Coloring Book – The Divine Proportion

The Coloring Books Of Adwaitha Hermitage
(seven zip files: open, print, and color)

To view the full image, click the thumbnail, or, right click
the thumbnail and open the full image a new tab or window.

Coloring Book The Divine Proportion (zip)
Twelve drawings, templates for
the glass paintings (below).

The Five Elemental Principles:
Ether, Air, Fire Water, Earth
Two Proportions: 1:1.618 and 27:4
Painted and Framed Mid-1980s.
Three nine inch square glass panes mounted
one eighth inch apart in a wooden frame.
Hand-painted Acrylic on Glass
Laid Over Templates (above).
Photographed 1990s, Kodachrome 25
Scanned with Epson Perfection V800
Updated to April 2021 Software:

Eadem Mutata Resurgo

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