Crazies And Normies

Crazies (Rakshasas) are always going to hate normies (Humans). It’s a fact of nature.

Overheard CCP / CIA operators, on their comms:

“Shall we take down US sovereignty piecemeal or go for broke with a huge masterstroke, a Hail Mary, like making them think they elected a demented and a degenerate?”

“That’s a tough one. Do you think they would believe they did it?”

“Well, we know we can do it, why not have some fun and see if we can make them think they did it?”

“What the Yangtze, let’s go for it. It will tell us how far we can go relying on our skill at exploiting their gullibility.”

“Agreed. Plus, a lot of them we control and even those we do not — at least not directly — a lot of them think CCP / CIA are the bee’s knees of organizations. They envy us the way we live and the privileges we have. Many of those even want us as overlords because they think we will admit them to our circle. Ain’t that cute?”

“Even old Soros would take this chance. Let’s do it. He’s been shorting US sovereignty nearly as long as we have been.”

“Now there is a demented degenerate.”

Schlichter’s anger is good for nothing. He doesn’t even know his enemy, or if he does, he’s afraid to mention him. Perhaps Schlichter’s predictable, repetitive splenetics are misdirection or hails to the gallery. They are, after all, more commercially than culturally motivated.

Also, Kurt resorts to the phrase we need to. This is a sign of weakness.

Schlichter is good at sarcasm but sarcasm builds nothing. It does how it sounds and what it means: ripping flesh.

Sarcasm is what a raptor does, also a cat. Also what one does when one rips into a steak.

For me, the phrase we need to cancels everything else of value that one might say or write. It is a sign of weakness.

A devotee must regard pure mind as the abode of the Lord. One must fill the mind with pure, sacred and divine thoughts, and redeem one’s entire life. The Chataka bird endures many ordeals to secure unsullied raindrops from clouds. The moment it espies a dark cloud in the sky, it embarks on its adventure. Water is aplenty on earth in lakes, ponds and rivers. But the Chataka bird has no use for these polluted waters. It waits for pure raindrops in the month of Karthik and does not seek any other water. It is undaunted by thunder and lightning; seeks only pure raindrops falling from clouds, without fear or concern. It sings in joy as it drinks raindrops. The Chataka bird is an example of pure love. True devotees should perform a similar penance to realise God. One must have the same determination and go through similar ordeals to experience the ultimate ecstasy. One must not succumb to the wiles and attractions of the world.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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