On Reporting Out Assessments, Evaluations, Investigations, Studies, And The Like

Truly great musicians having fun:

1- State your findings and conclusions in the clearest, most comprehensive, and most forthright terms you can summon.

2- Give it a rest.

3- Do not insist on anything.

4- Remember that the truth is a lion: it takes care of itself.

5- Set the truth free as best you can, in the open, then leave it to its own operations. You cannot know what those are. Only the One who made the Hand knows what the Hand should do and when It should do it — also where it should be done.

6- Your duty is to lay out in plain view the truth as God gives you light to see the truth.

7- What the boss does with the truth as you present it to him/her is their business, not yours, even if what you have given him/her is not fully the truth — through no fault of your own — and even if you have made your best effort to make what you have given him/her the full truth.

8- Let the boss rise or fall by their own initiative, not your importunities, remonstrances, or intrigues. Never intrigue. NEVER. No matter how important the matter at hand: NEVER INTRIGUE, NEVER INSIST.

9- State the truth as best you see it, BUT, never insist the boss adhere to or make decisions based on what you have given him/her. Their decisions are their business, theirs alone. Do not take on their karma by opposing their decisions.

10- A boss may insist on something. That is their privilege — and responsibility — unquestionable. If they are wrong, if their decision abridges the truth, let THEM take the hit for that decision of theirs. A staff advisor cannot insist to their boss and remain loyal to themselves, the boss, or to God. None of us is infallible.

You are referring to the gift of food as Anna-dana (charity of food). But no one has the authority to give in charity what has been given by God or be proud of it or even to feel that he has given something in charity. God gave rains, God fostered the sapling and God ripened the grain; what right have you to call it yours and give it in charity? It is not dana (charity) that you do; you are only offering gratitude to God; you are sanctifying the grain you have harvested by offering the food prepared out of it to these Narayanas (Gods in human form). Call it Narayana Seva! That will be more correct. Anyway, since you are doing it with love and humility, in the spirit of divine worship, I have come to bless you. Do not cast all responsibility on a committee, or a group of enthusiasts; join them wholeheartedly and offer to share the burden.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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