Weaknesses Of Liberal Education

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Liberal Education is compromised by its own two-fold weakness:

1- it lacks internal check on getting full of itself, and

2- in getting full of itself if takes structures of history for laws of history and thus neglects the element of chance as well as the categories of history which together prevent history from having, generating or being accountable to laws.

There are structures of history but these are not laws of history. There are no laws of history. The reality of creativity, the element of chance and the categories of history, prevent the formation of repeatable events — such as seem to occur in the dimension of the inorganic — in the dimension of history.

History is unique at every moment and unrepeatable.

Santayana’s dictum regarding history (“Those Who Forget the Lessons of History Are Doomed To Repeat It”) is a confusion, not a wisdom, that liberal education takes to imply that there are laws (lessons) of history. History is the memory of individuals and groups and memory fades absolutely and unavoidably. So the dictum really is a confusion and as such, nonsense.

Man makes the meaning of history. History does not make and is not its own meaning.

Update 1: Fred Siegel: The Godfather Of American Liberalism

Update 2: George Handlery: The Structure Of Education Is The Structure Of Faith

Update 3: Sean, all Ivy divinity schools today are Communist.  None is Christian.  None wants to be.  None is ecumenical, either.  Communist all.  In a few years all will be Salafi/Shi’a blend.  That will radiate out to the universities in which they lodge.  From there to the culture and from the culture to the politics.

The only point at which you can right that wrong is in the culture.

The culture has to want to produce an education system, starting with seminaries, worthy of Americans and their freedom of religion, which is their most precious protected right and therefore the one Azlan and Co. are willing to die for by attacking.

Update 4: There are thousands of clearly white racists, including many clear cases of white male oppression, rescuing from Huston flood waters persons they oppress through systematic racism, xenophobia, homophobia and the rest. Evil white people, how dare they inflict themselves on those in distress?!  Haven’t they done enough oppression already?!  And how dare they build systems of government and voluntary organization to help those they oppress even when those are not distressed?!

I think Mirengoff gave the soundest explanation of this tumult several months ago.  Under-qualified young people were seduced into post-secondary schools, many but not all for racial reasons (aka racism).  Those young people realized their predicament, felt they had been cheated (they were) of recognition of their reality (they were) and decided, not unreasonably, to blow the house down.  The more reasonable thing for them to have done was to leave the house and pursue life on their own terms.  But they did not do that.

D-R UniParty politicians and bureaucrats, under Johnson, forced schools to admit below-grade students just as years later, under Clinton, they forced banks to loan to below-grade borrowers.  That those politicians and bureaucrats consider bank failure unacceptable but education failure — underway before, during and after bank failure — acceptable is a baleful indicator of coming events.

The schools cheated those young people by putting them where they had no business being because they lacked training for it.  I do not blame the young people.  I blame the HR and Admissions departments at the schools: craven towards the D-R UniParty’s bumptious demands and avaricious towards the students’ credulous gullibility.

How many post-secondary schools does USA really, really need?  I am sure it is less than half the number extant.  Since those schools will not desist on their own, let the young people they admit without quals deface those schools so thoroughly as to make them no-go zones for qualified students.  Then those schools will collapse, as most surely they should voluntarily.

Some nations die from lack of qualified leadership.  USA is dying from infestations of unqualified leadership.  Locusts on the land.  The sooner the locusts consume their own breeding grounds — post-secondary schools — the better, say I.

The Democrat activists see racism and bigotry surrounding them only because they are normally surrounded by other Democrat activists.

Just as it is dogs who hear dog whistles.

You people think people voted against Obama because he was black.  WRONG.  The people that voted against Obama also voted against Hillary and would vote against Sanders.  Those that voted for Trump would vote for Justice Thomas in a heart beat.  If you want to see voting based on race do not look in the white districts.

Update 4: The Racial Gap in Student Performance

Update 5: First space, then auto—now Elon Musk quietly tinkers with education

Update 6: We Will Never Fix Campus Indoctrination Until We Cut College Subsidies

Update 7: Elon Musk: Graduating from a college ‘not needed,’ ‘they’re not for learning’


Same Man
Same Man

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