Multi-Culturalism = Utopianism = Communism

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Multiculturalism, which really is a fancy word for tribalism, functions in its proponents’ intellects and hearts as a secular utopianism, a final (or at least final-enough), unambiguous, taint-free state of the chosen and/or inexorable end-state of evolution.

Utopia is a compound of Greek and toposmeans not and topos means place, location or context, as in topology.  A utopia is a something that has no place.  Nowhere can it be.  It is therefore a complete figment of an imagination.

The error of utopianisms, religious or secular, is to assert the possibility of unambiguous existence, that is, a condition sans negative attributes. No such existence/condition exists, nor will one ever, since existence, in contrast to essence, manifests negatives, such as tragedy, estrangement and anxiety, universally, as unavoidable aspect of its reality.

Numerous religious utopianisms have been promulgated and tried and their failure duly noted.  Religion has internal check upon itself because its focus is reality.

Secular utopianisms, however, flourish unchecked here and abroad since the 18th Century except by the disrepute generated by remark of the suffering left in their wakes.

For example, the utopianism of egalitarianism, inspired originally by the Romanticism of Rousseau and the Anti-Clericalism of Voltaire. The truth of egalitarianism was revealed in The Terror which was the truth of the French Revolution.

The only check on secular utopianisms today, such as multiculturalism, is revulsion with the suffering they induce. A high price! Utopianism has no internal check upon itself because its focus is a figment of imagination.

Furthermore, even when the horror of specific secular utopianisms is revealed by activities inspired by the doctrines of their proponents — for example, Nazis, Communists/Socialists, Zionists, Biblical/Koranic Literalists, Social\Population Engineers, Crony Capitalists, Political Activists, Environmentalists — the drive for new utopianisms to supercede discredited ones persists.

The drive for utopianisms is, itself, one of the tragic universalities of existence.

Religious utopianisms are non-existent or non-starters in the modern positivist/scientific context. However, secular utopianisms abound and even propagate today.

Extant today are these utopianisms, uniformly distortions of reality and visitors of horrors upon the earth:

1- Science

2- Communism/Socialism

3- Crony Capitalism/Environmentalism

4- Multiculturalism (aka Tribalism)

5- Biblical/Koranic/Sacred Scripture Literalism

What an interesting time to be embodied! 🙂

Update 1: Multiculturalism: Something Rotten in the States of Europe and America


Mary At The Beach
Mary At The Beach

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