The old standards are still the standards.
Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals.
We go here and there looking for God.
Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him.

TWANLOCs speak TWANLOC. They do not speak English. They do not want to speak English. English is to TWANLOCs as The Bible is to The Devil: it causes pain. Salutary pain, but pain nonetheless, and TWANLOCs do not take this pain as salutary.

TWANLOC is the language spoken by those existing among us who are no longer our countrymen. TWANLOC is recognizable upon hearing it. TWANLOC reveals the thoughts, desires, and plans of TWANLOCs. TWANLOCs speak TWANLOC. They say what they mean and mean what they say, but in TWANLOC. Their language is not English, American or otherwise. TWANLOC is a foreign, anti-American language.

Americans speak English. TWANLOCs speak TWANLOC. These languages are entirely different even though they can seem and sound the same. Words and phrases mean differently as between English and TWANLOC.

In TWANLOC, white supremacists are persons inside and outside of institutions of American government who support and defend the Constitution of The United States, in principle and in mental readiness, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. In TWANLOC, Americans loyal to their country and countrymen are white supremacists.

In English, white supremacist references perhaps a few hundreds. In TWANLOC, white supremacist references scores of millions. TWANLOCs have genocide on their mind and in their heart.

To an American, a white supremacist is a light-skinned person who wants to do genocide on dark-skilled persons and those otherwise considered a burden on the planet by a white supremacist. To a TWANLOC, a white supremacist is an American patriot of any skin color.

In TWANLOC, our democracy is a sieving operation wherewith TWANLOCs allow some persons and institutions to exist while forcing the rest to fall out of favor and into extinction. Our democracy is a social circle, an affinity club, who protect legacy members (TWANLOCs), admit some few new members, and abandon or club the rest.

Americans, English-speakers, speak of our country, and we understand that our country is a republic, not a democracy.

In English, green energy is clean air and water, happy earth, trees, and animals, peaceful towns and cities, cavorting children, serious yet jovial adults, and quiet calm all around.

In TWANLOC, green energy is mass human die-off from an array of morbidity vectors. Psychotropic drugs, universal and ubiquitous surveillance, deteriorating roadways, single-parent households, chosen or forced unemployment, CB pathogen attacks, and all-of-sector economy shut-downs are some of these morbidity vectors. Ecotopians, investment bankers, social media magnates, and urban real estate interests are among TWANLOCs funding programs to accomplish mass human die-off under the guise of practicing green energy.

In English, insurrection means surging, rising up [from a resting position] to correct, modify, replace, or simply overthrow an existing institution or order. A child can surge at their parent or parents. A citizen can surge at their employer, spouse, government, fellow citizen, or even God. Unless it be bloody, insurrection is a natural and salutary occurrence in human affairs.

In TWANLOC, insurrection means objection or question to the tenure of a junta having hands on the mechanisms of government. A voter is an insurrectionist if their vote is not for a junta’s wishes. A speaker or writer is an insurrectionist if they demur a junta’s thoughts, words, or deeds. To TWANLOCs, insurrection, bloody or not, is forbidden and severely punished.

TWANLOCs speak plain TWANLOC. They are nothing if not transparent. Needed only is to translate their utterances into English from TWANLOC. Then their meaning is plain and easy to grasp — and also flabbergasting for its boneheaded stupidity.

TWANLOC and TWANLOCs are unnatural. It is as unnatural to despise and calumniate the mother country as it is to hate and abominate the natural mother or the brother and sister human being.

Becoming a TWANLOC requires serious treason against one’s own person and against the Constitution of The United States. Even then one might not make the grade. The surest way to become a TWANLOC is to be born to one.

TWANLOCs have to be made. They are fabricated. Parents and peers fabricate TWANLOCs and the language TWANLOC. Parents and peers fabricate alienation between citizens and their country and countrymen. After that, clergy and teachers fabricate that alienation. The point is two-fold:

(1) parents, peers, clergy, and teachers are the so-called root cause of TWANLOCs’ alienation, and

(2) that alienation is fabricated, not natural.  Its manufacture is a choice.  Alienation is neither necessary nor inevitable.

CIA / CCP’s Junta occupying the US federal and many state establishments are TWANLOCs fluent in TWANLOC. Their parents and peers and their clerical and academic mentors are bad people. TWANLOCs live outside the matrix of love. A TWANLOC and a mother’s love are strangers. TWANLOC is a language of the dispossessed.

The spirit of sacrifice is the basic equipment of the sevak (one who takes up service). Without the inspiration of the sense of sacrifice, your seva (service) will be a hypocrisy, a hollow ritual. Inscribe this on your heart. Inscribe it deep and clear. T here are four modes of writing, dependent on the material on which the text is inscribed. The first is writing on water; it is washed out even while the finger moves. The next is, writing on sand. It is legible, until the wind blows it into mere flatness. The third is, the inscription on rocks; it lasts for centuries, but it too is corroded by the claws of Time. The inscription on steel can withstand the wasting touch of Time. Have this axiom inscribed on your heart – “Serving others is meritorious, harming others or remaining unaffected and idle while others suffer, is sin.”

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