How To Elude And Avoid Hysteria

The old standards are still the standards.
Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals.
We go here and there looking for God.
Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him.

I write:

As I see this CJCS, I am reminded of how GA MacArthur dressed when he addressed a Joint Session of Congress after being relieved of command in Korea. No ribbons, no medals, no Congressional Medal Of Honor, as he was entitled to wear. Just a plain jacket and five star insignia of rank on his shoulders. He was called — as my mentor Paul Tillich and I also have been called — a dangerous man. A good, loving, honest, skilled, and humble American was General MacArthur:

An acquaintance responds:

I’m not sure why Gen. Milley would do this but default to my usual suspicions of a base attraction to power, an amoral calculation that CRT is the best tool for obtaining it and a near certainty that he is compromised along the money/perversion vector. I should say that I use the word “power” to mean the ability to feed and increase his money/perversion appetites.

One problem here is that people “fight against CRT” in the sense of discussing what is wrong in it and what is right in it. I read supposedly conservative authors who explore how to best argue against it, how to show that it is not self-consistent, that its proponents are embodiments of hypocrisy. Leaders like DeSantis outlaw CRT in public education. While good, these things use CRT to define by negation. This is useful in the near term but is not natural – a conquering force does not exist in opposition to that which it fought. It simply is, and the other is not.

The way forward is not to fight CRT by negation but to be proudly, unabashedly patriotic Americans, to understand the natural order of the world, to expand along all normal axes by all means, to build, to appreciate and increase beauty, to respect the absolute freedom of the individual, and to destroy anyone that stands against us.

Another acquaintance responds:

Wonderfully put! It seems common to point out what is wrong with something without offering the alternative in clear and powerful terms. For those who lack courage and conviction in leadership roles, criticizing something then offering banal platitudes as “alternatives” is attractive because it maintains their “decision space” and prevents them having to do the hard philosophical / intellectual work of finding real solutions to problems. This is evident in foreign policy and war-making: there is never a good “why” for a policy or action. An “enemy” is attacked or not attacked for this and that reason without saying in proper theological / philosophical terms what is actually better than what the enemy offers. Courage, fortitude, and just time and discipline — vs. “doing a lot of stuff without getting much done” — is lacking. Discipline is needed to put into action good ideas.

I respond:

Eloquently put all around.

The “hard philosophical / intellectual work of finding real solutions to problems” is identifying the problems. AKA knowing one’s enemy.

For example, the question of deciding for this truck, that chair, these medical supplies — how many, how much, how often — is really a question of the geography covered by one’s strategic goal.

It used to be that materials access and manufacturing ability and capacity — they are not the same — figured decisively in formulating one’s strategic goal. CCP’s earlier history illustrates the point. Now not so much. Materials and manufacturing ability and capacity can be brought pretty much anywhere in a timely fashion.

The strategic problems now are in the global comms, the routes and costs of travel towards and away from industrial production. Traditional Christian and American policy — Dem & Rep — is to keep global comms open as free, fair, and reliable public commons. Public commons should be unwalled except by minor and temporary fees and tariffs against cheaters, against violators of global comms open as free, fair, and reliable public commons, to include monopolists, manipulators, and hoarders / gougers.

The nations are beset now from within and without by a triad of wall-builders laboring fiercely to eliminate public commons and privatize global comms. (They also want an 80% human die-off.) They are assigning territories and peoples to each other the way urban gangs do neighborhoods. Only, these gangs have scaled up in order to toll the whole world for use of comms or to deny comms altogether to targeted persons and entities. The three are in train of implementing this concept.

The triad are, of course, CCP, CIA (Euro-American Socialists), and SSJ (Salafi-Shiite Jihadis). Note that each is a socio-religious circle, a network. They are not nation states. Effectively, each is a tribe, which is to say, a big gang. A nation state is a trans-tribal phenomenon, an E Pluribus Unum orders of magnitude superior in livability to life in a tribe.

Thus, the topography of global comms in public commons becomes the central object of strategic scrutiny. The freedom, fairness, and reliability of transit therein is the central problem set for which solutions are sought.

Accurately identifying the topography of one’s strategic goal, which is global comms open as free, fair, and reliable public commons, reveals solutions to problems in the problem set generated by that strategic goal. Also, accurately identifying that topography stops the triad in their tracks and rolls them back onto themselves.

The triad are no match for the nations. Solutions for problems attending maintenance of free, fair, and reliable global comms and public commons already exist, only they are hidden by inaccurate identification of the topography of one’s strategic goal. Accurate identification of the topography of one’s strategic goal includes, of course, the theological component of life and of nation states, who are the Going Concerns of statecraft. (Going Concerns is H. J. Mackinder’s phrase. See also his famous The Geographical Pivot Of History.)

Sound decisions arise naturally and easily from solutions to problems integral with topography covered by one’s strategic goal. The nations’ strategic goal is global comms open as free, fair, and reliable public commons. This is global peace, a new era of history, protection rather than industrialization, not global slavery, which is the triad’s strategic goal.

Take it to the topography, first, last, and always.

CIA / CCP / WEF Junta are turning over control of the Pacific Ocean Area to CCP. Their new western defense littoral is the line of the Mississippi and could be pulled back to the line of the Hudson and Potomac, were the Junta to move their admin operations east, back to Europe. USA does not exist. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Diego are Junta Euro-American division salients inside CCP control area, not critical for Junta’s Euro-American division to admin.

This scenario, in train of implementation, is part of Junta’s Great Reset, their Fourth Industrial Revolution. They will take care of everything, are taking care of everything. 80% human die-off will be achieved during the process. Then Junta can literally own the globe itself, all the land and everything on it, and play on and with it as they wish without impediment. Challenge to this scenario, implicit and explicit, is what got Milley’s goat last week in congressional hearing. It drew out the depth of his commitment to Junta and their vision, The Great Reset, as well as the depth of Junta’s scorn for nation states. Junta is tribal, oligarchic. Nation states are their enemy. They want never to have to deal with anyone not of their own.

All this is logical given the premise — shared throughout Junta — that industry can now make anything, anytime, anywhere. With that degree of industrial control, and given industrialists’ propensity and habit for monopoly control and oligarchic organization — other outcomes for which there are logical arguments — it is logical for them to push over into setting a world-domination goal just for themselves and their tribe. For, they are tribal, intensely tribal, aka oligarchic. And that is their weakness. They are no match for a nation state, much as they believe they can eliminate the same and barbecue up the remains.

This makes sense. Junta are handing CCP control of Pacific Ocean Area. Oregon is inside CCP zone of control. This is not about Nike. This is about de-nation-izing the globe so oligarchs can own it lock stock and barrel. The Nike guy is just being a little more downright about their goal than is customary for Junta oligarchs to be. I’d say Junta are feeling their oats, believe they have matters well-in-hand for Great Reset and 80% human die-off.

The scene Joel describes is a way station on a journey, not the destination. The destination — quite consciously and deliberately charted by the oligarchs and their bureaucrats — is 80% human die-off. The oligarchs want it all, especially the land. They do not want to have to buy the land, just clear it.

The idea behind bowing one’s head at the feet of Bhagawan is that thereby sacred thoughts enter the devotee’s mind. This means that when one comes in contact with the Lord’s feet, sacred impulses from the feet flow to the devotee. When the devotee’s head touches the Lord’s feet, the Lord’s divine energy flows towards him. This implies that you should keep contact with only pure objects and keep away from the impure! You are affected by whatever you touch. For instance, if you touch fire, it scalds. Fire can burn even iron. It is so potent. But when fire is extinguished, the residue is mere charcoal. When you touch charcoal, your hand becomes black. Thus, in either case, the contact is not beneficial! But, what happens when you come into contact with Divine Fire? All your bad thoughts and bad actions are reduced to ashes. This is the sanctity attached to the performance of Pada-namaskar (prostrating at the Feet of the Lord).

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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