Tolerance For Paradox

CCP own CIA. Moslem Brotherhood own DOJ. This makes CIA and FBI mutually hostile hegemons eyeing control of the post-sovereignty North American Region.

Executive branch departments and agencies, each with their own maneuver fighting force, operate autonomously, funded by Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) minting and printing machines.

The White House and Congress are clapped-out drama queens. (1) they do not have their own maneuver fighting force, (2) they do not have their own minting and printing machines, and (3) they must shake down oligarchs foreign and domestic in order to face the cost of facing voters.

The Judiciary pander to whomever keeps the saw and the law at a distance from them.

So-called federal government (USG) operations are inimical to the sovereign, constitutional United States of America (USA).

In this condition, who is the USA? Is USG USA? The answer, at least for awhile, is: whoever is most immediate to USA voters by facing USA voters is USA. This means, in decreasing orders of authority: (1) county sheriffs, (2) state legislators, and (3) state governors.

These three are the most immediate foci of American authority because (1) each faces votes, (2) sheriff and governor have their own maneuver fighting forces, and (3) sheriff and governor could mint and print their own media of exchange (money).

Authority increases as it is decentralized, distributed, and decreases as it is centralized, collected. Thus, the most authoritative official in the USA is the country sheriff. Sheriffs have their own maneuver fighting forces and face voters.

Police chiefs are appointed, not voted, so their maneuver fighting forces (police) do not face voters. Mayors and town councils, who appoint police chiefs, do face voters, but they do not own the maneuver fighting force assets who are their police departments because their department chiefs do not face voters. Police chiefs routinely get away with bad deeds sheriffs could not, at least not for long, because police chiefs are appointed.

Police chiefs are an example of collected rather than distributed authority, thus weaker than sheriffs, who exemplify distributed authority.

A sheriff’s maneuver fighting force relies on the USA’s industrial base to support their operations. The vitality of the USA’s industrial base depends on American culture’s tolerance for paradox, for the unexpected.

Paradox is a constant of life. Paradox throws opportunities into existence. Americans traditionally welcome paradox. We encourage the unexpected, for its nature of occasioning opportunity to generate wealth and have fun into the bargain.

County sheriffs are the first and most important platform for protecting the USA’s industrial base and thereby the constitutional sovereignty of the USA.

County sheriffs should be raising, training, and deploying Civil Defense Battalions (militias) to answer their needs and responsibilities.

To protect sovereign, constitutional USA, and her industrial base, decentralize authority and surge civil defense assets of county sheriffs throughout the land.

Doctors know that the body temperature is normally 98.4 degrees. If this temperature goes up to 99, they say fever has set in due to some disorder in the body. We inhale and exhale at a normal rate. If there is a slight increase or decrease in the rate it indicates disorder in the body. Changes in the pulse rate or blood pressure also indicate disorder. So you find that if you cross the limits even to a little extent it is dangerous or harmful to the body. There is a limit for everything to function in a normal way. When your eyes happen to see a flash of lightning or a flash light while taking photographs, they automatically close because they can’t withstand such high illumination. Ear drums also cannot tolerate hearing beyond a certain volume and we close our ears or keep cotton inside the ears. Our life thus is a limited company! Similarly our desires also should be limited.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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