Authority: What Are You Prepared To Do?

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

The Party are vandalizing United States property. What are you prepared to do about that? Listen up, campers! You are not prepared to do anything about that until you revere the homeschool and respect the authority of the five professional guilds: Theology, Medicine, Military Arts, Law, Pedagogy.

The Party say they are preparing United States property for global governance by experts. That is a load of horsefeathers. They are guarding United States property so they can keep defacing it without interference by United States citizens, who own United States property.

The Party grip and encircle United States property so they have something worthwhile to vandalize. The Party are not giving up. They are conservatives. Observe how they scream when Americans come to claim their property and protest The Party’s vandalism of it. Rome did not fall. Romans moved Rome out of the grasp and reach of vandals.

The issue is authority. Vandals recognize none. To stop The Party vandalizing their property, Americans must remove their property from vandals’ grasp and reach. To have that ability, to be prepared for that task, Americans must preserve and protect true authority. Having true authority on their side prepares Americans to take their property beyond the grasp and reach of vandals.

True authority is, firstly, the homeschool and, secondly, the five professional guilds. Revere and respect those, Americans, and you will be prepared to do what you must do. There is no other way to be prepared for that task, fun as it is.

Courts will not help you. Legislatures will not help you. Executive authorities will not help you. The Constitution will not help you. It is a piece of paper. Only true authority will help you. True authority is your reverence for the homeschool and your respect for the five professional guilds. The more you have of that authority, the more you are prepared to do what is needful. The less you have of that authority, the more you are unprepared to do what is needful.

Render every thought into a flower, worthy to be held in His fingers; render every deed into a fruit, full of the sweet juice of love, fit to be placed in His hand; and render every tear holy and pure, fit to wash His lotus feet. The symbol on the flag at Prasanthi Nilayam is a reminder of this ideal, which you have to put into practice. It is the symbol of victory, achieved by steady endeavour over the diabolic foes of lust and greed, of envy and hate, of malice and conceit. It is the symbol of the silent state of supreme Bliss, won through self-control and self-realisation. Do not judge others, to decide whether they deserve your service. Find out only whether they are distressed; that is enough credential. Do not examine how they behave towards others; they can be certainly transformed by Love. Seva (Service) is for you as sacred as a vow, a sadhana, a spiritual path.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Donald Trump won the 2020 election going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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