A Reflection On Jesus’ Ancestors

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

New Skete Monastery and The Moravian Church are the only church homes where I feel comfortable and trusting these days. This is ironic because I am ordained in the United Church of Christ (before they went crazy), confirmed in the Episcopal Church (before they went crazy), and have formerly declared memberships in the American Lutheran Church (before they went crazy) and the National Association of Congregational Churches. I was baptized in the Presbyterian Church (before they went crazy) by The Rev. Dr. David E. Roberts, he of The Union Theological Seminary, NYC, where my father and I graduated (before they went crazy), and grew up in a parish who kept membership in the Community Church Movement.

Sister Rebecca at New Skete Monastery writes an improving exegesis of the genealogy of Jesus of Nazareth and God and also the Tree of Jesse window at the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres. She deploys the Greek Church’s discernment between time as Kairos and time as Chronos, a discernment rarely employed in the Latin Church, to our detriment. This discernment, did he but know it, was at the heart of Professor Martyn’s two levels exegesis of the Fourth Gospel.

Walter Russell Mead, The Jacksonian Tradition:

War, even brutal war, was more merciful than communist rule.

Sat is the Existence Principle, the ‘IS’ that is the basic truth of the Universe. Align with the Truth, the Sat in you, the Satya (Reality) on which the Mitya (false) is imposed by minds that do not see light. By dwelling in that Sat, the flame is lit, light dawns, darkness flees and the Jnana Bhaskara (Sun of Realisation) rises. When there is hard rock below, you have to bore deeper for tapping the underground pure water. Softer the subterranean soil, quicker the success. Make your heart soft; then success is quick in sadhana. Talk soft, talk sweet, talk only of God — that is the process of softening the subsoil. Develop compassion, sympathy; engage in service, understand the agony of poverty, disease, distress and despair; share both tears and cheers with others. That is the way to soften the heart and help sadhana to succeed!

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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