Coretta Scott King / Undeserved Honors

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Honors of State should be accorded to those who lived in selfless service to their Country, either through high office elected by a majority of Americans, vitally successful military service in defense of their Country while it is in mortal peril or mortal self-sacrifice that directly and substantially benefits all citizens of their Country.

Coretta Scott King met none of these criteria, nor do any members of her family, and incidents at her funeral service proclaimed the fact.

At that funeral, a Former President of the United States of America, James Carter, and a self-proclaimed “black” minister of the Christian Message aimed four attacks of political rhetoric, two each, at a Sitting President of the United States of America, George W. Bush. Not only so, the majority of the audience leapt to their feet and applauded each of the four attacks for minutes at a time.

Those attacks, and their jubilant greeting, were despicable in themselves. But they imply more than that, and they were precedented.

Some years ago, a grandson of Coretta Scott King stood next to a Sitting Vice President of the United States of America, Albert Gore, Jr. — if memory serves, in the same supposed Christian Church where Coretta’s funeral service was held — and declared that the “enemy” of the “black man” is the “white Anglo-Saxon protestant male.” This is violent racism, implying a machete cleansing of America when “blacks” finally take over.

We humor this language and those who use it while taking seriously statements by Messrs. bin Laden (and here) and al-Zawahiri of equally frank intent and planning. It is time to wake up and face facts.

The attacks on President Bush at Coretta’s funeral are most significant for what they imply about the characterless-ness of the family on the occasion of whose remembrance they were made.

The Kings reared a family that has not managed its finances, depending instead on extorted largesse, serving in this way as a role model, as he says, for Jesse Jackson and a host of “black” beggars like him. Its father-in-name, Martin, was a cheat and an idler, and its mother-possibly-in-name, Coretta, was good at looking stoical without facing or telling the truth about her life or Martin’s, or the lives of their descendants.

And there is the “King legacy.” What legacy? Extortion, lying, plagarism, womanizing, man-izing, deliberate perpetuation in the “black community” of the self-destructive dependency on people who can manage their affairs — “whites” — for which the “King legacy” is said to be the cure. The “King legacy” is violent, deliberate, intractable racism on steroids – cynically employed as a threat for extortion!

This is not a family that deserves Honors of State, either by person or by aggregate.

Update 1: Confessions Of A Public Defender

Update 2: Race Relations And Law Enforcement

Update 3: However, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that no such star is high on the list of those being mentioned.

Assuming those stars actually have light sufficient for a career of staring, I’m glad none is on Trump’s short list — precisely because they are political stars, careerist professional politicians!!!

I’d like in office anyone BUT a professional politician, anyone BUT one who craves the office, anyone who is NOT thinking about THEIR future.  The very mind-set which produces the concept of a political star with a future I find smug, anxious, cynical, elitist, and un-American.

If you want my vote because you want your concept of a career for yourself, you don’t give a damn about my soul and you don’t deserve my vote.  You deserve the sole of my shoe.



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