Emerging Structures Of Religion

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

Bishops, popes, prelates and monks keeping ordaining and consecrating catamites, priests dismissing doctrine, pastors producing personality cults, trysting parlors and entertainments, rabbis hawking vestigial customs as unconditional concerns, clerics forbidding education and inciting war or condemning self-defense … these are signs of advanced senescence in man’s religious denominations.

Religious denominations are administrative or juridical entities. Such entities are denominated, for example, as Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Judaic/Zionist, Evangelical, Sunni, Shiite, etc. These entities are vestigial, legacy structures of religion. Now and futurely there is no creativity in them, their output will remain effluvial while time completes their decomposition and digestion.

Fresh structures of religion have been aborning after spending many decades germinating. While the denominations as administrative or juridical entities are vestigial, the properties they administer, including many sanctuaries and some schools, continue potentially and even actually creative.

Many sanctuaries are prayer halls for all believers, regardless of their religion of rearing or affirmation, where religion is understood as man’s effort, inspired by God’s grace, to overcome his existential estrangement by reuniting his essence and his existence. Man’s religious life functions directly with God, by whatever Name He is called, and so adherents of all religions may pray together in the same sanctuary because they all call on the same Living God.

Some schools, when liberated from denominational or monastic jurisdiction, can function as centers of teaching human valuesEducation is the distinguishing mark of mankind.

The Baha’i Fireside is a creative structure of religion, a harbinger of Faith producing culture in social conditions liberated from the horror of terrorism and tyranny.

The intellectual, moral and spiritual heat caused by the planet-wide aggregation and coalescence of energy called the internet is a creative structure of religion. Even the forces of terror and tyranny relish it and are enveloped by or subsumed in it.

The Bhajan — chanting sacred verse and singing the Names and Glory of God — at gatherings sponsored by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba or by individuals inspired by Him are creative religious structures, indeed, the most creative on the planet today.

The movements towards monasticism by both single people and married couples with children are creative religious structures.

The intense and heroic efforts to cope with political tyrannies and to throw them off in favor of freedom are creative religious structures.

The drive towards vegetarian diet and for unadulterated food is a creative religious structure.

Movements for national self-confidence, strength, happiness and patriotism are creative religious structures.

The religious denominations as administrative or juridical structures are decomposing, vestigial structures, permanently unimportant. Genuine, meaning creative, religious structures today and forwardly include, among others not here mentioned, many existing sanctuaries, some existing schools, Firesides, “internet,” and Bhajan.

Update 1: Patrick Buchanan: Is Trumpism The New Nationalism?

Update 2: Richard Fernandez: That Old Time Religion

Update 3: Traitor To His Class [:-)]  Page 2

Nothing is more terrifying to the elite than Trump’s embrace of a tangible American nationalism.



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