Nach Canossa Gehen Wir Nicht

Yet I planted you as a choice vine, from the purest stock.  How then did you turn degenerate and become a wild vine?  Jeremiah 2:21

Remember then from what you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first.  Revelation 2:5

Who are they?

They are Clergy, Professors, CCP, CIA, DOJ, D-R UniParty, Deep State, EU, WEF, C-of-C, CFR, Afro-Caribs, NGOs, Israelis, Salafis, Shiites, Drug and Crime Families.

What are they doing?

They are fighting with God.

What is going to happen?

They are going to win, God is going to lose.

Then what happens?

They are going to get wiped out.

How do you know this?

It is the pattern.

Ravana fights with Rama and wins, then emerges in Rama.  Jacob fights with God and wins, then asks for God’s blessing.  Jacob’s descendants fight with Jesus the Christ and win, then commit suicide or become Christians.

Meanwhile, Rama kills Ravana, Jacob’s descendants are hauled off to exile and extinction — in two shifts — and Jacob’s further descendants undergo decimation and extinction at the hands of The Army of Titus.

For the record now, they are violent. They are sadistic. Everything they do is meant to be violent and cause hurt. They will tell you to jump through this and this hoop of their devising, saying to you:

“Now just do this and we will allow you to have a decent life.  Do not do this and we will make you suffer and die.  You see, you have a choice in our world.  You have freedom of choice.  We want you to have freedom.  We are good people.  We want only your welfare.  Just do what we want you to do, and be quiet about it.  We rule.”

The number of hoops they will devise for you to jump through approaches infinity. Each new school class of them arrives equipped with a new set of hoops for you to jump through. They call this change and social justice.

Remember: they are going to win, you are going to lose. Then they are going to get wiped out. That is the pattern. It is meant as a lesson, staged to be an improving spectacle.

Stay attached to your roots in God and you will be safe and happy. Neither fear nor hate them. Avert your ears and eyes from any who counsel fear of them, anger at them, or fighting against them. It is your loyalty to yourself as God that is being tested, not theirs. They should be so lucky.

Bismarck is said to have remarked once, Nach Canossa gehen wir nicht. (We are not going to Canossa.) His reference was to a drama that occurred in 1076 at the castle town of Canossa, Italy.

Henry IV, a German and Holy Roman Emperor, claimed authority to consecrate bishops. Pope Gregory VII rejected Henry’s claim to that authority. When Henry continued to claim and practice that authority, Gregory excommunicated him. Excommunication then meant what denial of access to the banking system means now. Henry threatened to march on Gregory, who holed up in the castle at Canossa.

Instead, Henry stood before the castle gate for three days, barefoot, wearing a hair shirt, in snow, begging Gregory to lift his excommunication. Eventually Gregory did that.

Bismarck’s phrase meant, in effect, We do not ask permission for what we intend to do. His immediate reference was to Austrian wishes of his day. (Austrians were Catholic; Bismarck was Lutheran.) His ultimate reference was to the lesson regarding civil and religious authority dramatized at Canossa in 1076.

Jorge Bergoglio — soi disant Pope Francis I — has accepted CCP’s claim of authority to consecrate bishops. He defied the lesson of Canossa, as he has so many other lessons bequeathed humanity by the Magisterium.

Seth Hancock: World Economic Forum: The Great Enslavement

There are two points of view that struggle for acceptance by you – the Paramarthika and the Vyavaharika – the spiritual and the worldly, the reality-based and the appearance-based. Imagine you see a snake appearing on the road. In reality, it is only a length of rope. But it appears as a snake and you feel a sense of terror. Your terror does not change the rope into a snake! When you apply light from a torch, you discover that the rope was always a rope! The Universe is what appears; the reality is Divinity, Brahman. When the light of wisdom shines, the Truth is revealed! The Universe is enveloped by Divinity; it is its vesture! Jesus knew that God wills all. So even on the cross, when he suffered agony, he bore no ill-will towards any one and he exhorted those with him to treat all as instruments of His Will. “All are one; be alike to everyone.” Practise this attitude in your daily lives.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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