside your wishes.

In a claque, Leftists behave as does a murmuration of starlings. When in flight, their point of authority cannot be identified past observing that it changes moment to moment, formation to formation, ever in flux, until the whole lot of them settle on trees or ground to take on fuel and rest. Then off they go again, as if by invisible hand, firmware, primordial decision. Everybody has to keep up or be left behind.

In fact, the air, the trees, and the ground are all points of absolute authority for a murmuration of starlings, but they would never admit to that fact. They only admit to their murmuration and urges for fuel and rest.

As ground, air, and food are to starlings — relied upon but never admitted to — just so is authority independent of and not contingent upon recognition or acceptance by anyone. In an idiom of the day: firmware has firmware which has firmware ad infinitum. Leftists rebel against the fact, racing as they do from fad to fad to keep up with their friends — always with the monotone intent of rebellion against the facticity of authority — but live with that facticity they must. They cannot do, they cannot be, otherwise.

Come we now to the question of authority in an organization. Authority in an organization sieves out to one thing only: seeking, finding, and telling the truth. Social or educational pedigrees, rank, title, duty, and personal wealth are not authorities. They never will be authorities. Authority in an organization is the truth being sought and told inside that organization. Whoever seeks, finds, and tells the truth in an organization has authority in that organization. It can be about any number of things, from the condition of toilets to morale in the ranks to solvency of the organization. Everything. Truth is all the little things and all the big things and everything in between.

Everything is about truth. The truth about Leftism is truth. The truth about Love is truth. Every person in an organization who seeks, finds, and tells the truth has authority in that organization regardless of their social or educational pedigree, their rank, title, duty, or personal wealth.

As long as love of truth courses up and down and all the way through in an organization, that organization maintains health and accomplishes their mission. Deny truth, calumniate truth, suppress truth, punish truth, hide truth — whether in little things or big — and an organization turn turtle on morale, smell bad to one and all, and abort their mission.

Sometimes an organization turn their mission from an original organic purpose, however adjusted through time and circumstance, to an outright chaos of competing interests. In this case, authority deserts that organization because they have deserted organic functionality, expediting a legitimate purpose, in favor of fostering fleeting yet bumptious, tendentious murmurations of special interests who originate inside and outside the organization. Often, but not always, opting for interests rather than organics signals that an organization has reached the end of their utility and should be disbanded.

The modern American college and university — which is to say, the American Intelligence Community — is an example of an organization who have reached the end of their utility and deserve disbanding. Regrettably, at the time of this writing, America’s five national service academies too deserve disbanding or at least suspended operation until they can reopen sans murmurations of Leftist, anti-American, anti-reality combinations. The truth is not in American colleges, universities, and national service academies. One endangers their own life and their parents’ prestige matriculating at any of these today. It is regrettable but true. An era has passed. We must posit and assume a fresh era is opening.

Religious and educational institutions are the source of Leftism.
They are necessary and dangerous altogether.

A leader seeks, finds, and tells his followers the truth or he has no followers. A leader who does not seek, find, and tell his followers the truth harms his followers and his organization by dereliction of duty. Here are questions a leader should test himself against continuously, as if by prayer:

Who is my boss?
For whom do I work?
What is my authority?

Accurate answers to those questions will keep a leader strong and happy while shining a light on his way forward through command and responsibility. Authority is seeking, finding, and speaking the truth. Everyone knows that and everyone respects the one who does it. Seek the truth and you will find the truth, speak the truth and the truth will protect you. This is the guidon for a leader.

Nothing is more powerful than the truth, nothing at all. Nothing can protect one as well and completely as can the truth.

Now, this is what happens to a leader who neither seeks, finds, nor speaks the truth:

Say what you will about Karl Marx: He would’ve HATED AOC and the left

From the 46 maxims of conduct: 32) Whatever you feel should not be done to you by others, avoid doing such to others. 33) For faults and sins committed in ignorance, repent sincerely and try not to repeat them. Pray to God to bless you with the strength and courage needed to stick to the right path. 34) Don’t allow anything to come near you that will destroy your eagerness and enthusiasm for God. Want of eagerness will cause the decay of the strength of people. 35) Don’t yield to cowardice; don’t give up bliss (ananda). 36) Don’t get swelled up when people praise you; don’t feel dejected when people blame you. 37) If anyone among your friends hates another and starts a quarrel, don’t attempt to inflame them more and make them hate each other more; instead, try with love and sympathy, to restore their former friendship.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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