
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Whence this multiculturalism obsession?

It is drugs, both legal (prozac, pain killers, alcohol, in prepared foods, etc.) and illegal (marijuana, cocaine, etc.).

During Vietnam, China was flooding at least the West Coast — that I know of — with illegal drugs, and also leading demonstrations/flag-burnings from the front of the lines of march, bringing the materials and grabbing the film crews for tight-shot stories.

UBL and Co. are also dealing illegal drugs, and not just for money but as weapons. And our own MDs are doing the job assiduously with the legal — but still lethal for intellectual clarity in matters of honor, culture, law and national security — drugs.

Sections of the leadership cadres of our nation still may be able to think clearly — likely we would find them relatively clean of both legal and illegal drugs — but the intellectual equipment of the vast non-leadership masses, who expect to be taken care of without effort on their part, and who have votes Democrats cynically covet, is being mashed by pushers of legal and illegal drugs.

As UBL and Co. got to us through aviation weak points — and the Israelis, Spanish and English through ground transit weak points — so, through a long but inexorable campaign, they can and are trying to get to us through our food/chemical weak points.

Our arrays of self-indulgence are attack avenues for any who wish to use them. Arabs, Chinese and Iranians all are probing and using those avenues.

Multi-culturalism is not a philosophy per se, it is a consequence of intellect deformed by legal and/or illegal drugs.

Any doctrinaire position, of any political or other persuasion — any unwillingness to examine fully the situations in which problems are experienced and find solutions that resolve those problems — is a sign of intellectual deformation. And the near certain cause of intellectual deformation in today’s world — especially given the distribution of the problem — is improper diet, specifically legal and illegal drugs.

The solution generally is a theological engineering that can be expressed geometrically as the Golden Section or Divine Proportion in the form of the Sarva Dharma Symbol. That symbol points to the depth (tremendum) and the meaning (fascinosum) that, together, resolve our crisis.

This response was received:

Budda is the answer?

Feel free to respond directly to me if you wish — but your argument lacks coherence, and ends with a statement that seems to imply that Budda is the answer to a hugely complex and centuries old issue.

If I missed the sarcasm, or other finer point, please elucidate me up to speed.

To which I responded:

Happy to answer, thanks for asking!

Buddha is not mentioned. The personal referent is Sathya Sai Baba.

No tearing of flesh (sarcasm) is intended anywhere in the composition, all is meant straightforwardly.

The problem is the relationship of the religions. The religions are not going to go away, not ever. So the question is their relationship. The Sarva Dharma Symbol expresses the relationship of the religions that works to peace in the world because it is the truth and, in fact, always has been, even before they seemingly come into clash.

I highlighted the Golden Section/Divine Proportion character of the pentagon, the geometrical image from which the Sarva Dharma Symbol is constructed, because the Symbol is pointing out, among other indications, that that relationship or ratio — which is the definition of beauty — is the resolution to the particular distress we face today because it precedes both reason and reality. We can hold it as an universal and immutable standard, as our military services did when they designed their office building.

The religions are preliminary concerns. That to which they refer is the ultimate concern. The Sarva Dharma Symbol is the only symbol around which does that inclusively and integrally for all major religion. Therefore its auspicious potential. I have indeed floated among some General Officers the idea of adopting the Sarva Dharma Symbol as the emblem of our military services’ Chaplain Corps. The idea was not enthusiastically received! 🙂 (There may appear to be a hint of sarcasm in the last sentence, but really its tone is of ruefulness.)

If the difference between Buddha and Sathya Sai Baba needs description, I am not prepared to spend time doing that.

If a sole validity of any religion is argued, I answer from the profession of theology that no religion makes such a claim and that the claim is false on its face and cannot be supported.

Nor will I proof text that assertion because any argument in conflict with it, such as a claim of a sole validity of a religion — or for that matter of any aspect of finitude — is an assault, not an argument, and thus not a talking point and therefore not worth talking about.

The religions are related peacefully and primally and that is the essential message of the Sarva Dharma Symbol, the only symbol around which points to that truth. And that truth is the resolution of our distress.

To which the reply was made:

David — well said! I do not know your background, but you obviously passed both logic and grammatical writing courses.

I guess I take a simpler approach, coming from an Infantry special operations Airborne-Ranger, Cold War background.

If it flies, it dies. (An ode to my ADA buddies)

If it is red, it is dead. (I spent a few years on and behind the E-W German border).

Islam is the only truly false, man-made religion, established in Mecca by a lunatic radical who died in poverty along with his much-plagiarized Koran.

Had Mo been alive today, he would share a maximum security cell with the Unabomber and Charlie Manson, among others I might recommend, but I will keep politics out of this, as this is a serious discussion.

Many years later when some political types saw the potential of social control rooted deep in the Koran, the religion was re-discovered, and has been subordinating free people ever since.

History of Islam

The history of Islam centers around one person, Muhammad (also spelled Muhammed or Mohammed). He was born around 570 A.D. and was raised by his extended family after the death of his parents. As he grew, he became dissatisfied with polytheism and came to believe in one God, Allah. He began to have religious visions around age 40. During these visions, Muhammad would receive “messages” or “revelations” from Allah. He would memorize them and teach them to his followers. These visions are now recorded in the Qur’an (or Koran). Muhammad continued to receive these visions and messages until his death in 632 A.D.

The Expansion of Islam

Muhammad’s new faith was not widely accepted in his hometown of Mecca. Therefore, he and his followers moved to Medina which means “City of the Prophet”. This movement is known as the Hijirat or “the flight”. It marks the turning point in Islam and serves as the beginning date on Islamic calendars.

At first, Muhammad was sympathetic to both Christians and Jews, but after their rejection of his teaching, he turned from Jerusalem as the center of worship for Islam to Mecca. He realized he must return to Mecca, and he did, conquering the city. Islam quickly spread throughout the area.

[Mo murdered countless Christians and Jews. In fact the only people Mo allowed to live were his converts. Believe in me or I kill you. Many chose death.]

When Muhammad died, he left no document appointing a successor. [Of course-he was a man, not a God] Some people thought that one of the original converts who had taught with Muhammad, some wanted a member of a powerful political family in the area, and others felt that ‘Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad had been divinely designated as successor. An early believer, Abu Bakr was appointed, but died within two years.

Eventually, a power struggle developed as different groups of Muslims believed their method of establishing a successor were the best. The largest argument was over whether the successor should be elected or chosen through heredity. This controversy produced the main body of Islam known as the Sunnis (followers of the prophet’s way) and other numerous sects including the Shi’a and the Sufis. The Sunnis are the majority in Islam today.

The Shi’a are the group of Muslims who believe that the successorship should remain within Muhammad’s family, and that leaders are spiritually chosen, not politically chosen. They carry with them the pain of Muhammad’s son-in-law, ‘Ali, who was murdered by Mu’awiya in order to obtain power. Today, the Shi’a dominate Iran.

The Sufis are a group who believes that orthodox Islam is too mechanical and impersonal. This group of Islamic mystics seek for direct personal experience of the Divine.

Nationalism in the Arab world since the rise of Israel as a political power has kept Islam strong. It is a rapidly spreading religion because of its cultural and political appeal and its universal message of peace, [illustrated by Saddam Hussinsane’s notorious Abu Grab gulag] temperance and the brotherhood of man.  [But not the sisterhood of second class people like girls and women].

A good Mul is one that is with Allah. (You may assume I am doing my utmost to be politically correct here).

Finally, Asian women are better in bed than any other nationality I have encountered. Although a farm girl from Idaho while I was stationed at Ft. Lewis, Wa., will always be remembered.

I am sure we are on the same astral plane somewhere. I am seated in first class, smoking a fine Cuban cigar and sipping single malt 12 year old scotch.

To which I replied:

Understand your line of thinking and thank you more earnestly than I can in words for your service to our nation. I have no record of military service. Two of our children serve in our Army and the third serves as a civilian in direct support, currently in Mosul.

What is the top-most facet of this problem, the one from which all other facets are visible?

Update 1: I condemn The Frankfurt School and all its disciples for their poisonous posture called tikkun olam (fixing the world).

Update 2: Patrick Buchanan: Is Trumpism The New Nationalism?

Update 3: Traitor To His Class [:-)]  Page 2

Nothing is more terrifying to the elite than Trump’s embrace of a tangible American nationalism.

Update 4: Clare M. Lopez: History Of The Muslim Brotherhood Penetration Of The U.S. Government

Update 5: Special Operations: What Makes It All So Special


Royal Standard Of Scotland
Royal Standard Of Scotland

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