Two Statements On Cindy Sheehan

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

Our son is an Officer and West Point Graduate who deployed to Iraq and is now home.

What Cindy Sheehan is doing is shameful personally and disrespectful of her son, who fulfilled his life doing what he wanted to do.

It is shameful because she is trying to hurt President Bush, personally and politically, she is assaulting the dignity the Office he fulfills and she is undermining the morale of our Armed Forces.

She has no interest in “learning the truth” about her son. She already knows it and is refusing to accept it — that he is gone, or in his terms, fulfilled. She is trying now to hurt others as she hurts. This is shameful conduct.

It is disrespectful of her son because she is not accepting that he was doing what he wanted to do — he volunteered and wanted to help his nation in this particular way — and that he lived his destiny to its fulfillment and will not diminish that fulfillment.

She takes him for a negative, a victim, when he is a positive, a hero. No mother would think so of a son.

Additionally, she is thinking of him as her son. He was a son, not her son. She gave birth to and helped rear him, but he was conceived also with his father, who also helped rear him, and he gained his majority and was not legally or spiritually “my son” to her at the time he fulfilled his life. I note that her husband has filed for divorce. Her own life-partner does not support her, but others should?

All of the assumptions motivating her activity in Texas and afterwards are either inaccurate or hypocritical.

Cindy’s behavior is unladylike and unmotherly.

Who is supporting her? What millions of dollars are George Soros, MoveOn, the DNC, ANSWER, belligerant governments, etc., pouring in to support her and her associates’ activities? And who is pressing editors to keep the story hot? Whomever it is, their interest is neither Cindy Sheehan nor her son nor the nation’s nor mankind’s welfare. It is anachronistic, cliched, seditious politics because it arises from communist fronts and other totalitarian structures.  As if they offer anything of value!


She may have birthed a Man and Soldier who sacrificed his life for what he believed, rightly, to be true, but Cindy Sheehan is not the mother of Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan. Spc. Sheehan’s mother is someone who loved and loves him, if not a human, then God Himself, just as He is my Mother.

No mother disgraces herself or her offspring. A mother stands by her offspring’s adult decisions and destiny and requires the world to respect them and the centered self, her offspring, who made and embodies them. That is a mother’s duty, fixed, immutable and indomitable.

The Soldier Hero Cindy Sheehan may have birthed has received fulfillment for loyalty to his decisions and his destiny and to his duty to fulfill them as a Soldier. Spc. Sheehan has entered upon the Bliss of Unambiguous Life.

Cindy Sheehan is surrendered to her own self-destruction. She is a mouthpiece for communists (ANSWER/MoveOn/etc.) who are in direct descent from the American Communist Party who hijacked the Bonus March in 1932.

Cindy Sheehan disgraces Womanhood and Family. Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan honors Manhood, his Nation and the Soldier’s Calling of Duty-Honor-Country.

Update 1: An A-Z Guide To The New PC.



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