John Paul II

I do not share in the adulation of this individual. He participated in the assassination of his predecessor. He was a Mason, not a Christian, as two-faced as one can get. For example, he declared Crusade on Islam early in his term of office and then tried to paint himself as a friend of Arabs, all the while fomenting the subversion of their interests and the elevation of his.

No Christian asserts a superiority of Christianity over Islam and no Muslim asserts a superiority of Islam over Christianity. Whoever so asserts is an heretic and heretics by definition are bent on defeating the Will of God and the Values of Humanity by any means possible.

It will be well if Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger is elected the next Pope. He is who he says he is.

The Vatican is a fetid, decayed institution in any case, one of the principle causes of terrorism worldwide and a major subverter of harmony in the Middle East.

I am happy John Paul II is gone. Good riddance!



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