Senator “Jacques” Kerry’s Specious And Insolent Arguments

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Every one of Senator Jacques Kerry’s arguments regarding Iraq is specious and insolent. Furthermore, he knows that they are. Senator Kerry is a self-promoting liar who should have been and still should be tried for treason.

Senator Kerry has seen and sees the same intelligence briefs, day by day, that President Bush sees. He knows the truth. John belongs to that large group of persons who summon fury and insolence to answer their want of self-confidence and intelligence.

The enemy is not Osama Bin Laden (and here). No industrialist or businessman, which Osama is, can incite, much less maintain, a movement with suicide at its core. Not even a soldier, attorney or politician, on whom industrialists and businessmen depend for the security of their operations, has power to incite or maintain such a movement. Only those upon whom soldiers, etc. and industrialists, etc. depend for the knowledge and sanction of their operations and profession, respectively, namely, clergy, doctors and teachers, have power to incite and maintain a movement with suicide at its core. And of those, only the counterfeit would do such a thing.

The enemy is Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri and the counterfeit mullahs, ayatollahs, priests, pastors, doctors and teachers that found and maintain “religious schools” and political movements. Counterfeit clergy, doctors and teachers at Wahhabi maddrassas and comparable Shiite schools are the enemy commonly termed terrorist and terrorism on the world stage today. But there are comparable enemies — clergy, doctors and teachers — inside each of man’s five great religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Islam and Christianity, and they too deserve to be identified as terrorists and their activities as terrorism.

Baathists, to include Saddam Hussein and Syrians, gave and continue to give harbor and support to a panoply of al-Queda and other Arab and African imperialist (aka terrorist) structures. Ultimately Baathists, who are Communists, and Caliphists, who issue from criminals and counterfeit clergy, are enemies. But they share and coordinate on the proximate goal of subverting democratic structures.

Senator Kerry, significantly, shares this proximate goal since his ideal condition is normless, formless dynamism. He is unconcerned, as he was in the 1970s, that his words give comfort to enemies of the United States and Coalition Nations and demoralize citizens of the United States and Coalition Nations working to defeat those enemies. Senator Kerry’s moral condition is that of a playboy, an egocentric sybarite, which he was been all of his life. Senator Kerry’s impulses are French, not American. He has never held a job.

The word disingenuous is overworked these days, perhaps because instances of the phenomenon it symbolizes are so abundant. However, the word is justified regarding any appeal to law by Senator Kerry, whose basal commitment is to lawlessness. Senator Kerry is a personification of insincerity and deceit. He is French in make-up.

Iraq has been awash with weapons of mass destruction, chemical, biological and nuclear, since before Operation Iraqi Freedom and still. Much of his NBC munitions stockpile Saddam moved to Syria, where it still resides, before the invasion of Coalition Forces on 19 March 2003. Much remains in Iraq, both of munitions and of storage containers, such as drums of nerve agent, etc. Many of the munitions and storage containers still in Iraq — some in football field-sized bunker compounds — are deteriorating through age and corrosion.

The problem regarding the chemical and biological material in Iraq is two-fold. First, there is so much of it that the only safe, rapid and cost-effective way to dispose of it is to catastrophically ignite it. Second, there is so much of it, it is so widely dispersed, and so much of it is in deteriorating containers that simply guarding it, and safely, from the hands of enemies and the curious is a personnel and logistical nightmare. WMDs are truly as much a threat to their owner as they are to any possible victim.

But beyond all of that, Senator Kerry’s arguments regarding Iraq dissemble the fundamental policy objective of the United States and Coalition Nations, an objective he knows he has to support despite his personal ideal of normlessness (an oxymoron). That policy is to stabilize the Middle East by establishing there a permanent base of operations for democratic structures from which those structures may be promulgated steadily and by local implementation throughout the Middle East.

This fundamental policy implements the Will of Providence, which is ushering in an Era of Peace and Prosperity by, among other activities, “instructing” the purveyors of destruction.

The Civilian Arms and the Armed Forces of the United States, which latter Senator Kerry detests, together with the Civilian Arms and Armed Forces of Coalition Nations, to include Iraq, and certain non-governmental organizations, are putting that policy into effect. The success of their effort is the reason for Senator Kerry’s sedition against it.

Caliphism, promulgated by criminals and counterfeit clergy, is being and will be defeated on the estate it stole and driven into the desert wastes. The property it usurped is being and will be returned to its owners as a Garden of Peace, which is the meaning of the word Islam … Senator Jacques Kerry’s sedition notwithstanding.

In this particular it is noteworthy that Senator Kerry’s sedition in the early 1970s met with failure, though not without, as now, cost in lives, time, money and energy. Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon and United States and Allied Civilian Arms and Armed Forces saved the Southwest Pacific defensive littoral of the United States and Pacific Nations from penetration by Mongoloid/Pan-Slavic Imperialism. The United States’ and Pacific Nations’ flank was not turned there.

Senator Kerry’s life work is a failure. He has not succeeded and will not succeed in turning the United States into a non-sovereign entity. He has successfully insulted practically every nation on the planet along with practically every current national leader, with the exception of France and President John Chirac, another saucy fellow.

Update 1: Principal reason, now, that USA must exit NATO: Eurabia, led by what are now mistakenly called Germany and France.

Follow-on to NATO will be some structure with Russia and the Intermarium to keep Eurabia from heading east.  Essentially, swing USA’s European force vector 180 degrees, from east to west.

That will be part of a larger structure, to include India, Mongolia and some Southeast Asian nations, to triangulate or quadrangulate China.

… unless arrogance like von der Leyen’s completely sours Trump on NATO.

May be a good chance of that happening.  Germany has been on security welfare provided by USA for how long now?  And she presumes to hector her benefactor.  Head of NATO did as well last week.

No, NATO is obsolete.  It is not 1947, nor yet 1991.  von der Leyen is proving the point.  I say, “You go, girl!”



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