Concluding Observation From A Career

Do not focus on differences of caste, faith, communities, nationalities and religions. True education focuses on equanimity amongst students.

Religions may differ, but the pathway is one.
Human beings may differ, but the divinity in man is one.
Nations are many, but the planet is one.
Stars are many, but the sky is one.
Men are many, but breath is one.
Flowers are many, but veneration is one.

All are one: be of the same nature with all. You have to practice these truths and help others to practice this in their daily lives.

Sathya Sai Baba

The Church, the Christian Spiritual Community, does not have a message that is uniquely its own, that belongs only to the Church. The message of the Church is universal. It belongs to all Spiritual Communities and to all religions.

The message of the Church is that all names are God’s and all forms are His. That is the truth and that truth is the only message from any religion which has Spiritual power, the power of establishing new being and dissolving old. New Being is the message of the Church and equally of the Spiritual Communities of all religions.

The foregoing must be said equally of the Spiritual Community of each religion, of every faith: the Ummah, the Temple, the Ashram, the Prayer Meeting, the Synagogue, etc.

The message of the Spiritual Community of each religion and faith is equally the message of the Spiritual Community of every religion and faith.

That message is that all names are God’s and all forms are His.

The universality of the message of the Church and of every other Spiritual Community explains many things we see today and implies many others that we will see in the times ahead.

It explains:

1- The vapid, anything-but-Spiritual demagoguery that passes for preaching and education in and from every actual congregation/meeting of the several Spiritual Communities. They all speak merely parochially from texts and symbols they take literally because none of those texts and symbols expresses in modern conditions the dynamic truth of all Spiritual Communities, namely, that the pulsing heart and heaving lungs of each existent are names and forms of God. Every text and symbol points beyond itself to that ultimate which alone is ultimate and therefore deserving of ultimate concern. Literalism — and its obverse, in liberal circles, of deconstructionism or revisionism — is evidence of the impotence of texts and symbols to express new being, ultimate truth in current conditions.


Keli Carendar 15APR09

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