The All American Party Platform IV: Enjoin Oligarchy

What mission does a military force have
for a country so evil she has no mission
beyond suicide?

Either repurpose the Republican Party to enjoin oligarchy, then rename it, or, commence a new political party with the purpose to enjoin oligarchy. Unless it has a clearly worthy purpose, a political party sideslips into self-serving, as Ds have done, taking R big cigars with them.

People work for POTUS Trump because he offers them a clearly worthy purpose, one more important than their egos. Several clearly worthy purposes in fact, but all drive to get GO / NGO oligarchs (The Swamp) off the citizens’ lawns and out of their homes. No one really wants to work for ego, theirs or anyone else’s, because everyone knows that ego is cruel to one and all, including themselves.

What is the cause, the clearly worthy purpose that beckons? The same as POTUS Trump offers, except on a larger scale. Enjoin oligarchy altogether. Put together the political party that passes the laws that enjoin oligarchy at all, inside and outside government, as a phenomenon.

Plenty of nominal Ds will join such a party and work well and hard for it. Political parties are necessary, but they are good only when dedicated to a clearly worthy purpose. There is no lawful reason the likes of Soros, Gates, Fauci, Brennan, Haspel, Zuckerberg, Schmidt, the WEF and CCP families, Arabella Advisors, Democracy Alliance, several hundred heiresses, a myriad NGOs, and their collective mercenaries (BLM, Antifa, etc.) are permitted to conspire to compel and harm American persons and properties.

There is the problem. There is the clear cause a new political party — say, The All American Party — can forward to solve the problem. The solution is laws, enacted by a political party for the purpose, that enjoin oligarchy inside and outside of government.

And for the record: rich people are not the problem; rich people using their riches to compel other people to their wills are the problem.  Wealth is natural and unobjectionable.  Using wealth to nourish love and proper conduct is laudable.  Using wealth to compel obedience is unnatural and highly objectionable.

Americans have enjoined monarchy.  We have enjoined slavery.  We have enjoined monopoly.  We have thrown off an oligarchy (Parliament) but never enjoined oligarchy per se.  We can enjoin oligarchy and must.

A political party is a legal instrument for exercising the penal authority intrinsic to the totality of an electorate or citizenry. A political party carries into effect the will or consent of an electorate or citizenry to enjoin specific behaviors by creating laws that authorize their punishment.

Penal authority inheres in the totality of an electorate or citizenry and not merely in the political party representing most or some of them at a particular time. This explains there being more than one political party at a particular time.

A political party must have a cause, a purpose, a reason to exist, or it goes fetid. That reason must be integral with the will or consent of at least some members of an electorate or citizenry. Motivated by such a reason, members of a political party use the party to carry into effect, through law, some religious, moral, and/or political reform that they want present.

When the religious, moral, and/or political reform members of the political party want is present and accomplished, the purpose of their political party no longer exist. After that, if the party tries to exist, it is only for itself, which is a weak and unsatisfying motivation to operate a political party and produces fetid conditions within it.

Existing only for itself is the definition of miserable members of a miserly political party transitioning into conspiracy to commit tyranny.

In The USA, political parties exist primarily for moral reform. Our not having titles of nobility helps us against a frequent purpose of political parties: oligarchic, familial self-aggrandizement.

Sometimes the sound and the fury our political affairs are about religious and/or political reform, but at all times they are mostly about moral reform. Our Calvinist / Methodist heritage at work.

The words justice and fairness are precious to the American heart. These are moral qualities without which man is miserable. Americans have taught that fact to all nations with great success. The moral qualities of justice and fairness account for desires to immigrate to The USA even when those qualities are denounced and downtrodden by Americans themselves.

In The USA, the Federalist Party arose to enjoin oligarchy (British Parliamentarians). The Democratic Party arose to enjoin monarchy (Federalists). The Republican Party arose to enjoin secession and slavery (Confederates). Each of those moral reforms, bearing religious and political reforms inside them, succeeded. Yet . . .

. . .when tyranny was defeated (1812), the Federalist Party sideslipped, serving themselves, into the Whig Party. When monarchy was defeated (1918), the Democratic Party sideslipped, serving themselves, into the Communist Party. And when slavery was defeated (1989), the Republican Party sideslipped, serving themselves, into the D-R UniParty (2004).

Now the Communist Party, who used to be the Democratic Party, have gone the way of the Whig Party, further sideslipping — without a worthy cause, a clear purpose of moral reform — into self-disgrace by plunge into mass hysteria. The Communist Party are become merely a network of oligarchic families identifiable as an IIC Cartel — Intelligence Information Communications — answering functionally as the CCP of America.

Meanwhile, the D-R UniParty, who used to be the Republican Party, have gone the way of Confederates, sideslipping — without a worthy cause, a clear purpose of moral reform — into self-disgrace by plunge into mass hysteria. The D-R UniParty are become merely a network of nostalgia, revanchists, reactionaries identifiable as an FRO Cartel — Former Republican Officials — answering functionally as CCP of America.

CCP of America is the beneficiary of US political parties’ success in achieving their purposes but then trying to stay on for themselves only, which is clearly an unworthy purpose. Only oligarchs are in this life’s struggles for themselves. Only oligarchs self-disgrace.

Both parties’ succeeded at their purpose, their mission, a success which ended their raison d’être. Then, instead of disbanding, they wanted to stay in business for their own sakes. They eschewed finding a clear, reasonable purpose of moral reform in America.

But Americans do not abide political parties with no moral cause at their center. Americans stand in need of American leadership families because legacy American leadership families flipped unAmerican during the early 1960s under influence of KGB subversion at Ivy League schools — to include seminaries — and public schools.

A fresh set of American leader families is indicated. Such is also available, more than available. Only needs the indicated moral cause to be identified for these to come together as by polymerization of the self-evident.

The cause is: enjoin oligarchy. Numerous persons have suggested names for this fresh political party. I suggest: The All American Party.

Hem in the hegemons.
We have laws enjoining monopoly.
We need laws enjoining oligarchy.

Sharri Markson: Major leak ‘exposes’ members and ‘lifts the lid’ on the Chinese Communist Party — also here, and here

With respect, Sundance, I believe your logic is incomplete. You know Ds and Rs are a UniParty, yet you speak of another party as a would-be third party. It would be a second party. Cheney is showing that there is at the moment only one party, the one party you yourself have identified now for many years, and rightly so.

SCOTUS demonstrated the same fact of D-R UniParty, as do the heads and sub-heads of Executive Branch agencies. USA has been under one-party governance rule for two decades at least, save four years when POTUS Trump was in office instead of, as now, in exile. I do not understand why you do not understand this, that another party would be a second party, not a third party. It begs to me as such simple logic.

Related: a few days ago you wrote of POTUS Trump losing the 2020 election for POTUS. But he did not lose it, he won it. Again, I do not understand why you do not understand that and stick by saying the truth. Is your strength to bind your consciousness to the truth so weak? I want not to believe that it is.

My friend, it is time to think to solutions, look for opportunities. We do not need more redundant rehearsal of problems. We know what they are. Rehearsing them now is outrage porn. For example: we need a generation or five of children reared and wanting to have good character. To make that happen, mothers and fathers — especially mothers — must, among other things, revere the homeschool and respect the five professional guilds: Theology, Medicine, Military Arts, Law, Pedagogy.

You keep comms open. This is a wonderful service. I urge their use for adducing solutions, not repeating known problems.

Seth Hancock: World Economic Forum: The Great Enslavement

Ron Kampeas: New head of powerful US liberal donor group looks to shake secretive reputation

Peter Savodnik: The Rise of the Republican Class Warrior

What is Sadhana, fundamentally? It is upavasam, upasana. ‘Upa’ means near, ‘Asana’ means sitting, and ‘Vasam’ means residing. We sit near a cooler so that we may feel cool. We sit near God, so that we might derive some Godly qualities and get rid of ungodly characteristics. God is not an external contrivance or convenience like the air cooler. He is the Antaryamin, the Inner Director, the Inner Reality, the Unseen Basis on which all this seeable world is built. He is like the fire-principle that is latent in wood, which can be made manifest, when one piece is rubbed vigorously against another. The heat that is produced consumes the wood in fire!  Satsang (Company of the good and the godly) makes you meet with other individuals of like nature, and creates the contact that manifests the Inner Fire. Sat-sang means meeting the Sat, the Sat (Truth) which is spoken of while extolling God as Sat-chit-ananda.

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