This War Is For Real

King George VI Radio Broadcast, 24 May 1940:

The decisive struggle is now upon us. I am going to speak plainly to you in this hour of trial. I know you would not have me do otherwise. Let no one be mistaken. It is no mere territorial conquest that our enemies are seeking. It is the overthrow, complete and final, of this Empire and of everything for which it stands; and after that the conquest of the world. And if their will prevails they will bring to its accomplishment all the hatred and cruelty which they have already displayed.

It was not easy for us to believe that designs so evil could find a place in the human mind. But the time for doubt is long past. To all of us in this Empire, to all men of wisdom and goodwill throughout the world, the issue is now plain. It is life or death for all.

Compare that with a misattributed but true forward in personal email by MG Vernon Chong, USAF Ret., 05 July 2005.


Created For And Displayed In My Car Window During Summer/Fall 2008
Created For And Displayed In My Car Window During Summer/Fall 2008

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